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Why stand in line to board an airplane?
  • A long time ago most airlines checked at least one bag free. I used to always do this and as op suggests, not stand in line. It was great not having to take a bag through security and haul it around through airports and connecting flights, and avoid the stress of if the overhead space would run out.

    But airlines have done everything in their power to make boarding and the whole flying process miserable in attempt to suck every dollar they can from you for their upgrades and priority boarding.

    I do often take advantage of the airlines offer to "we expect a very full flight, overhead space is limited, and will check your bag for free to your final destination"

  • Linux distros recommandations
  • I dumped ubuntu for debian 12 due to snaps, and i'm very happy so far. I run sway as my window manager. I guess we'll see how i feel in a year but i honestly can't think of any software i run that i'm simply fine with it not being the most recent. I'm even using the firefox-esr version that debian ships with and it's fine.

  • We can't leave people on the dark side
  • Have an amd card. Have never done any special steps to update my graphics card, as amd drivers are just built into the kernel. I used to have a nvidia card and it was like 2 or 3 commands to enable proprietary drivers and was then always notified and updated with my usual software package upgrades.

    Granted i haven't run windows for over 15 years but I remember having to go to nvidia's website and manually download and install new nvidia drivers to update. Is this still true? If so, this is simply objectively worse.

    I'll agree with a decent amount of gaming. Unless it's steam, getting wine set up, even with lutris, can be a hassle.

  • Gnome Files - how to change default terminal for "open in terminal"

    How does one change the terminal that Gnome Files uses when opening a directory in terminal using "Open in Terminal"? I'm trying to change the default to foot.

    All my searching has led to

    sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator

    ``` Selection Path Priority Status ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 /usr/bin/gnome-terminal.wrapper 40 auto mode

    • 1 /usr/bin/foot 20 manual mode 2 /usr/bin/footclient 10 manual mode 3 /usr/bin/gnome-terminal.wrapper 40 manual mode 4 /usr/bin/koi8rxterm 20 manual mode 5 /usr/bin/lxterm 30 manual mode 6 /usr/bin/uxterm 20 manual mode 7 /usr/bin/xterm 20 manual mode ```

    which I can select foot. But Gnome Files does not seem to respect this.

    I've also tried directly editing

    gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec foot

    where the default exec option is x-terminal-emulator. This also does not work.

    Android privacy ROM >> iOS
  • Yup. I teach at a university. It used to be adequate for instructions to say something along the lines of

    open the file C://Folder/anotherfolder/subfolder/document.ext

    I encounter more and more students every year that have no idea how to do this.

  • Unattended upgrades - daily sudo apt update?
  • My system did not already have that 20auto-upgrades file. I went through the others in the directory and none seemed to contain those relevant lines. I just checked my other ubuntu system, which did have the 20auto-upgrades AND a 10periodic with the same lines, which is likely redundant.

  • Unattended upgrades - daily sudo apt update?

    New debian user here. I'm using sway and have a script in my waybar config to look for upgrades and indicate if any are available. However, it typically doesn't find anything because I first need to run a sudo apt update first.

    I don't really want to figure out someway to do a sudo through this script and was curious how gnome finds updates without me needing to enter a password.

    It looks like I can use unattended upgrades to do the apt update.

    though I don't want it to do upgrades until I do a sudo apt upgrade after being notified of upgrades. I created a 02periodic file in /etc/apt/apt.config.d as indicated, but I only included the lines

    APT::Periodic::Enable "1";

    APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";

    Will this run an apt update every day for me? Is there any issue I'm unaware of in doing this? Thanks for any help!

    I made a prime rib
  • Looks delicious!

    I never trust X minutes per pound. Meat thermometers are cheap and so useful.

    Also, my Mother taught me the reverse sear method and that's my preferred cooking method for a prime rib.

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  • Yes, eat well!

    Cooking can be fun, inexpensive, and rewarding.

    Learn to cook chicken and fish dishes. Marinate a bunch of chicken breasts or boneless, skinless chicken thighs and bake in oven as needed. Super easy.

    Eat lots of veggies. You can't get fat eating veggies. This also has the additional benefit of making it super easy to poop. Cut up and saute carrots, onions, brussel sprouts, spinach, or whatever you like. Frozen peas. Put on tv or listen to podcasts while you prep. Watch cooking shows for inspiration.

    This is essentially my go to dinner for the past fifteen years when i decided i wanted to be healthier by exercising and eating well.

  • Deleted
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  • You're counting calories which is great. But don't worry about the number on the scale. If you have little muscle and are not super fat (23% isn't that fat) you will gain weight if you start building muscle.

    My biggest suggestion would be to follow the starting strength workout 3 days a week. As a beginner, you're doing a bunch of worthless exercises. Stick with the barbell essentials, and pullups: deadlift, squat, bench, overhead press, bent over row, and pullups. These use lots of muscles and will best promote muscle growth. Go heavy, you should be really struggling to get that last rep. If you're not sore as hell after the first few workouts, you aren't lifting heavy enough. If you get all the reps you wanted to do, add 5 pounds the next time you do that exercise.

    Stay away from the machines until you want to focus on really specific muscles.

    Especially do deadlifts, it works a ton of muscles and nothing builds confidence like lifting a bunch of weight off the ground.

    Watch youtube videos for form advice. Do a few warm up reps with really light weight, such as just the bar, to practice form. Ask others at the gym for form advice. Most lifters are super friendly.

    As you get stronger, you can work in other things like biceps, triceps, dead hangs, etc.

  • Your typesetting will look professional, they said
  • Yeah there's definitely a learning curve. A little coding experience makes the task easier. I typically give my students a template that they put their own text into that includes a peer-reviewed journal format and an example equation, table, and figure.

    There's still the "not so short introduction to latex" out there that helped me learn the basics back in the day.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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