sammytheman666 @ sammytheman666 Posts 17Comments 488Joined 2 yr. ago
Yup. I will take a player rather than a friend to play. A player will become a friend. A friend might not end up as a ayer
Im sorry, but I didnt understood what you said. But Ill trust you.
I mean... its possible to play a character that is racist, but like evil characters I wouldnt trust a first time player doing it.
Even Gimli and Legolas were racists after all
Laughts in french
For reals. English is way simpler when compared to french. But Im sure every language has his quirks
Well, he IS holding guns. Sorry, english isnt my first, thank you for the definitions :)
If for example you display a subject that a player has a traumatism with. You might want to check on that before playing
Tell me harry doesnt look like he snorted one line too many
Yeah seconded. Whats the problem of a cocked up gun dual wielding wizard, hmm ?
No clue. You should try reddit. If for some reason like me your IP is banned use duckduckgo for a free vpn that will allow you to create a new smurf account
Of course it is :) it even gives you a knowledgeable but incompetent npc, perfect to guide but to be useless
Au contraire mon ami. Perfect strangers are easier to cut off. Id suggest to play online. Heh, if you want a guinnea pig if our schedules align I could be one player that is fine with helping a player join us on the other side.
One of us, one of us, one of us.
I can even teach you a few tricks with roll20 for example.
Hit me up if youre interested. Im not kidding, I am willing to help as long as we find the time to do so. I am a DM and a player
I did it on purpose. I loved to start 2 campains with The wild sheep chase. One of thoses 2 even had Finethir be a part of it.
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"So the next campain, everyone and everything died. There's nobody but you and your Tribe. It's been 50 years since you've been outside of your tribe's undercity.
Players : ... DM are you doing okay ?
Get her to play then
I wish. Maybe one day I can try the game. But for now nah, women are not a factor to play or not to play, period (get it ?).
I have 50 reasons to play dnd and 50 not to, a girlfriend is in neither of thoses lists
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I was just as sad the first 5 times I saw this as this one here.
Thats why as a DM, I ask for a Perception roll of the first to enter a room if they dont say anything, so that maybe he spots something to investigate further.
I also accept retconnings of stuff like Stealth if they didnt say it out loud but would obviously be stealthing as a rogue.
Its better that than having people shout the same things over and over like a badly programmed npc
Heh. A lot of problems also come from the DM not saying no enough. Too much is like not enough. Not saying no every is bad. Saying no too much is bad. Balance like in everything is how you get a great game.
Nah, I haven't checked the comments, and following what you said I won't.
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You just killed him dude !