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You guys seen this new weird type of reactionary popping up on Twitter? (Cw idiot racists)
  • 1650s here on the paternal side. Ancestor was a contracted farmworker when he immigrated. The last name is fairly uncommon, which makes tracing the history easier.

  • JaKKKobin MagaSSine reacts to the attempted assassination of Trump
  • Milwaukee is going to be a powder keg today.

  • I hate magic sky daddies as much as the next epic atheist, but I am VERY concerned about the interference of the Dalai Lama’s reincarnation
  • I've only found less firm language on this. May be his last incarnation. May come back as a woman.* The only wills I've seen is will not be born in China or any other country that isn't free.

    *Avalkotia/Kwan Yin are beyond gender and two sides of the same saint.

  • Fucking incredible lol.
  • Sounds like a good one!

  • Fucking incredible lol.
  • 5g is a lot of dicks lol

    I know people who have eaten 2g of Pan Cyans and pissed themselves. Most I've taken is 1g, and it was a difficult come up. But the rest of the ride was smooth and clearheaded. Very visual. Comedown was physically difficult. But, I wasn't out to myself at that point, so there was some tension related to boy mode that got rolled into the comedown, I'm sure. For reference, I've taken 2g of APEs and 1g of Cyans was about that, but without the confusion that cubes give me. And lasting about 6 or 8 solid hours instead of 4 or 6.

    The Pan. Bisporus are a whole different fungus. Puts boy mode right to sleep if I let it. And, showed me myself clearly for the first time since I was a child.

    I'd love to see more people try them/grow them.

  • Fucking incredible lol.
  • What species of mushrooms? I work with Pans. 0.25-0.5g is a solid dose. Bisporus is what cracked my egg and I recommend it every chance I get!

  • I’m having too much sex in my lucid dreams. How can I reduce it?
  • Instead of trying to stay asleep, try staying with the feeling tone of the original dream. If the dream is one of happiness and joy, lean into that feeling rather than the 'story line'. If it's of sadness and loss, same.

    I kept a dream journal daily for over a year. Remembering the feeling tone was the best way to both fall back asleep, and recall the details of the dream to write everything down when I was ready to get up.