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Went Off SSDI to work, hit with large FTB tax bill, lost power and can't pay for meds. Now what?
  • I deal with PII so it's not an option. I have a MiFi. Can I just buy a generator and a battery and somehow keep my laptop and MiFi powered up? I could also try to take an unpaid leave of absence or medical leave of absence. The only problem is my insurance at work doesn't pay out and even if I try to get workers disability, I am scared enough of the system that I can't really try to be off work for psych because I am scared of their system. The last time I received treatment in a locked facility, it was an emotionally abusive experience and they kept me for a long time. It seems like a terrible option.

    It really sucks.

    I actually need to move anyway. I have two rooms where I am, a living room and bedroom, and could try to move into the living room. I could also ask to buy power from a neighbor for a day with a cord but my neighbors hate me because I keep to myself, mostly because I don't want to be found.

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    Went Off SSDI to work, hit with large FTB tax bill, lost power and can't pay for meds. Now what?
  • It would be smarter to at least buy a car to live in. I am technically still employed and have some credit left and can get a bank loan.

    I can't buy a car because the FTB would seize it but I can lease one.

    they dont have bonuses

  • NSFW
    Went Off SSDI to work, hit with large FTB tax bill, lost power and can't pay for meds. Now what?
  • Helll the fuck no. I've been forced to take medications that left me unable to even use the bayhroom, had no dignity or privacy. Social workers were part of that apparatud and that's just asking for involuntary hositalization. Those people just do not give a fuck about the financial consequnces for what they do, it''s all about you being put into a system, no way.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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