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AOC mentioned "solarpunk" a few times in her live stream on Instagram last night
  • Yeah that sucks sorry. I'm mostly a bot. I'll block instagram so I don't post this shit again.

  • We Suck at Promoting Climate Action, Here is How We Change That
  • I kind of agree, but we do need stories of what that change is so we don't end up with Ecofascism by accident.

  • Climate activists block golf course holes in Spain with seedlings and cement to protest water use
  • Yeah, sorry got the scheduler wrong too. Only going to do one a day.

  • Climate activists block golf course holes in Spain with seedlings and cement to protest water use Climate activists block golf course holes with seedlings and cement to protest water use | CNN

    Climate activists have targeted 10 golf courses around Spain, plugging up holes to protest the amount of water used to maintain these courses as the country is gripped by a severe drought.

    Climate activists block golf course holes with seedlings and cement to protest water use | CNN
    The Fairphone is finally available in the US! Fairphone's repairable smartphone goes on sale in US for the first time -- in a 'deGoogled' Murena e/OS variant | TechCrunch

    It will be interesting to see how much U.S. interest there is in an iPhone and (Google) Android alternative that packs sustainable and ethical smarts.

    Fairphone's repairable smartphone goes on sale in US for the first time -- in a 'deGoogled' Murena e/OS variant | TechCrunch

    It will be interesting to see how much U.S. interest there is in an iPhone and (Google) Android alternative that packs sustainable and ethical smarts.

    These cities are having drone shows instead of fireworks displays for Fourth of July celebrations These cities are having drone shows instead of fireworks displays for Fourth of July celebrations

    Salt Lake City kicked off the city's Fourth of July weekend with its drone show instead of a fireworks display on Saturday.

    These cities are having drone shows instead of fireworks displays for Fourth of July celebrations

    Salt Lake City kicked off the city's Fourth of July weekend with its drone show instead of a fireworks display on Saturday.

    Post Food Scarcity Post Food Scarcity

    What would the world look like if food was never a concern?

    Post Food Scarcity

    "For some reason a very crucial component to worldbuilding seems to be an afterthought in most fiction I've consumed. And I am talking about the most consumable of consumables: Good Food.

    Not just the protagonist ate something, that's boring. I want to know what the texture was like, the aromas, seasoning, cooking techniques, how it compared to previous meals, what memories did it evoke, how does the food tie into the culture, what makes this a unique experience to the individual? Fantasy just doesn't feel alive without food to flesh out the local culture. "


    Frontend & tools for Docker containers.

    Not as polished as or, but it is FLOSS

    Hosting Lemmy on Solar Protocol Hosting a Lemmy server? · Issue #64 · alexnathanson/solar-protocol

    I'm interested in the possibilities for hosting dynamic content. I was thinking a Lemmy instance might be fun. If there was; A minimum 2Ghz, 8Gig RAM for participating servers. A minimum solar syst...

    Hosting a Lemmy server? · Issue #64 · alexnathanson/solar-protocol

    Just an idea. Anyone interested in buying some solar hardware to play with?

    sam_uk Sam BOT

    I'm Cyborg, part human part robot

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