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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
9 mo. ago

  • Man, I had one of those. And I hated every minute with it.

    It was, by far, the slowest "modern" computer I ever used, and I legit do not miss the whole netbook thing with slow-ass atom CPUs and the world's slowest hard drives.

    (They probably would have been far less awful with a more modern SSD option, but well, that wasn't a thing soooo....)

  • Having a second week of winter here in TX.

    I'm really annoyed at climate change, because I live here mostly because it doesn't get or stay cold and yet here we are again, with my freezing my ass off and running up my gas bill, while hoping that the power grid doesn't decide it's too cold to work.

  • I'm the same way. If it's split license, then it's a matter of when and not if it's going to have some MBA come along and enshittify it.

    There's just way, way too much prior experience where that's what eventually will happen for me to be willing to trust any project that's doing that, since the split means they're going to monetize it, and then have all the incentive in the world to shit all over the "free" userbase to try to get them to convert.

  • I'm not a huge fan of the email analogy, because nobody knows how email works who isn't a tech nerd anyways.

    See: people who ask what your gmail is, not what your email is.

    I've started explaining it as picking a user and server name you like, and then that's how and where you login to the 'fediverse'.

    Less tech people have seemed to follow that at least, since it's a much simpler thing they can understand: they get what a username is, they get what logging in is, and they get that a username and a login lets you access something.

    And before everyone comes in with why that's a horrible explanation, I know. It's terrible, but it's terrible enough that I've got family members who can't keep left and right clicking sorted out to understand what I'm trying to say and how all these things are related.

  • Why are we asking the vice president why the president met with world leaders?

    I mean, you wouldn't really expect him to know given that his job is to sit there until something happens to the president and has essentially no power anyways.

    (/s, just in case.)

  • Mind you the way some of these articles sound is that the whole Xbox gaming division is on its knees and doesn’t sell a machine or make a penny.

    It does feel like they're using excessively narrow defintions and picking facts to create the narrative they want.

    Okay, the smaller of Microsoft's gaming platforms isn't selling as well as the PS5, while the other one is growing so fast even Sony is porting all of their exclusive games to it.

    Doesn't really feel like a complete market failure to me?

  • I have to ask: what j2me games would you actually want to play?

    Like, given you have enough compute to run the actual version of most of these games, (why play the GTA java mobile thing when you can just run all the actual GTA games?) what is there out there that's a game that's worth playing on its own merits?

  • no one was bringing Brian Thompson to justice

    You're not wrong, but the issue is that as fewer and fewer people believe that the law will actually hold anyone accountable, they'll decide the correct thing to do is to take it into their own hands.

    And, if there's anything that's been very, very, very, very, clearly shown over the last 2 or 3 years in the US it's that the rule of law does not apply to anyone who is rich, famous, or is capable of wielding sufficient soft power.

    If you're one of those 3, then absolutely nothing you do is illegal, and once you've reached the point where the justice system will not do anything to those that wrong you, the only thing you have left is to go out and take action yourself, which historically has almost always been violence.

    I would expect there to be more, rather than less, of these types of murders from here on - especially given that everyone in this country either has a gun, or is a 15 minute background check away from having one.

  • Fedora was always a bleeding-edge distro and never all that stable or reliable.

    The problem is RedHat/IBM have been fucking with everything, and Fedora has suffered along with everything else and it's just kinda decayed a bit over the past few years.

    ....Ubuntu went to shit at least a decade ago, if not longer.

  • This and the 'the server is for x topics'. Those just confuse people because if you don't understand federation, you think that means 'you can only talk about x here' which is not how it works at all, but it's very much how things are still being presented.

    And for all the ' bad', it's only bad if you're discussing one of their sacred cows (bears?), and otherwise perfectly reasonably usable, and getting more people on the fediverse is preferable to purity testing every community that tries to move off reddit.

  • While I don't disagree, I still think using a Kindle device is stupid.

    No reason that they can't just go 'oh we didn't sell those books, we should clean up all that unauthorized content' at some point in the future.

    Buy something that's not made by Amazon, even if it costs a bit more or has worse features, because well, they're not to be trusted.

    (Or custom non-connected firmware if that's a thing for Kindles. Never really looked so no idea if that's a thing.)

  • 0.001 ElonCoin says that absolutely nobody will revolt against anything.

    70% of the country either wants this or was too lazy to do a single thing to stop it, and the other 30% is too busy yelling at each other about how they're the most pure.

    Ain't shit gonna happen.