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Weird: DeSantis signed a law requiring hospitals to ask patients about immigration status and suddenly Medicaid spending on illegal immigrants plummeted
  • @Bongo_Stryker @wintermute_oregon

    > Anyone who uses religious language to make themselves seem moral and righteous, but then says illegals don’t deserve healthcare, that person is a hypocrite.

    Ah yes. Unlike other politicians.

  • Weird: DeSantis signed a law requiring hospitals to ask patients about immigration status and suddenly Medicaid spending on illegal immigrants plummeted
  • @Bongo_Stryker @wintermute_oregon

    > Anyone who says they are Christian or advocates for a “Christian nation” should understand that the parable of the good Samaritan applies not only to individuals but Christians collectively.

    Eh, that parable is about how individuals are to behave, it doesn't apply to states. Also a true #Christian nationalist would be okay with if not in support of an apartheid state, with unbelievers being excoriated from society if not excluded from the country.

  • Exclusive: Farage: Capitalism is Dead, We're Living in Corporatism
  • @wintermute_oregon @agamemnonymous

    > The problem is large companies have a large influence on politics, etc that they shouldn’t have.
    > It’s why I praise Elon for growing Tesla.

    Usually I'm with you but...HUH? #ElonMusk literally owns #X, one of the largest social media platforms, and therefore has some amount of political power in the #USA.

  • GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists - The Publica
  • @sunzu @Kaboom I think when the #CarlLentz situation happened, it really opened the floodgates for pastors to be exposed and their victims to be believed

  • GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists - The Publica
  • @sunzu @Kaboom The Christians? They hate it, and are starting to sour more on celebrity pastors. It's something that's been happening for awhile, but with #RobertMorris and #TonyEvans' scandals happening back-to-back (although #TonyEvans has gotten some tepid respect for voluntarily stepping down, which is fair) has escalated that mistrust.

  • GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists - The Publica
  • @sunzu @Kaboom I heard about that one cuz it went viral in #Christian circles, that story is awful. Probably wouldn't fit in the narrative of this community though since he's white

  • GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists - The Publica
  • @janonymous The headline is accurate. Remember, this is what it says:

    > GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists - The Publica

    What makes it accurate is whether or not it is true, whether or not it says what you want it to say. So long as the woman got a longer prison sentence than the rapists, which she did, than it is accurate.

  • GERMANY: Woman Convicted Of “Offending” Migrant Gang Rapists Receives Longer Prison Sentence Than The Rapists - The Publica
  • @janonymous @Kaboom The headline is accurate.

    Harassment is not worse than rape, the rapists should be facing more time than the person they raped.

  • Supreme Court strikes down Trump-era ban on bump stocks, gun accessories used in 2017 Vegas massacre
  • @wintermute_oregon #MAGA rarely pays attention to these sorts of things but it's funny that the #Trump administration brought in the bump stock ban and the #JoeBiden administration got rid of them

    (Yes I know the president doesn't control the #SupremeCourt, but still)

  • This LGBT book contains "very difficult" underage incest scenes but an Indiana school board allowed it to remain in a school library anyway
  • @criitz @OnlyTakesLs And the fourth argument is a little silly. If there are going to be cartoons showing nude children in schools in a way that borders child porn, a case can be made that it should be banned. Books with actual child porn in them should certainly be banned.

    Censorship is generally banned, but some things should still be banned. A book that says "kill all your neighbors if they disagree with you" should also be banned.

    Would you argue that online censorship is bad?

  • This LGBT book contains "very difficult" underage incest scenes but an Indiana school board allowed it to remain in a school library anyway
  • @criitz @OnlyTakesLs You've probably made the best points in favor of keeping these books in schools that I've seen so far, particularly that first point.

    I'll say on the second point, the issue in the article seems to be that the scenes depicted underage sexual activity. Sex scenes and smut in books is pretty standard, it's not hard to find them in public libraries.

  • This LGBT book contains "very difficult" underage incest scenes but an Indiana school board allowed it to remain in a school library anyway
  • @OnlyTakesLs Okay maybe that's unfair, art is art. But that's pretty disturbing, and I don't know why an underage incest scene would be necessary even if underage incest is a theme of the story

  • This LGBT book contains "very difficult" underage incest scenes but an Indiana school board allowed it to remain in a school library anyway
  • @OnlyTakesLs I think worse than this being in a library is that anybody would write this in the first place.

  • CBS host shocked by poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants
  • @wintermute_oregon I think we both support human rights, where we differ is when it comes to what is and isn't a human being

    *Civil War flashbacks lol*

    There's no good argument for why a fetus isn't a person that doesn't fall into either ableism or ageism, which can potentially justify killing people who have already been born. There's a reason you didn't really try to make one here.

    Only mental gymnastics can justify abortion.

  • CBS host shocked by poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants
  • @wintermute_oregon We're all a lump of cells. Doesn't mean that you or I should be killed.

  • realcaseyrollins casey is remote

    Here because Mastodon proxies media and it's actually not that bad (but #rebased and #Soapbox are better)

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