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What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?
  • Zx spectrum --> msx-dos --> ms-dos --dr-dos --> win95 --> Suse (before it was bought by novell) --> win98 --> debian

  • Mexico's new president!
  • In Spanish is called capacitismo, discrimination against people with disability.

  • Victory of the camped students of the Barcelona University

    The University of Barcelona will break rellations with Israel.

    Source: (catalan language).

    (Auto)ranslated announcement:

    _🚨 ATTENTION! *Tomorrow everyone in front of the University of Barcelona to celebrate the historic victory of the students.

    After 17 days of camping in Palestine at the University of Barcelona:

    The university has not only approved the severance of relations with Israel, but has committed itself and activated the necessary mechanisms to make it possible. After more than two weeks of daily assemblies, actions, meetings and communiqués, the students demonstrate that the action works and push forward for a free Palestine.

    After a historic victory today they have announced that tomorrow May 24 in the afternoon they will end the camp. The end of the camp implies a step forward in the struggle, to continue mobilizing our collective struggle in different spaces. We hope that yesterday will be one more victory of the gains to come and bring us closer to a common goal for life and dignity.

    Come make noise with us and welcome the students: 🗓️ Friday 24 May at 6.30pm 📍Plaça Universitat (in front of the UB door)

    📢 Together we can shake the world for Palestine; to stop genocide, occupation and apartheid in Palestine. We know it works and we won't stop until we get it: free Palestine, from the river to the sea.🇵🇸_

    [Effort] [CW: religious bigotry, colonialism, genocide] It's sad to see someone with normally left-wing politics advocate theocracy.
  • Not only Christianity was a very reactionary piece of shit in the imperial European genocides abroad, also it was locally. During two centuries, the popular classes of Barcelona (Catalonia) burned churches periodically with reason: the Catholic Church was the bigger landlord, has almost a monopoly on education, used forced labour (mostly women) that competed with the few remunerated work that society lets women do, did forced processions with head-shaved women —forced to work and live for them for crimes as have extramarital children, try to give up with his raping husband...—, and more…

    fck religion

    fck religion Religious distress is at the same time the expression of the real distress and also the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of the spiritless condition. It is the opium of the people

  • NSFW Removed
    Is it morally wrong for a 18 year-old man to have sex with a 48-year-old woman
  • To pay for sex is a form of exploiting; the consent is not really free. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and I think that the exploitation of sex workers is one of the worst.

    But morale is very subjective, and sex work is a very complex matter, where a lot of people, most of them women, work in very dangerous conditions and in situations of extreme need.

  • Why the state monopoly on identity is worse than Big Tech
  • This article is a not sense. There is not a monopoly of identity: a lot of corporations and big tech have an ID about us or, at least, about me.

    Also, in my case, the state have paid most of my education, my healthcare, the street where I live... nor google not other big tech have paid a dime for it.

    The critic in the article has his points, but the proposed solution—using capitalist enterprises to issue IDs—is nonsense. We will lose track of people from a fiscal point of view, and it will not solve the problem of the people that not any corporation would issue an ID.

  • Deleted
    Dimona: The Only Village in the World Where Every Inhabitant is a Vegan
  • A settlement city that grows by displacing people [^1] [^2] in an apartheid-like state. 🤮

    [^1]: May 10, 2024: Over 300 Palestinian-Bedouins Face Forced Evictions Following Mass Home Demolitions In Negev/Naqab

    [^2]: July 28, 2023: 500 Palestinians facing forcible eviction, displacement, and segregation

  • Are there still any versions of Linux sold in a box like in the 90s / 2000s?
  • Debian has a list of vendors who sell it in a media (USB, DVD...), some of them also sell other distros.

  • Recently posts that go against our ToS policies and ethics
  • In ! we use for the images, could it be whitelisted?

    Edit: community typo corrected

  • How to avoid installing non free software?
  • No, you can use the debian installer without non-free-firmware (which by DFSG include firmware with binary blobs).

    From that thread:

    "Users who wish to disable firmware lookup entirely can do so by setting the firmware=never boot parameter. It's an alias for the longer hw-detect/firmware-lookup=never form."


  • Any plans to refederate with lemmygrad when client side instance blocking will be available?
  • I'm also interested in re-federating with Lemmygrad, speaking for my bot account,, and the community I moderate.

    I can't understand the admins position on Lemmygrad, Hexbear and Threads/Meta. has defederated with the first two, but has stated that he wants to stay federated with Meta.

    Meta has exploited people's posts to incite genocide ^1 and has been ignoring internal concerns about suicide risks for its users ^2 ^3 incentivized by its engagement algorithms. Meta's greed is more important to Meta than the health of its users, which is a structural and moral problem, at least to me. And let Meta use the posts of users for their greed, or to incite more genocides, or to try to destroy the sanity of more users, or… it makes me sick.

    But with Lemmygrand and Hexbear, it's only a philosophical or ideological issue between users and, at worst, a style or behavior concern. In any case, it can be easily moderated.

  • Stable Android 14 OTA is rolling out now
  • I've just checked now (Pixel 7a, Catalonia) and it's upgrading to 14

  • Someone’s started a Python wrapper around the lemmy API
  • I think that this question from my non bot account has not reached you: wrote:

    Thanks for the wrapper :)

    Two questions:

    1. Where can I find the relation between languages and the languages_id ints?

    2. When I log in into a lemmy instance I check the protected member _requestor.nodeinfo to detect if the problem it’s the connection or the user/password:

       lemmy = Lemmy(instance)
       if not lemmy.log_in(user, password):
           if not lemmy._requestor.nodeinfo:
               raise LemmyException(f"Sorry, cannot connect to lemmy instance {instance}.")
           raise LemmyException(
               f"Sorry, cannot login {user} into {instance}. Bad user or wrong password."

      There is a better way to validate it?

  • redrumBot redrum
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    Comments 14