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Who is your favorite video game developer?
  • Powerhoof and joy masher make some nice indie games.

  • Looking to get away from Sublime; Sell me on your favorite non-modal text editor!
  • it's more of an operating system with a text editor included :p

  • Linus Torvalds talks AI, Rust adoption, and why the Linux kernel is 'the only thing that matters'
  • "Torvalds groaned and replied, "I never had a vision. I don't want one. I see myself as a plodding engineer." On that note, the interview ended to the crowd's applause."


  • The Dying Web | Matthias Endler
  • yes, the web itself is dying with the centralisation of services on top of the blazing dumpster fire that is the current browser ecosystem. So many aspects of the first generation internet have been lost, even the basic concept of it being a massively distributed, hyperlinked collection of pages is just FAANG serving occasional content to break up the adverts. All wrapped up in their own delivery apps that can punish non-compliance with obscurity.

  • Bypass Paywalls Clean Shut Down For DMCA Anti-Circumvention Violations * TorrentFreak
  • If only they applied the same rigor to big tech scraping the same content into large language models. I guess the bypass paywall team wasn't big enough to afford the legion of lawyers that Sam Altman and co can summon on demand. We can just wait for chatgpt to serve those articles direct to our search results and nobody will even visit their website, because we live in a world where stealing an article to read is illegal, while stealing all of them for profit is not.

  • What's the oldest game anyone here has played in 2024?
  • No computer should be without one! :D

  • What's the oldest game anyone here has played in 2024?
  • Robotron on mame and yar's revenge on 2600.

  • The Legend of DOOM Total Conversion
  • i hope this works with brutal doom!

  • What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments?
  • Yes! That is a true masterpiece that at the time set a new standard.

  • What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments?
  • 3 of them:

    • watching an Amiga 500 load from disk having only seen 8bit games on tape. Everything that machine did at the time was like magic.

    • watching the castle fly through intro for Unreal on PC when the first 3D accelerators appeared. Everything changed after that.

    • experiencing the shark diving demo on PlayStation VR. And also how nothing changed after that! xD

    And to have been able to experience that evolution from space invaders to cyberpunk in a single life time has been a privilege.

  • “The internet has become a massive web of surveillance:” Firefox defends its decision
  • “Whatever opinion you may have of advertising as an economic model, it’s a powerful industry that’s not going to pack up and go away,” Holley said." ... “We’ve been collaborating with Meta on this, because any successful mechanism will need to be actually useful to advertisers, and designing something that Mozilla and Meta are simultaneously happy with is a good indicator we’ve hit the mark,” Holley believes.

    Even if this is true, for Mozilla to take a position of capitulating to the ad companies and working with likes of meta to find what works for them is a sad day in the history of Mozilla. They need a new CEO who believes in a better internet. Until then, Firefox users might as well take the same position and move to a chromium based browser, where at least we get the speed and compatibility with web standards dictated by Google, if data mining and tracking is the only future left. What a sad state of affairs this is.

  • Trying to understand how project isolation works in a SAAS platforms.
  • It's very complex with hyper visors and virtualization technology. I don't fully understand it myself in terms of how resources are allocated across something like aws or azure, but take a look at openshift vs openstack maybe. Openshift is for deploying containers and openstack is virtual machines. Openshift is kubernetes with some customizations for enterprise. Openstack is same for vm's.

    Instances are virtual machines which tend to host an operating system, and a container is lighter and only hosts an application where the code and dependencies are isolated from the underlying operating system it runs on. k8 is kubernetes, which is container orchestration. I think of virtual machines for jobs that scale vertically, while containers are suited to jobs that scale horizontally. But this isn't necessarily true as kubernetes is starting to get slurm functionality using tools like sunk.

    For integrating these things it depends on the application. You can run services in either by exposing ports and interact through API end points that point at them, eg for frontend web app serving data from a database hosted on a server or a container via fastapi. But I'm no dev ops engineer and the field is very complicated. There are many discussions around building micro services (containers) vs monolith (vm). Many decisions depend on the project. Hopefully some actual dev ops engineers will chime in and correct all of the above! xD

  • Unreal Tournament 2004 20 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective
  • They're not hostile to new players, but there are a lot of veterans. UT2k4 is probably going to be easier than ut99 where the pace is a lot faster.

  • Unreal Tournament 2004 20 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective
  • You know you're old when games you still play quite regularly turn up in retro reviews! The community master server is still pretty well populated, as are UT '99 servers. These games are still the pinnacle of their genre. No micro transactions, no DRM, no pay to win. Just you, your shock rifle, and as much amphetamine as your nerve endings will take. As the reviewer says, the level design and game mechanics are legendary at this point, and players of any ability can quickly get into a flow state that modern games can only dream of. These are fine wines in a world of cheap lager. New gamers should drink deep from the pc games of the 2000's.

  • Usborne 1980s Computer Books
  • these books were great. I still have the fantasy games one on my shelf.

  • ***
  • I'm interested in the same question. There isn't a definitive text because the problem is infinitely broad. My approach is to build crud apps around the tech stack I'm interested in, currently Python with fastapi, arangodb, with some next and typescript for the front end. But you could swap out Python for Go and swagger. For security there is Keycloak. For scalability you could look at building your system as pods in open shift but that adds cost. Personally, I think unless you're Netflix kubernetes is probably overkill. But the biggest problem is that today's tech stack is replaced tomorrow by the next new shiny, and all of them are complex and will be entirely different for every team and every problem. A book for dev ops is almost impossible.

  • ***
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