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Why I'm leaving EA
  • giving any reason other than "the community needs to be more racist" is way exceeding my expectations. well on them

  • Nvidia is being a bubble stock again
  • *throwing a fedora like a shuriken* haha, consider yourself blocked good sir!

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • thought it was bad enough when the hackers got into my rabbithole, now this

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 30 June 2024
  • thinking about how I was inoculated against part of ai hype bc a big part of my social circle in undergrad consisted of natural language processing people. they wanted to work at places with names like "OpenAI" and "google deepmind," their program was more or less a cognitive science program, but I never once heard any of them express even the slightest suspicion that LLMs of all things were progressing toward intelligence. it would have been a nonsequiter.

    also from their pov the statistical approach to machine learning was defined by abandoning the attempt to externalize the meaning of text. the cliche they used to refer to this was "the meaning of a word is the context in which it occurs."

    finding out that some prestigious ai researchers are all about being pilled on immanetizating agi was such a swerve for me. it's like if you were to find out that michio kaku has just won his fourth consecutive nobel prize in physics

  • EA is becoming a cult? It must be wokeism fault
  • I uh... thought this rule had been in place the whole time. you mean the rest of you haven't been...?

  • In Case You Had Any Doubts About Manifest Being Full Of Racists
  • being disliked by racists is the optimal outcome my dude it's actually good

  • "Google Gemini tried to kill me"
  • mods can you please ban "david gerard" or whatever his name really is. ai hate is already out of hand without people coming to push their agenda like this

  • "Google Gemini tried to kill me"
  • headline is inaccurate and downplays the incredible potential of ai. Google Gemini tried to kill this person AND their entire family

  • Stubsack: weekly thread for sneers not worth an entire post, week ending Sunday 16 June 2024
  • also good to point out for someone just finding out about this:

    (1) The name is a lie in the same way "the democratic people's republic of north korea" is. So Peckham is absolutely correct that the Nazis hated socialists and were not socialists, as evidenced by the fact that they tried to kill all of them.

    (2) The modern version of this lie is pretending the Nazis were socialists, and it's a very common tactic in the far right. So Peckham is correct that we should not call them socialists, it's just that using the term "national socialist" doesn't actually imply you think they are socialists.

    (3) They did spring originally from the fusing of former socialist idealogues with the far right. So as with many massively successful lies there is a distant evolutionary relationship to something true.

  • Here Is What Axon’s Bodycam Report Writing AI Looks Like Here Is What Axon’s Bodycam Report Writing AI Looks Like

    Axon has been inviting police departments to webinars about the new AI-based product, which will automatically generate police reports based on bodycam audio, according to emails obtained by 404 Media.

    tl;dr ai will write up officer reports used to help convict people, based on bodycam audio. of course we can expect it to display the usual features of fictionalizing, bias and diffusion of accountability

    special highlight: end of the article includes a comment from the EFF, imploring municipalities not to purchase this tech. company responds with a statement pitching the product to prosecutors. make your own inference about who has control over this decision

    Google will start showing AI-powered search results to users who didn't opt in
  • I don't see any reason being trained on writing informed by correct knowledge would cause it to be correct frequently. unless you're expecting it to just verbatim lift sentences from training data

  • I'm imagining you right now

    I'm doing it so skillfully. I'm totally basilisking you. isn't that scary

    Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content
  • the site you are imagining, the supposed free speech site? it converges to gab. this dynamic is basic and I can't take you seriously if you don't get this.

    • nazis are encouraged to be equal voices on a platform
    • they use the platform's reach to radicalize fence sitters
    • other users, realizing their digital roommates are Nazis, are alarmed and leave
    • now it's a nazi site

    what exactly do you think substack will consist of in two years if they don't do a 180? the entire reason we're having this conversation right now is that a bunch of substack writers said they would rather leave than hang out with nazis

  • Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content
  • I cited obvious examples where extremist ideology got supercharged and organized through the wide reach mainstream platforms provide and you're like 'uh what difference does it make. disagree.' you are not a serious person

  • Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content
  • nobody but nazis wants to be on those lol. go post on gab or whatever if you want that. it's free. you can do it. you just don't actually want to

  • Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content
  • if you don't ban them that just happens on the mainstream platforms. big chunks of j6 were organized on twitter and facebook. qanon mostly spread off the chans, on mainstream platforms. giving extremists access to fence sitters isn't like throwing water on a fire, it's like throwing fuel on it

  • Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content
  • by causal link, I mean how does banning nazis cause support groups for non-offending pedophiles to get banned. like how does that actually happen. please be as specific as you can be

  • Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content
  • fascinated that you think it would somehow be harder for you to go out and find nazis if substack weren't hosting and paying them. it will always be easy to find and read Nazi content. the reason substack matters is that the platform helps THEM find YOU, or a suggestible journalist, or a suggestible politician, etc. you are not the protagonist here

  • sc_griffith sc_griffith
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