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What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • There's a debate? My prediction is that they both avow to fight the woke mind virus and double down with foaming blood mouths on being genocidaires. My hopes, with my heart of hearts, is that one or both of them die on live television.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • Playing SMT V Vengeance. My review so far is that it actually feels like a finished game but the story is still a mess, partially due to its insistence on working around the "story" of the original V. It elevates it from visibly unfinished to haphazard shounen. Kozuka and co. made even more battle music though, and they're all bangers.

  • looking for unpaid administrator
  • Applicants must be well versed in being a sex pest and successfully score INTJ on the Eagle Institute of Burger Freedom Rick & Morty personality quiz.

  • Bad news, everybody: the revolution is cancelled
  • This radlib navel-gazing pisses me off so much. Not just because its completely detached from the reality that these people are going to be killed in the exact way they're describing by the systems in place currently, but because it's always trotted out to scold and tut-tut people for being reprehensible tankies presumably to preserve the fragile ego of some imperial chauvinist.

  • Leaks from Valve’s Deadlock look like a pressed sandwich of every game around
  • "Competitive third-person hero-based shooter," with six-on-six battles across a map with four "lanes."


  • Deleted
    This song vibrates my soul: King's Field OST - West Shore
  • The atmosphere in these games are honestly incredible thanks in no small part to the music.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 6th to May 12th, 2024 - The Nagorno-Karabakh Nosedive - COTW: Armenia
  • I'm gonna fucking lose it if one more person decides to be a "good samaritan" and stop one lane, the far lane out of two or more, so somebody can turn across all of them. because let me tell ya bud, when I'm going 50 miles per hour down the road and I can't see past your shitty ultrawide suv I have no idea some fucking jerkoff is trying to turn across three lanes of traffic to go eat at their nazi chicken restaurant for the third time today and in their frenzy they just pull on out like there's not traffic barreling towards them and we almost hit, of course with gestures and honking to imply I'm somehow morally or legally in the wrong. Sorry! Should've turned on my Citizens Band Radio to get the minute by minute updates where you announced your random act of kindness lane closure! It's not LA traffic, the fucker can wait a minute for conditions to clear on their own, without your assistance. Cars are the root of ALL FUCKING EVIL DEATH TO AMERICA

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: what are you playing thread
  • Starting to play my way through the Kings Field games

  • Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads
  • that's so awesome i was so tired of things like games and movies getting in the way of my viewing experience of ads for shitter paper.

  • Lindsey Graham, visiting Kyiv, urges Ukraine to pass mobilization law
  • Epic misgender, m'poster. You sure owned him epic bacon style for the win and my axe!


    I just downbeared your post


    What does this mean?

    It means in six days, you will die.

    Why would you do this?

    I think your post sucks and you can do better.

  • NSFW
    [CW: transphobia] MoonOfAlabama opines on trans issues
  • Is it really impossible to be reality based

    Sorry dude you're reality cringe. Face the wall now leslie-shining

  • A recommendation.
  • SS14 is a work in progress remake of the original with a custom engine and modern development practices.

    Famous last words. Regardless I'll be monitoring its progress.

  • Mr. Beast sucks but also apparently lives in a hell of his own making
  • every billionaire loves to whine and cry about how miserable they are like ok my capitalist in christ you are the only class with power and agency put your money and effort into building a less atomizing sociopolitical method of organizing society and no starting a cult doesn't count.

  • All his apes, gone.
  • fuck I should've thought of that scam.