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Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • benefit your administrative influence from your instances

    They are not going to be "my" instances.

    acknowledging any objective perspectives.

    Oh, I thought it was pretty clear: my objective with these instances have been to build the infrastructure necessary to get people out of Reddit. I want to gain from the growth of the network, where I expect to profit from getting customers on my hosting business.

    I don't need/want to make money out of these instances, I am just commoditizing the complements.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
    • Your key is your identity. If it's lost or stolen, you can not revoke it. That alone will make it virtually impossible to be used as an official application protocol for any organization.

    • Usability is even worse than anything on ActivityPub

    • Moderation is entirely punted to the end user.

    • (not technical, but relevant) it is completely dominated by Bitcoin maxis

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • A type of federation where there is no "home" for a community any more.

    This is not federation anymore, but an entirely different architecture. Nostr works like this, but it also has its flaws.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • Dear Lord, I had no idea one could be so lost and still be so confident when making an argument.

    I am not trying to be mean, it's just that you are arguing against things that are completely made up.

    So instead of one admin being able to take it all down we have multiple

    Shared ownership is a policy to prevent single-points-of-failure. Every large-ish instance has multiple admins. This is even a requirement in the Mastodon Covenant: your instance is only listed on the joinmastodon site if the instance has at least two people who can independently access the admin panel.

    Could go and notarize shared ownership of a bare metal server I suppose?

    You don't need any of that. As long as the collective has control over the domains and that backups are created and available for everyone, admins could simply move the instance to a new place with a new deployment and a DNS change.

    It does not mean that every admin needs to have direct access to the server, and it does not mean that the server will go down if one of them goes rogue. Every minimally competent organization has security processes in place to avoid that.

    But we have multiple admins, so these instances would be uniquely able to process very large numbers of users on account of having more than one admin?

    I can't even imagine how you go to this non-sequitur. The idea of having multiple admins is only to ensure that these instances are not under control of a single individual and would not be represent a systemic risk to the overall Fediverse.

    If you want communities to be resistant to server removal

    Another non-sequitur.

    So that even if the original instance is gone, everyone keeps interacting with their local federated community-copy

    How is that working out for the communities on, and the many other instances that disappeared in the last year? Did you notice they are gone?

    In particular because that still doesn’t solve the problem because now you got people able to either moderate each others copy

    Another non-sequitur. Are you sure you have a clear understanding of how federation works?

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • From your response, it seems that you did not read the blog post. The instances are still going to be connected to the Fediverse, the idea is just to keep user registration closed. Users from other instances will continue to be able to follow and interact with it.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • Feel free to register a football domain. I will host it for you, free of charge.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • I just think that letting people making accounts tied to their favorite topics would get more people interested in joining them.

    Could be, but I guess we now just arguing opinions. And given that I am personally hold the opposite view and I don't want to be be identified by my interests, I am not going to push for something that I fundamentally disagree with.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • Please, spare me from the cheap rhetoric.

    I've been for over an year offering alternatives, attempting to bring actionable proposals to the table, putting resources on the line (go take a look at the matrix room and you may find me telling people that I registered and I wanted to give it for free to the /r/selfhosted mods) and every time there is any type of push for concrete effort, I am met with apathy at best and suspicion at worst.

    Everyone keeps crying about Zuckerberg/Threads/Venture Capitalists/Spez, but when push comes to shove no one wants to mobilize and put up a proper fight.

    It's tiring and frustrating.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • Sorry, I can not let go of this. I don't know if you realized that the whole reason that I am doing this is because you kept pushing this idea that you'd be more than willing to contribute to different instances and that the only thing that is stopping you is that you'd be worried about me being the only person.

    Even with me telling you that I have other people to take over my operations, you were doubting me.

    Now that I am actually going forward and offering to get more people onboard, while asking for NOTHING in return, you are putting this bullshit, pretending to be worried about price of domains.

    What you are doing is just Concern Trolling, and I am frankly tired of this. You have put no Skin in the Game, yet you continue to find ways to rationalize your senseless idea that this is going to grow magically without getting people to put significant resources at stake.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • There are plenty of ways where people can enter into an equity agreement without having to pay directly with money.

    can take over should something happen to you

    Are you trying to get rid of me? Then why are you arguing as if (a) something bad might happen to me or (b) I am somehow unable/unfit to manage this?

    No matter what I do/offer/propose, you will always try to find an excuse to rationalize your unwillingness to contribute to what I am doing, like I'm failing some type of BS purity test.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • Which part of "I am not asking for financial support" is not clear from the blog post?

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • Stop thinking in terms of prices, and start thinking in terms of value. A three-letter domain for less than 1000€ is a bargain.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • To be precise, I'm willing to give up some ownership. I still want to participate in its governance.

    someone else’s hardware?

    If a new consortium is formed and if the collective decision is to move it, yes. If the decision is to keep as it is, also fine.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • Just coordinate the release of the urls and the transfer of the instance.

    This is exactly what I am offering. I want to transfer these instances to a consortium to own this collectively.

    without putting any work or money into it.

    Just yesterday I renewed 10 of these domains. That cost me ~400€. I renewed and last month, each cost ~650€. Running all these instances is costing me ~200€/month.

    I'm not even looking to dump these costs on the potential new co-owners, this is why I said that I don't mind keep running them.

    It seems like you are waiting for the next influx to potentially monetize

    First, we'd have to argue the implication. You are implying that any attempt at building anything that is financially sustainable is immoral, something that I said many times is completely misguided, and a point of view that is starting now to be shared by other prominent figures in the Fediverse.

    Second, I am offering the instances to be co-owned precisely to assuage those concerns. By having other admins co-owning the instances, I'd hope that less people would be pushing those accusations against me.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • aren’t going to join communities if they can’t register there.

    Why?! The whole point of federation is to let people join communities even when they don't have an account in the same server.

    the most active communities start off with a few people who care almost obsessively about that topic.

    There are two different, orthogonal issues here:

    1. people that are looking for a community in a niche interest, do not find it, and go back to Reddit.
    2. people that are in a big instance and create (or sometimes, recreate) a community for a popular topic. This happens quite often and not because they were not satisfied with the existing communities, but just because they could not find them.

    The idea of having topic-specific instances is an attempt to mitigate issue #2.

    People will leave or join based on how the admins and mods run them, whether or not the users are hosted there.

    Not my experience. A few examples:

    • No one complained about the mods from !, yet I've witnessed endless discussions about moving away from
    • Beehaw defederated from LW, so this forced users of these instances to "choose" between the communities and/or create accounts on both of them if they wanted to keep following the whole conversation.
    • Personally, I do not want to join or participate extensively in communities that are on LW if we have a topic-specific instance for it. I know that I am not the only one.
  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • That's an argument that is:

    • application specific
    • agency-removing (only Lemmy devs can do something about)
    • orthogonal to the stated problem
  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • It's amazing, there is always someone that will look at other people are doing and find the worst possible take.

    I decided to reach out to other admins precisely because I got tired of hearing "you are running all these instances by yourself, who guarantees that you are not going to do something nasty with them or disappear if you lose interest?", even though I'm running all these instances by myself, keeping them up to date, posting regularly on a good number of them, trying to get more people involved for over an year and (most importantly) outliving a bunch of "community-based instances" .

    Seriously, this crab mentality is the worst. What a disgrace.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • "rendezvous instances" is a perfect term for them...

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
    1. I am not planning to close any instances. I am not working on them based on their current activity, but I am keeping them for a scenario where a mass migration away from Reddit actually happens.

    2. When I say admins only, that can be extended to moderators as well.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances
  • At least I don’t think we should discourage creating different places for the same topics

    I'm not discouraging it. To repeat: the idea is not to push a "there can be only one" mentality, but to set up a system that can work well for the 80% of people who can be satisfied with the median case.

  • Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances

    I have a number of Lemmy instances meant for discussion groups around specific topics. They are not being as used as I expected/hoped. I would like to set them up in a way that they can be owned by a consortium of different admins so that they are collectively owned. My only requirement: these instances should remain closed for registrations and used only to create communities.

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    Call for Moderators and Community Ambassadors: American Football

    The NFL season is about to start and it would be nice to have as many people as possible participating on the communities from Being a topic-specific instance with closed registrations, I'm aware that it is harder to be discovered, so I'm writing here with the intent of both promoting a bit and to find enthusiasts joining in.

    If you'd like to help the instance and the team communities grow, there are two ways to help:

    • Join, find the Lemmy community you want to help and apply to become a Community Ambassador. Community Ambassadors can add different sources of content and also send invites to "good" reddit users to migrate.

    • Become a moderator of your team community. The communities are still all low in traffic, so I guess the hardest part for the moderators will be in finding and posting the type of content that you'd like to see in the community, in order to set out its tone.

    As always, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!

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    Update on Fediverser and a call for Community Ambassadors

    I am almost done with the "Community Ambassador" feature on Fediverser and I'd like to get some feedback from members of this community.

    The idea is to let people connected to a "fediversed" Lemmy instance (i.e, one that is running the Fediverser service) to apply to become an ambassador for their favorite community. The instance admin can then review the "application", and if approved they get access to some extra features in the "portal", namely:

    • The ability to define "content sources" (RSS feeds and/or other subreddits) to have a central place to find interesting content that can be shared with the Lemmy Community.

    • The ability to post content from these sources with one single click.

    • Some basic analytics about users on Reddit (account age, if they are moderator, etc) to help identify users who would be interested in migrating to Lemmy.

    • The ability to send DMs to those "good candidates" on Reddit.

    The "development" instance is set up at It would be great to get more people taking a look. The earlier I get feedback about UX issues, the better. The preferred method to signup is through the portal.

    Mario Kart

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    A community to discuss all levels of tennis, from tour professionals to recreational players.

    Help to crowdsource data for a comprehensive map of Reddit -> Fediverse group?

    I'm resuming my work on Fediverser, and I need as much help as I can get to build the Recommended community map. This crowdsourced data will be one the key points for instance admins that want to make use of the Fediverser services, and it will help immensely for people who want to migrate away from Reddit.

    How does it work? The front-page gives you a list of all the subreddits with its corresponding recommendations of Lemmy communities. The ones that have no recommendation go to the top of the page. One example. You can open the page for that subreddit entry and make all the suggestions that you think are appropriate.

    Every suggestion goes into a queue which I can then review and merge to the main database.

    One of the things that I will be adding soon is the ability to request a community to be created. For subreddits which there is no equivalent community, people will be able to fill a form (similar to the "Create Community" page on Lemmy's default client) which will check what is the best participating instance in the network, and if the instance admins approve, the instance can be created right away.

    How can you help?

    • Categorize the subreddits that have no entry.
    • Reaching out to the mods of the uncategorized subreddits
    • Creating community requests for the ones that are still missing.

    Thank you!

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    A zero-commission crowdfunding platform to support content creators in the Fediverse

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    This week I am launching the MVP of this idea. It's not specific to musicians or artists, but instead can be used by any content creator that wants to get any support from their audience.

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    #### Useful Links - Official Webpage [] - Wiki [] - [] - Awesome reMarkable []


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