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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
9 mo. ago

  • Okay I have to ask: if you don't know someone's gender, but you can't call them uh, they/them, then what in the fuck are you supposed to do exactly?

    Like, I fully get doing it in person can be being a dick, but on the internet where you absolutely do not know unless someone tells you?

    That's the dumbest thing I've heard today, and I was on reddit earlier.

  • completely disable Windows Update

    Since this is a work thing, I'd maybe check with whomever is in charge of your shit that you're not violating any compliance shit by turning updates off.

    If you're not, cool, then whatever, but compliance bullshit is awful and sucks and it's better if you're not the reason you fail an audit.

    Edit: for the OP, not you.

  • is this dead?

  • Snapraid parity is offline, so that's not strictly accurate.

    You build the parity, and then until you do a sync/scrub/rebuild they don't do shit, so there's no reason to keep them spun up.

    If the drive are slow spinning up, then this is probably not a fatal concern, but there's zero details here.

  • Oh, maybe I wasn't clear: this isn't the usual mods doing mods, they were such bad posters the admins banned their entire sub.

    Getting banned from a subreddit is easy, getting the admins to kick you, your friends, and your community off the site requires exquisite and well-developed shitposting skills beyond those of most mortals.

  • Hexbear is the big instance of people who are so fucked they tend to get banned even from there.

    No, no. They're a group of posters so awful they got banned from Reddit.

    And let's be honest, you can be pretty much the worst person on earth and survive in your own little bubble on Reddit, but, for whatever reason, they couldn't.

  • Not just zoomers.

    I'm a grumpy old-inneial, and I dumped them a while ago.

    The big reason is they've become fucking awful exploitative shitshows. Paywalls for everything, nonstop popups to buy shit, push notifications about things that you should pay for, fake messages that there's "waiting matches" if I just pay $39.95, and the dark pattern bullshit you expect off scam websites: limited time sales, limited volume sales, 'act now or it's gone forever' nonsense.

    And, if that wasn't bad enough, what you would get, if you paid for it, is flakes, fakes, scammers, and catfishers. Like, while hovering in the free pity-zone you get, I got a ton of matches. I'd say out of ~60 matches, 25 were outright scams (Oh hello, I am kindly wanting to get laid, please contact me on the app I use every day, telegram!), 20 were fakes (quick reverse image search showed that shockingly, that image was, in fact, not someone who felt the need to actually use dating apps), 10 were people who had decade old pictures or very, very selective angles, and the last 5 were conversations that totally went to plans and then... nothing.

    Now, I'm gay, so I already have a HUGE advantage over the poor straghts, because everyone is there to get laid, and thus the bullshit is usually a lot more minimal. Don't have to convince a dude all that hard, or play the make-sure-you-answer-the-question-correctly shit my straight friends have to deal with.

    But, even then, over the course of a month, it was just a case of being nagged to death to spend money, and every interaction being total bullshit, which doesn't really make you want to spend the time OR money.

    And before you assume it's just me, I went on dates and uh, more, 3 times in the same month off people I met from Snapchat. From the random-people-you-should-add list. So, I'll assume it's not just me, and that those apps have rotted to the point they're literally worse than random people on Snapchat, which is a hell of an achievement.

    And I'll 2nd the just meeting people at things in real life. People can't play the stupid shit games if they're standing in front of you: it's hard to be a scam or a fake, and your ability to catfish is limited to trying to suck your gut in, which isn't really something someone is likely to miss you doing.

    I do think, though, that there were useful dating apps before they got ingested into the umbrella, but they have been, so it's just a wilderness of enshittified piles of poo as far as you can see.

  • I honestly assumed STO died years ago.

    I kinda quit playing it when greifing the ERPers stopped being fun (or even all that possible), since the rest of the game had stopped being fun quite a while before that.

    Hard to say if someone other than Cryptic is good or bad for the game, given Cryptic was always pretty shit.

  • See, IBM (with OS/2) and Microsoft (with Windows 2.x and 3.x) were cooperating initially.

    Right-ish, but I'd say there was actually a simpler problem than the one you laid out.

    The immediate and obvious thing that killed OS/2 wasn't the compatibility layer, it was driven by IBM not having any drivers for any hardware that was not sold by IBM, and Windows having (relatively) broad support for everything anyone was likely to actually have.

    Worse, IBM pushed for support for features that IBM hardware support didn't support to be killed, so you ended up with a Windows that supported your hardware, the features you wanted, and ran on cheaper hardware fighting it out with an OS/2 that did none of that.

    IBM essentially decided to, well, be IBM and committed suicide in the market, and didn't really address a lot of the stupid crap until Warp 3, at which point it didn't matter and was years too late, and Windows 95 came swooping in shortly thereafter and that was the end of any real competition on the desktop OS scene for quite a while.

  • Since it appears this happened 8 years ago, and uh, I can't say that I've seen a single MP3 file since then, perhaps nobody still cares.

    If you're building a music library, and you're NOT using some sort of lossless format, I'd love to know why. I know a lot of people with massive libraries, medium libraries, and just shit they like one song at a time and not a one of them isn't using FLAC files for it.

    They might transcode into something occasionally, but it's always something like AAC or OPUS, not MP3.

  • First answer that comes to mind is, of course, 'all of them'.

    Though that's not got any nuance and probably depends on if you're after preservation, making something more accessible, or just data hoarding for the sake of data hoarding.

    Given the current state of things in the world, I'd say any sort of scientific, health-related, or similar type of content would be where I'd immediately assume the greatest need is.

    Edit: Anything relating to trans healthcare, in particular. As well as anything even remotely non-straight.

  • I've written a couple of replies, deleted them, wrote some more, and deleted those and then debated replying at all but finally came up with what I think I want to say that doesn't come across as being an absolute raging asshole.

    TBH, that kind of response is a good portion of why I'm tired of trying to engage. I'm perfectly willing to use my privilege in any way that's going to actually make a meaningful difference, but frankly nobody can provide a useful thing. It's just neoliberal snark that I'm just plain not doing enough and really should be doing better, without any useful guidance into what I should be doing than the typical usual crap that comes out of neolibs.

    It's always just 'go vote!' (which I've done, and will continue to do), or 'call your senator!' (which I have and is utterly worthless), or maybe 'don't buy things on this day because that'll show them!' (it won't), or even the always popular 'go protest!'. Which again, I have, but showing up with 25 other people is not going to be something anyone in power cares about, at all.

    If anyone has an actually useful impactful thing to do, I'm all ears, but frankly, I've yet to hear anything that strikes me as likely to actually either effect change, preserve something, or otherwise improve anyone's life more than me getting focused on myself, friends, and family.

  • That could probably work.

    Were it me, I'd build a script that would re-hash and compare all the data to the previous hash as the first step of adding more files, and if the data comes out consistent, I'd copy the files over, hash everything again, save the hash results elsewhere and then repeat as needed.