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A zombie question
  • my partner just tested positive for zombie and i am now feeling sick, ama i guess

  • I hate how disposable smartphones are
  • Only affects stone banking apps. Mine works fine for now in Graphene.

  • nmv fixed it
  • THANK YOU. this perfectly put into words frustrations I've had with media for years

  • Why Piracy Fears are Keeping Some Researchers from Accessing the Games They Need - IGN
  • i am a theory baby but copyright seems like private property to me (why it's called "intellectual property")?? and communism should abolish private property??

    edit: my post might be confusing, i agree iswhat i'm trying to say

  • "Engineering games": A genre I'm going to try to define and ask for recommendations of
  • oh man i have some HOURS in that game. I got hooked when I saw the dumb little faces the characters make when they're pooping, and while I don't quite understand how to make steam generators and sanitize food using chlorine, I can appreciate the game (my fave bits are the farming and cooking mechanics). There's some jank since it simulates gas flow (eg. hydrogen floats to the top, carbon dioxide to the bottom), but each tile can only have one kind of gas in it, so you have to be careful when building if you don't want to end up with someone's fart in your steam generator.

  • "Engineering games": A genre I'm going to try to define and ask for recommendations of
  • I had to watch a few (long) tutorials and play along with them to get the hang of it, but want to get back to it. The "Realistic Mode" was the coolest to me, I'm so sick of city builders where the only factor is how many $ are in the bank.

  • bet it doesn't include BG3 either
  • thanks for the recs Breeze in the Clouds looks amazing. Also maybe I'll check out Goodbye Volcano High.

  • Early tests of H5N1 prevalence in milk suggest U.S. bird flu outbreak in cows is widespread
  • So is it a thing that some health nuts drink unpasteurised milk? I'm not sure if I've dreamt that or not. And I guess at that point we just need a mutation and we're right back at 2019 again, right?

  • Reasons why you are broke according to reactionaries
  • #6 I didn't sell my kidneys (inspired by the other thread)

  • Say what?
  • I worked there some time between 2005-15 (I'm old and can't remember years well but it was definitely after 1990) and I absolutely was told to put the lard in the fry vats. Interestingly they used canola oil for the non French fry vats.

  • What's everyone playing this week?
  • Just finished it. I wonder how different it is from your choices, but I ended up appreciating the core message. The game had a lot of great ideas but I was a little overwhelmed by how much there was. I'm not sure I'll retain it all. Maybe I'll play it again in a year.

  • What's everyone playing this week?
  • related, I am like 300 mods into skyrim since I got my steam deck I am ashamed

  • What will be the next fad once the VC dummies figure out that chat bots aren't very useful?
  • ngl aortic dissection is one of my fears, so i'll pass on the teleporter

  • Pacific Drive
  • damnit I have so many games to play and here I am buying another one despite swearing off roguelikes. You had me at FTL and zones not being randomly generated

  • Any recommendations for mechanical keyboards?
  • this tbh, i was struggling with RSI for years and had to finally switch to a split keyboard, went with the moonlander (price is crazy though) and a trackball, finally my wrist pain is more manageable (warning: thumb trackballs can create a different kind of RSI so be careful with that)

  • Nintendo is Suing Yuzu
  • Abolish private property, art should belong to the people.

  • I can fix them.
  • i played this game twice and both times sided with her against the church despite promising myself I'd do a different route the second time.