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The electrician was appointed to come here today. Now I am waiting. Why isn't he here yet?
  • You see, during one of his earlier appointments, he found himself wrapped up in some intriguing circumstances with a lady client, and now he's running late for everything else.

  • Mastodon vs BlueSky
  • Culture wise I’d say that Bluesky feels a lot more like Twitter immediately before Musk took over - there’s lots of shitposting & also a lot of “look at me I’m so irreverent so please follow me” vibe to it. It’s easier to find people to follow but harder to find interesting content (on mastodon you can rely on hashtags). It’s also a lot harder to get engagement if you’re not a Twitter big name, there’s a lot more parasociality going on, with more focus on individual posters than on the actual content, which IMO is exactly what a lot of people are looking for.

    Mastodon users tend to feel very earnest to a fault. The whole “you forgot to add a CW to your food pic you bastard” thing is unfortunately real, but I’ve mostly stopped seeing this since I put a warning on what I will and will not CW on my timeline. On the bright side, there’s a lot more friendly engagement from strangers. Politically, mastodon users as a whole lean left with a lot of socialists/anarchists but you can curate what you see. It also depends on what circles you follow, for example, I (as a Chinese speaker) stumbled on a huge community of Chinese users who are feminist and anti-CCP, but will probably not consider themselves leftists.

    As a whole, I’ve mostly abandoned Bluesky in favor of Mastodon but that’s a personal preference - both are unlikely to completely replace Twitter & the landscape will likely remain fractured for a very long time so just choose the one that vibes with you.

  • What shitty things have your favourite bands/artists done?
  • Sigur Ros’s ex drummer was accused of rape and the band itself was accused of tax evasion.

  • In secular Japan, what draws so many to temples and shrines? Stamp collecting and tradition
  • Yeah same with Chinese communities too, just replace Shinto with Taoism.

  • what to do when there's no atheist in your locality.
  • I live in a country where the majority of people are pretty much born into their religion and forbidden to leave. But closeted or semi-closeted atheists are everywhere. They may not openly profess atheism but will often drop hints here and there.

  • Bloomberg: Apple held talks with Microsoft about acquiring Bing in 2020
  • Nah from the articles it’s more like Microsoft tried to sell Bing to Apple and Apple wasn’t interested

  • Latest WhatsApp Beta Features Native iPad Support
  • Who knows, maybe it’s just spite.

  • Fine Woven review from The Verge highlights the problems
  • Their leather cases since Magsafe appeared have been horrible anyway.

  • What are some commonly known facts that are too bizarre for you to believe to be true?
  • Not exactly bizarre, but it’s fun to learn that the delicious fragrance of shrimps and crabs when cooked comes from chitin, and chitin is also why sautéed mushrooms smell/taste like shrimps.

    And since fungi are mostly chitin, plants have evolved defenses against fungi by producing enzymes that destroy chitin, which is how some plants eventually evolved the ability to digest insects.

    EDIT: a previous version of this post mistakenly confused chitin with keratin (which our fingernails are made of). Thanks to sndrtj for the correction!

  • Deleted
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  • It can apparently grow into a small tree in the wild, but seems to be a slow grower in a pot and stays small on a table top. I’ve had one for maybe a couple of years and it didn’t really seem to grow much.

    I’ve seen some kinds of small trees that are used for bonsai without the big bottom part but I’m not familiar with those. There’s also a type of dwarf maple that I’ve seen quite often but know nothing about. Maybe look up bonsai-related communities/websites!

  • Deleted
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  • If you’ve decent light, Phyllanthus mirabilis might be a lovely option.

  • The end of the Googleverse
  • Even Digg is still somehow around. That’s how Teddit and Twitter will be like eventually - not exactly dead but not exactly relevant either.

  • What is your "inexpensive" hobby that turned out to be expensive/ you gradually invested lots of money into?
  • House plants. Sure a few mass-market plants are dirt cheap, but soon you get into unusual plants, plants with special needs, hundreds/thousands of plants, grow lights, grow racks, terrariums, automated watering systems…

  • I mean I'm cool with this. Y'all cool with this?
  • And look at those baby velociraptors!

  • I mean I'm cool with this. Y'all cool with this?
  • Prehistoric Planet has some nice depictions.

  • Haraella retrocalla
  • This looks lovely. What’s the growing conditions like? I’ve been thinking of getting one of these.

  • How is former president of the US Donald Trump still free when a lot of the accomplices in things he has been indicted for are already in jail and or prison except him?
  • Have faith. Coming from a country that jails our ex prime minister, I’ll say that it takes quite a lot of time.

  • Does anyone *not* love using their bidet?
  • In Indian/southeast Asian cultures people have rules for that - you only use your left hand to wash your butt and only use your right hand for food.

  • A friendly kitty at the local zoo
  • A hungry kitty!

  • rakyat rakyat
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