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How the automobile industry turned us into SUV drivers
  • Maybe that perception is skewed by America's culture of having ridiculously large cars. European cars were always smaller, but nowadays it's getting pretty hard to buy something other than an SUV here, too.

  • protocol
  • That depends on your definition of "united", doesn't it? The United States of Mexico or America are definitely "united" into one country, i.e. there aren't really any serious secessionist movements, nearly all citizens speak the country's main language etc. The USA are politically divided, but the divide doesn't follow state borders that closely and many states are still swing states or flipped in the last 1-3 decades.

  • Official bilingualism in Canada a 'myth,' says new poll
  • Knowledge of the two official languages is largely determined by geography. Nearly 95% of Quebecers can speak French, but only 40.6% speak English. In the rest of the country, 97.6% of the population is capable of speaking English, but only 7.5% can speak French.[89]


    Jesus fuck, those numbers are abysmal.

  • ich📰iel
  • Das ist leider eher das Symptom als der Grund - Journalismus rechnet sich heutzutage kaum, deswegen werden überall Redaktionen zusammengestrichen und statt gut recherchierten Inhalten gibt es dann halt wortwörtlich billigen Clickbait und Boulevard-Mist.

  • ich🇬🇷iel
  • Noch bevor das Gesetz über die Sechs-Tage-Woche in Kraft tritt, sind die Griechen die "Helden der Arbeit" in Europa. Mit durchschnittlich 41 Stunden pro Woche arbeiten sie länger als alle anderen EU-Bürger, wie aus Zahlen von Eurostat hervorgeht -und werden dafür ziemlich schlecht bezahlt.

    Μit einem Mindestlohn von 830 Euro liegt Griechenland auf Platz 15 der Liste der EU-Länder. Gemessen an der Kaufkraft ist Griechenland sogar das vorletzte Land in Europa.

    Heilige Scheiße! Wollen die einen Wettbewerb zur höchsten Auswanderungsquote gewinnen?

  • If your mind got transported back 10 years right now with no time to prepare, how could you exploit your knowledge for personal gain?
  • It's mostly just a recent issue that popped up. I'm currently running Ubuntu 20.04 (i.e. version from 2020, there have been two major releases since then) and since I use LUKS, resizing the boot partition is going to be fairly complicated, if I can figure it out at all.

  • If your mind got transported back 10 years right now with no time to prepare, how could you exploit your knowledge for personal gain?
  • Nothing. No money for investments then or now, which is also why I never kept up enough with stocks, crypto etc. to be able to cheat the market as a one-time time traveller. Plus I have several medical issues (then and now) that remain unsolved mysteries.

    Only thing I can think of is using a bigger boot partition when I installed reinstalled Ubuntu from scratch about 5 years ago.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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