sammytheman666 @ sammytheman666 Posts 17Comments 488Joined 2 yr. ago
2 things :
1- If the item is currently in the game, then it's the DM that have put them there in the first place. It's fine to take them away if you made a mistake, but it's your mistake, better own to it. 2- This is hilarious as I just gave my players a blank check where they can get any item whatsoever. Only one. But I'm waiting with excitement on what they will end up with.
The DM expecting a game to go exactly as planned is a new DM. Nobody with experience on this side of the DM curtains actually expects this. As for the players, it only makes their surprise more tasteful.
Dont know what game you played where everyone expected things to go according to plan, but plans never survive long for anyone, DM or players
" A game where everything goes right, at the exact time its supposed to, with the players only ever making an impact via backstory"
You never DMed a game before have you ?
I know it's gonna sound weird to you, like everything probably does, but having a lot of people pushing back against you usually isn't something that makes you look like being in the right.
Im curious too. Why shouldnt a boss be invisible... sorry, invincible ? Especially when you have no clue of the context except that it went away and the players survived ?
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If you give them things to buy with that money it can be fun. You can also have an ingame reason for that money. Like having a dragon threaten a kingdom for a humangus sum of money and it becomes an objective. The fun thing about it is, what happens if they keep some of it ? A lot of it ? Just bail and leave the kingdom to rot ?
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You trolling or asking truly ?
Fuck no. Last time I bought anything diablo related was 3, and Ive been pirating Blizzard ever since. Fuck em
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Riiiiight. So how about these dragon hordes ? Are dragons just F. A. Hayek's representation in dnd ? Saving the economy from disaster ?
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Why not both ?
Visible once a day ?
Sooo it shouldnt keep going after the first hit right ?
Are we talking about the shit of diablo 3 and 4 or the actual decent lore and ballsy gameplay of 1 and 2 ?
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How about this. If youre gonna give them the option to get that loot, dont take it away. Taking away loot you gave your players is the same shit as having a cool weapon in a videogame and never giving ammo for it. Assume what you give your players for fun and up the challenge instead of taking away fun
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I had that exact shit happen to me. Got to a underwater treasure filled with a dragon's horde. And long story short, we get attacked, go back to the surface, hurricane we havent saw before right on us, and the onky things we kept was that IF you managed a save you kept 1 fucking item. Nevermind me saying to the DM : I put as many rings and necklaces and bracers on me as I can.
If you are going to give your party the allures of a big treasure and they beat your protections, you fucking better not pussy out and let them keep it all.
When I saw that videoclip, I made it my duty to find a table to play him.
Plus I listened to Hot Shit right before an interview and got the job.
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One of my players is a warlock that keeps pushing and slowing enemies down with Eldritch blasts. I HATE... I mean I love that strategy SO MUCH !!!
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Using commoners to see how damaging a spell is is like using a cat to test out an anti-vehicle mine designed to explode on any contact and weight.
Meh. Night ambushes are useless if they are not there for the story. Unless you try to kill a player and make it meaningful, what would happen ?