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The Short Snow ( my first indie game, i spent 2 years and all of my personal savings on it)
  • Did you mean to post this in Programmer Humour?

  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Saints and Sinners Trailer
  • I'm just generally pretty skeptical of DLC; I feel like sure, there are some good examples of actual "expansions" but that a lot of DLC is just cynical nickle-and-diming pushed by publishers.

    I'm even more skeptical of season passes, which feels like pre-ordering DLC. I don't pre-order anything, and barely keep up with modern gaming, because it feels like disappointment after disappointment.

    I also feel a little negative about a developer releasing something and even months before launch having one eye on DLC. I understand it probably works that way in terms of development timelines, and I understand that it can be a good way to keep employees working on something productive, but I can't help but feel like I'm not getting as full a game as I could have.

    It's just my opinion tho, and I'm definitely not saying everyone has to agree!

  • Google is testing a new way to make YouTube worse
  • You bought Premium? Lol

  • 3 month suspension for players who overly abused duping exploit
  • Can we get a three month suspension for the Devs who constantly string people along on their Kickstarter? Lol

  • Why it's #1
  • Buttcoin

  • Tesla chair says Elon Musk needs $46 billion pay plan to stay motivated
  • Oh now you're thinking like a CEO generating $46bil worth of labour!

  • Today, it has been 6 years since The Elder Scrolls 6 teaser
  • I did try ESO for a few weeks but it just felt a little bit... Not TESy? Like the actual movement feels different, the combat feels different, it just feels like a bit of a different beast! It's fun for what it is though, for sure. What do you play as? :)

  • Tesla chair says Elon Musk needs $46 billion pay plan to stay motivated
  • Oh, I was talking to Elon - who's already got a bit of a headstart on the whole anti-trans thing. You're gonna have to scream at a loooot of trans people if you want to get that $46bil before him!

  • Tesla chair says Elon Musk needs $46 billion pay plan to stay motivated
  • Better get started doing $46 billion worth of work then buddy 👍

  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Saints and Sinners Trailer
  • This is the only game I'm currently excited for. I was excited for Space Marine 2, until I saw it had a season pass and comes with day 1 DLC if you preorder. I am crossing my fingers that the publisher doesn't somehow weasel a season pass or DLC into this!!!

  • Spotify has raised prices for the second time in a year, with no new benefits, after its CEO sparked outrage by claiming the cost of creating 'content' is 'close to zero'
  • Ohhh I see! That's pretty cool!

    Yeah that's rough :/ I had tonnes of playlists that I just kinda sacrificed! You could sit down and remake them tho if it's worth the time investment! 👀

  • 4 June 2024
  • I find it so weird that these posts are titled with today's date rather than like, the date of the original comic lol

  • Butts, breasts, and genitals now explicitly allowed on Elon Musk’s X
  • Who is even still using that shitty, shitty platform?

  • Report: Donald Trump has spent millions in possible witness tampering
  • Ew wtf is that thumbnail get it away

  • Spotify has raised prices for the second time in a year, with no new benefits, after its CEO sparked outrage by claiming the cost of creating 'content' is 'close to zero'
  • The hero of the music industry? How do you mean? I'm not disagreeing with you re the pirating of mp3s, but I believe artists make far more in touring than streaming revenue - particularly with Spotify, which has very publicly been a sticking point in the past

  • Spotify CEO sparks backlash after social media post that claimed the cost of making "content" is "close to zero"
  • Thanks for the suggestion! I remember GM back in the day, had loads of stuff on there :o I ended up going with Tidal for now, mostly because I also just can't stand YouTube and don't wanna give em money 😂

  • It's RAWE CEEK once again -- what're we hoping to see from Sunday?

    Will we see another ultra-consistent performance from Verstappen? Will Alonso finally get his 33rd? Will Lewis in the new Mercedes claim a victory, 16 years after his maiden win?

    How will Ferrari bungle the strategy this weekend?

    rayquetzalcoatl Rayquetzalcoatl
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    Comments 67