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FOSS Android app: Loop Habit Tracker
  • I've used this for a while now, and it's an excellent app. It's genuinely refreshing to have apps that just do their job without fuss or feature creep.

  • Take a look around you!
  • That's pretty rough in a lot of ways, but man would that make ASCII box-drawing easier.

  • Locked Removed
    [meta] confusion around rules
  • I didn't see the content of the post, but the modlog lists the following:

    Removed Post "Unpopular opinion: Wesley Crusher is not the worst TNG character... Alexander is." reason: Rule 1 + No be cares about your “unpopular opinion” luke warm takes

  • Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x08 "Under the Cloak of War"
  • Loved the Clint Howard cameo! Pretty amazing to still have actors all the way from TOS appearing!

  • Stop Trying to Make Social Networks Succeed [Opinion]
  • Seems a bit disingenuous to compare the niche of tech folks that used Google+ to the niche that use WeChat, with the later "niche" being... China...

    Not everyone has to agree that dominating a country's social media usage is a good goal, but it clearly is the goal for many companies, and they're going to continue to persue it. Perhaps users of social media should redefine success, but for creators of social media platforms there are absolutely clearly defined measures of success and failure.

  • To anyone who thinks music piracy is dead
  • Was anyone saying it was dead? I guess it took a hit when What went down, but I don't think people are going to stop listening to music...

    This is a good reminder I should get back on soulseek, though; I used to use it and it was pretty great.

  • Canon Connections: Strange New Worlds 2x03 - Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
  • I don't know if it's a canon connection to Star Trek in particular, but I loved the nod to the trope of using Toronto for NYC/Chicago/wherever.

  • scarecrw scarecrw
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