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I would like to extend my best wishes to all posters here (even the haters and Bajorans) on this very special anniversary of Wolf 359!
  • Some, I assume, are good humanoids. But when Bajor sends their envoys into the Alpha Quadrant, they're usually not sending their best!

  • Bossy Benjamin Sisko is trying to act like a tough guy again but we all know he is very weak!
  • I was going to have a nice day with my son but the liars and fools on subspace frequencies keep forcing me to defend my honor.

  • Bossy Benjamin Sisko is trying to act like a tough guy again but we all know he is very weak!

    Maybe he should spend less time criticizing my record as prefect and do something about the Bajoran terrorists he put in charge of his space station! Still waiting for that Earth certificate...

    realGulDukat realGulDukat [he/him]

    Commanding officer of the Second Order

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