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Not sure how the girl's skin tone is relevant, but apart from that...
  • The vibe when you're a 30 year old software developer and still could never afford a house in this economy....

  • What are some great open source games?
  • Endless Sky is great

  • Sharpiegate II
  • He didn't even ask about her emails

  • Steam Link is seriously cool!
  • I absolutely love the Steam Link. I don't use it quite as much as I did before I picked up my Steam Deck, but it's the perfect way to play games on the TV with my wife when we aren't a console household. They also still ship updates for it despite not actually manufacturing it anymore. Really incredible little box.

  • Deleted
    How many of you are still actively using Reddit?
  • I only use it for finding information or how tos for stuff that just doesn't have the community or information backlog on Kbin. Lots of guides for how to install stuff on the Steam Deck on Reddit, for example. Most of my friends still use reddit so I'll read any links they post too, but my primary social media is Kbin

  • You can be the one to create the kbin page on wikipedia
  • Might it be easier to start by adding mentions of Kbin on another Wikipedia article? I've read a bunch of news articles about Kbin and most of them aren't thorough enough to really base anything off of, or they're just wrong. Most people writing articles about Kbin don't seem to have used it enough to really give a full picture of its capabilities or history

  • He Created the Katamari Games, but They’re Rolling On Without Him | The New York Times
  • This is an incredible article! I very much relate to the disillusionment of doing something for the sake of sales, and also find myself on a winding journey to do something that has meaning without really knowing what that is or should be. Best of luck to him!

  • Magazine Owners: What is a day in the life of a Mag Owner like?
  • It's very quiet in my local community one. Mostly just me posting about interesting stuff I hear about in my town, though I have a few people following and liking things... which is cool? I really miss the my local community subreddits, so my hope is someday others from my town stumble onto it and we can all hang out online instead of in person like a real community.

  • An opening in the distance [OC]
  • This is awesome. Looks like a painting

  • Internet in 2023 be like
  • "Move fast, break things" 🤡

  • Elon Musk rebrands Twitter as X
  • For Wumbo?

  • Ubisoft will delete your account if you haven't logged for some time (Even if you owned games in it)
  • 30 days is not nearly enough time for me to see an alert sent to my spam email lol. I probably log in to my Ubisoft once a year, at most. This is ridiculous.

  • Blizzard Games are coming to Steam
  • Is HotS included?

  • This bridge goes through the water and not over it, The Netherlands
  • This looks like something someone would make in Rollercoaster Tycoon

  • TikTok is the most popular news source for 12 to 15-year-olds, says Ofcom
  • Honestly I think this is probably one of the many secrets to long-term happiness. Ignorance is bliss, as they say

  • TikTok is the most popular news source for 12 to 15-year-olds, says Ofcom
  • I remember being 13-15 and not caring at all what the news was. Better times, I think

  • What its like starting my career as a programmer...
  • Not to worry, this feeling never goes away

  • (I made) Thai green curry with chicken, fried rice with egg, and a cup of tea
  • @applebottom That's a good tip! I'll have to see if there's a grocery near me that stocks those items. I know the supermarket by us doesn't, but there are some smaller ones that might!

  • Delete magazine.
  • Only pictures of Antlers band taken from very very far away 🤔

  • (I made) Thai green curry with chicken, fried rice with egg, and a cup of tea
  • @applebottom how'd you make the curry? This is something I really want to figure out at home!!

  • /kbin meta rodhlann
    Kbin Login

    Is anyone else getting logged out when they close their browser tab?

    I'm using Firefox on mobil. I like to keep my tabs clean in my mobile browser and every time I close my kbin tab, as of this morning, it makes me log back in.

    This hasn't been an issue at all for the last month.

    I also can't seem to access kbinMeta/newest without getting an error! So I hope this isn't a duplicate post

    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting rodhlann
    The Undead
    Steel Battalion?

    Curious if anyone has tried to get Steel Battalion running on deck? I feel like there might be enough Deck inputs to map to the hardware controller input... Would be pretty cool to get it running!

    Get Freelancer Running on Linux / Steam Deck

    Freelancer is the precursor to Star Citizen, a fantastic entry in Chris Roberts' collection. It runs great on Deck, and is an awesome classic space simulator, if you're looking for one!

    Nashua NH - A local community

    I just set up a local community for @NashuaNH. Hoping to find some more locals to talk about goings on in the area.

    One of the biggest things I miss about reddit is all the local regional communities! Can't wait to see more of these show up in the Fediverse

    Gaming rodhlann
    It's been found!
    Yogthos ( Yogthos (

    Attached: 1 video If you have a hard time understanding where the shortage of empathy for the sub crew comes from. here is a pretty good explainer.

    Yogthos (

    Attached: 1 video If you have a hard time understanding where the shortage of empathy for the sub crew comes from. here is a pretty good explainer.

    rodhlann rodhlann

    I do like a good meatball sub

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