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I saw today the infamous pop-up of YouTube again that they will block the video player after 2 more videos if I keep using uBlock Origin. \*\* Google.
  • I use freetube on desktop ( The libredirect extension make it an ease ), and since i watch subscribed channels in phone, i use revanced. So that i don't cause viewership loss to them ( IDK it will affect them directly or not, just for my pleasure. )

  • Is there any FOSS full speech recognition user friendly software yet?
  • For PC's the whisper can be now run on many common laptops and desktops ( with almost good accuracy ) , thanks to projects like whisper.cpp and faster-whisper.

    There also happens a lot of model's getting released by meta like wav2vec2 and MMS ( not seen using anywhere though )

    I guess there are many python packages for aforementioned projects too.

  • systemd 255-rc1 Brings "Blue Screen of Death" Support and New Tool To Spawn VMs
  • I thought I would never have to see BSOD after switching to linux, but here we go...

    [ tbh, I love that errors are presented much better, just that the name doesn't bring back much good memories.

  • Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend
  • Glad that there are govt. level systems who make use of Linux (mostly ubuntu ) systems here. For eg. , in kerala, all govt schools and colleges use linux for computer labs and academic activities, i guess the local body administration too use ubuntu.

    Only wish we could convince those private sector schools of the money they'll save converting those slow windows systems to linux.

  • Best android browser?
  • How are you still using that old os ? Also how does it perform ? do the modern web run in it ?

  • Updated Documentation · This Week in GNOME

    I'm happy to see the improvements in the mobile side of things ( phosh ). As per different reviews i heard , what it mainly need are perfomance improvements though.

    Google Chrome's Web Environment Integrity feature has been cancelled
  • I don't know about graphene, but doesn't some android roms allow to use custom ( more private Webview implementations) instead of default ?

  • Incoming changes in JDK / JRE 21 packages may require manual intervention

    We are introducing a change in JDK/JRE packages of our distro. This is triggered from the way a JRE is build in modern versions of Java (>9). We are introducing this change in Java 21.

    To sum it up instead of having JDK and JRE packages coexist in the same system we will be making them conflict. The JDK variant package includes the runtime environment to execute Java applications so if one needs compilation and runtime of Java they need only the JDK package in the future. If, on the other hand, they need just runtime of Java then JRE (or jre-headless) will work.

    This will (potentially) require a manual user action during upgrade:

    • If you have both JDK and JRE installed you can manually install the JDK with pacman -Syu jdk-openjdk and this removes the JRE related packages.
    • If you have both JRE and JRE-headless you will need to choose one of them and install it manually since they would conflict each other now.
    • If you only have one of the JDK/JRE/JRE-headless pacman should resolve dependencies normally and no action is needed.

    At the moment this is only valid for the upcoming JDK 21 release.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Doesn't Tor on Tails come with ublock origin ? I don't get why Tor doesn't come with it preinstalled too

  • 6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Using NixOS Linux
  • Probably that if possible, you can link to original article from itsfoss. And possibly for all such news ( unless its overly bloated / behind a paywall )

  • AMD Wants To Know If You'd Like Ryzen AI Support On Linux Linux? · Issue #2 · amd/RyzenAI-SW AMD Has Open-Source Ryzen AI Demo Code - But Only For Windows

    Linux? · Issue #2 · amd/RyzenAI-SW

    Please create a comment or react with an emoji there.

    (IMO, they should've limited comments,and gone with reaction count there, its looks mess right now )

    Attachment previews are now displayed in the message list in Proton Mail
  • Yeah. I would've loved if it were optional / configurable .

  • Attachment previews are now displayed in the message list in Proton Mail
  • Yeah, its as if some new developers entered or something. Or maybe they started posting little stuff more often.

    Whatever it is, i'm glad.

  • [Question] Which shell prompt do you use and why?
  • And i use it with fish :)

  • Attachment previews are now displayed in the message list in Proton Mail

    [ From proton reddit announcement ]

    Hey everyone,

    Starting today, you will be able to see attachments displayed in the message list on Proton Mail for the web. This feature will come to mobile apps in the near future.

    Attachment preview will help you find a document you need quickly and preview it in one click. You don’t need to open the email containing it to see the details of the document.

    Please note that this is only available with the density set to “comfortable.” If you cannot see this improvement, you can check which interface density you’re using by clicking on the settings icon in your browser.

    Tested: Windows 11 Pro's On-By-Default Encryption Slows SSDs Up to 45%
  • First thing i do is disable bitlocker. Its PITA when dualbooting too

  • Introducing the Proton Calendar Search Feature

    [ From proton reddit announcement ]

    We're happy to announce that the search feature for Proton Calendar is now available in the latest version of the web app!

    Now you can easily find the events you're looking for – whether you need to confirm an event’s location, get more details from its description, see participants, and more.

    If you haven’t already, try it out here:

    Search is made possible by creating a local index of your events and storing it on your device. When you search for an event, the app goes through the index of your downloaded events and highlights all matches. That way, no event content is made visible to Proton for the purpose of a search.

    Read more about Calendar search in our knowledge base:

    As always, thank you for your continuous support,

    The Proton team

    beginner friendly linxu distro?
  • Yeah. If someone have a good DE , arch is as easy as some other distros. I have 3 friends whose laptops i installed with pure arch + GNOME ( by sideloading aside windows, but setting arch as default 😈) . Its still on their laps, and the only problem they only thing i had to say them was to update weekly or bi-weekly.

  • Trying to figure out how to find community on [@mastodon]( trying to completely switch over from Twitter
  • It mainly depends on your likes. What i did was to find one or two accounts related to my favourite topic and then checking their "following" tab. It really helps to Fill my feed

    Also, most accounts boost other accounts/ post, which also acts as a way for me to discover accounts.

  • Spam and Trash emails are now excluded from the All Mail folder in Proton Mail

    [ From proton reddit announcement ]

    Thanks to your collective feedback, we’re now excluding the 🗑️ Trash and 🔥 Spam emails from your ✉️ All Mail folder by default.

    You can, of course, change this back from your Proton Mail web app settings.

    We’re curious to know what you think and look forward to more suggestions that will help us make Proton Mail better for everyone.

    The new Proton VPN Linux app is officially out of beta!
  • I think not. There only seems to be only 2 dev's working on linux app, and thir current priority is to bring wireguard to the app and preferrably , an updated CLI too.

  • The new Proton VPN Linux app is officially out of beta!
  • I think not. From the reddit discussion, it seems that only 2 dev's ( they are hiring one more soon ) work for linux support, and they can't currently spread too thin.

  • The new Proton VPN Linux app is officially out of beta!
  • Tried it in debian today. Yeah, its bad that the app need to be open inorder to have connection. They could've made it go background ( like telegram or discord does ), which would be better.

  • The new Proton VPN Linux app is officially out of beta!
  • Currently supported distros ( with installation guides ) :

    Sadly, its still not available for arch.

  • The new Proton VPN Linux app is officially out of beta!

    [ From reddit announcement ]

    Today, we’re excited to announce that the new Proton VPN Linux app is now officially available for everyone.

    With the new Linux application, you get a host of features:

    • Protocols: OpenVPN-UDP and OpenVPN-TCP
    • VPN Accelerator
    • Moderate NAT
    • NetShield Ad-blocker
    • Kill switch
    • Port forwarding
    • Auto connect at app startup
    • Pin servers to tray

    Secure Core support will be added in the coming months as well. And though WireGuard is not yet supported, we’ve implemented OpenVPN DCO on our servers, which gives you identical results in terms of performance.

    Find more information on how to install it in our KB article here.

    For those of you wondering, in the coming months, we'll be working on a new Linux CLI based on your feedback.

    [Question] Are there any time travel movies in Malayalam ?
  • I don't remember any films, but this shortfilm about timeloop was good.

    There appears to be a few more ones too related to time travel. Thankyou for reminding to check em out

  • YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
  • I just had to uninstall "Enhancer for youtube", and reload the YT page. Not even ubock cache clearing was necessary. ( maybe different for different people )

  • Extension bisect : A vscode tool to find bad/buggy extensions faster. Visual Studio Code extension bisect utility

    Find problematic extensions quickly with the Visual Studio Code extension bisect utility

    Visual Studio Code extension bisect utility

    What it does is that when you encounter an issue with your extensions, it disables half of them, and asks you whether that fixed your issue or not. If it did, it repeats the process, disabling only half of that half, and asks you again - and so on and so forth until you home in on one troublesome extension.

    It's Official, Antimatter Falls Down in Gravity, Not Up Antimatter falls down, not up: CERN experiment confirms theory

    Observing this simple phenomenon had eluded physicists for decades.

    Antimatter falls down, not up: CERN experiment confirms theory

    Since the discovery of antimatter decades ago, particle physicists have wondered if these particles were repulsed by gravity. Einstein predicted that despite having opposite charges to its regular matter counterparts, antimatter should still behave like matter does concerning gravity. This has been tricky to confirm experimentally since it's hard to make enough antimatter to observe its behavior. Particle physicists have finally pulled it off, using the ALPHA-g experiment at CERN, generating antihydrogen atoms and then dropping them in a 3-meter tall vertical shaft.

    [description taken from Fraser Cain's mastodon post ]

    Search is now available in the Proton Calendar Beta app on the web

    [ From official announcement in protonmail subreddit ]

    Hello everyone,

    Starting today, you can test the search feature in the beta version of the Proton Calendar web app.

    This feature will allow you to easily find the events you're looking for while keeping your schedule private.

    Search is made possible by creating and storing a local index of your events on your device.

    This ensures that Proton doesn't see the details of your events.

    To try it out, make sure that you have joined the Beta.

    Do this by opening the Proton Calendar web app, and enabling Beta access in the settings menu.

    You can learn more about this feature here:

    Search was one of the most popular Calendar community requests, and we’d love to hear your feedback about it!

    Over 65 years ago this month, researchers ran the first FORTRAN program

    This is considered as the beginning of general-purpose programming. ( Image credits : NASA and MIT_CSAIL )

    Help me create Firefox logo on lemmy's canvas Canvas -- Lemmy's r/Place

    Place pixels with people to create art

    There’s a pixelated drawing board for Lemmy now.

    help me create a 64x64 image of firefox logo there.

    after signing in with lemmy, u can use this template (just clicking this link will be enough)

    u can also use my recommended settings

    !recommended settings

    redw0rm redw0rm

    A privacy and FOSS enthusiast. Linux 🐧 and Firefox 🦊 for life

    🔭 Loves space and starwatching

    🌌 Amazed at how universe works

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    Comments 82