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¿Qué les parece hasta el momento el festival de Viña?

Dejo este espacio para que comentemos sobre el festival de Viña. ¿Qué opinan del show de cantantes, o de la rutina de los humoristas? ¿Está mejor o peor que otros años? ¿Algo que agregar sobre los animadores? ¿O simplemente no están viendo el festival?

Edit: Cambié el post para dejarlo general al festival completo. Dejo el post original:

Dejo este espacio para que comenten sobre el primer día del festival. ¿Qué opinan del sonido de Alejandro Sanz, la rutina de Alison Mandel los humoristas, del show de Manuel Turizo? ¿Algo que agregar sobre los animadores? ¿O simplemente no vieron el festival?

Chile en TasteAtlas

Les dejo una recopilación que hice de las apariciones de Chile en TasteAtlas del año 2023.

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

¿Qué les parece? ¿Están de acuerdo con que estos platos sean lo mejor (o lo peor en el caso de la última foto) del país?

British Museum’s Instagram flooded with calls to return Easter Island statue British Museum’s Instagram flooded with calls to return Easter Island statue

Chilean social media users target institution, forcing it at one point to close comments on posts

British Museum’s Instagram flooded with calls to return Easter Island statue

cross-posted from:

Public holidays are now available in Proton Calendar
  • There’s no calendar for my country, but I added the calendar from a while ago. I’ll have to keep using it.

  • Calibre 6.23 released calibre - What's new

    calibre: The one stop solution for all your e-book needs. Comprehensive e-book software.

    New features

    • PDF Output: Add an option to discard the book cover instead of inserting it as the first page of the PDF
    • Content server: Allow opening the book details page for a matches book from the Full text search results page

    Bug fixes

    • Windows: Fix empty data folder getting created in directory calibre is launched from when changing title/author for a book with an existing data folder
    • LIT Output: Fix error converting anything to LIT on Windows
    • Ignore failures to expire old trash during startup
    • Amazon metadata download: Fix retrieval of publisher information from

    New news sources

    • ThePressProject by Sotiris Papatheodorou

    Improved news sources

    • Guardian & Observer
    • Washington Post
    • Private Eye
    • Associated Press

    Source: link

    Firefox 115.0.2 Released
  • And they will continue to do it for a while, for the ESR version

  • Firefox 115.0.2 Released


    • Fixed a startup crash experienced by some Windows 10 and 11 users by blocking instances of a malicious injected DLL (bug 1841751)
    • Fixed a bug with displaying a caret in the text editor on some websites (bug 1840804)
    • Fixed a bug with broken audio rendering on some websites (bug 1841982)
    • Fixed a bug with patternTransform translate using the wrong units (bug 1840746)
    • A security fix.
    • Fixed a crash affecting Windows 7 users related to the DLL blocklist.
    I really want to use Firefox, but feels a bit odd

    Don't get me wrong, I like Firefox a lot, but needs polishing.

    I like -impopular opinion- the Proton UI (aka rounded tabs), containers are great, but has some flaws:

    • No PWA support
    • Bookmarks and history panels are unpractical (menus for both options are almost unusable)
    • A separate window for downloads, managing bookmarks? Really?
    • Pocket by default?

    We need alternatives to Chromium, and Firefox is the "go to" option, but sometimes is disappointing to use it.

    Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023

    In May 2023 over 90,000 developers responded to our annual survey about how they learn and level up, which tools they're using, and which ones they want.

    Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023
    Apple patches two actively exploited security flaws with iOS 16.5.1 and more Apple patches two actively exploited security flaws with iOS 16.5.1 and more

    Coming with the release iOS 16.5.1, macOS 13.4.1, and more today, Apple has shipped two important fixes for security flaws....

    Apple patches two actively exploited security flaws with iOS 16.5.1 and more
    ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors v7.4 released ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors v7.4 released: form templates gallery, plugin manager, new print settings and more | ONLYOFFICE Blog

    ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors v7.4 is already available, offering the majority of the improvements of ONLYOFFICE Docs v7.4. Read this post to find out more.

    ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors v7.4 released: form templates gallery, plugin manager, new print settings and more | ONLYOFFICE Blog

    ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors v7.4 released: form templates gallery, plugin manager, new print settings and more.

    ravnswood ravnswood
    Posts 11
    Comments 2