schizo @ schizo Posts 10Comments 1,584Joined 9 mo. ago
Yeah I figured that's what you were trying to figure out, since I 100% went through the same thought process, lol.
I just bought a Mac Mini instead of moving to Linux on the desktop, and am pretty happy with the outcome (everything works) but that's not a solution for everyone.
I can answer your question: Resolve are very clear that Intel iGPUs are not supported in Linux, at all, because the Intel Linux drivers do not support some features they require.
Free version, paid version: doesn't matter, it's not supported hardware right now. Not even the new ARC cards are, because it's a software issue Intel has to fix.
Ran into this when looking at moving to Linux and there's not a solution for it.
Well, so far it's been pretty clear we're willing to let lots of school children get shot and are willing to blame ANYTHING but the state of mental health care in this country, so I'd have to say that we're not very good discussing this, or doing anything about it.
It's a combination of the old British stiff upper lip, the American belief in rugged individualism, and a whole lot of just plain burying our heads in the sand.
...Also mental health coverage by insurance is usually not very good. You can typically get coverage to see a psychiatrist to get drugs for whatever ails you, but seeing a psychologist is a lot more iffy usually. Have to find one that takes your insurance, assuming your insurance pays for it at all, and even if it does pay for it you usually have some sort of visit limit, so hopefully whatever your issue is can be sorted out in 10 visits or whatever, so good luck god bless thoughts and prayers.
Was replacing '24' with '25' too much work, or something?
The format is the tape in the drive, or the disk or whatever.
Tape existed 50 years ago: nothing modern and in production can read those tapes.
The problem is, given a big enough time window, the literal drives to read it will simply no longer exist, and you won't be able to access even non-rotted media because of that.
As for data integrity, there's a lot of options: you can make a md5 sum of each file, and then do it again and see if anything is different.
The only caveat here is you have to make sure whatever you're using to make the checksums gets stored somewhere that's not JUST on the drive because if the drive DOES corrupt itself, and your only record of the "good" hashes is on the drive, well, you can't necessarily trust those hashes either.
So, 50 years isn't a reasonable goal unless you have a pretty big budget for this. Essentially no media is likely to survive that long and be readable unless they're stored in a vault, under perfect climate controlled conditions. And even if the media is fine, finding an ancient drive to read a format that no longer exists is not a guaranteed proposition.
You frankly should be expecting to have to replace everything every couple of years, and maybe more often if your routine tests of the media show it's started rotting.
Long term archival storage really isn't just a dump it to some media and lock it up and never look at ever again.
Alternately, you could just make someone else pay for all of this, and shove all of this to something like Glacier and make the media Amazon's problem. (Assuming Amazon is around that long and that nothing catches fire.)
Do some people? Sure. There's more than a few sects of evangelicals that are all in on the end of the world.
But, frankly, outside of certain religious sects and/or cults, I strongly doubt it's all that widespread.
Even the preppers I know don't want it to collapse, they're just aware that society is fragile and is more likely than not going to collapse - knowing something is likely to happen and preparing for it is very very different than hoping for it.
I'm terminally doomer, but even I don't really think that the "world is ending" is a likely outcome, even if the worst of everything possible happens.
The question, for me, has always not been 'will humans die out' so much as 'can we stop squabbling over stupid shit long enough we don't all die'.
I'm using blu-ray disks for the 3rd copy, but I'm not backing up nearly as much data as you are.
The only problem with optical media is that you should only expect it to be readable for a couple of years, best case, at this point and probably not even that as the tier 1 guys all stop making it and you're left with the dregs.
You almost certainly want some sort of tape option, assuming you want long retention periods and are only likely to add incremental changes to a large dataset.
Edit: I know there's longer-life archival optical media, but for what that costs, uh, you want tape if at all possible.
Change your port definitions so that they're only binding to localhost, like so:
- ""
That'll stop access from anywhere but the local host. You'll have to redo your reverse proxy configuration to use instead of whatever you're using now, though.
Uh, Fry's Electronics? The Fry's Electronics that have been out of business for like five years?
Not that I doubt this list, but listing long dead companies as current donors does not add to the legitimacy.
All these posts, and not ONE person mentioned The Animated Series. No, not that one, the older one.
It's unorthodox, sure, but it's also a pretty low stakes and less uh, of-its-time, way to enjoy some TOS before going into TOS, which is 100% where you should start.
Part of me finds it sad that the "green" option is not only shit but actually worse.
The other part of me is laughing because that's the best snacking my doomer-ism has had for a while.
Oh, I'm pretty sure they fully understand how it works.
They simply expect tech to roll over when commanded, and in this case, it does indeed look like Apple is going to do exactly that.
Also, isn't the preferred nomenclature actually a 'm'lord'?
Perhaps I've misunderstood something.
The old 'this is not an airport, you don't have to announce your departure' line seems like it might apply here, since that's the least interesting why-im-leaving post I think I've read in a while.
No, it's not. At this point, it's entirely clear that 1/3rd of the country is terminally stupid, 1/3rd is too lazy to do anything about the terminally stupid, and 1/3rd too busy screaming at each other over purity tests to do anything to convince the lazy that they shouldn't default-allow the stupid to lead everything.
I've reached a point where, frankly, I don't care anymore. This year is going to be about me, and frankly, screw whatever other people want or think.
I've done some minor things: I carry now, got a motorcycle license and a bike, am spending rather a lot more time and energy around getting laid.
Long term, though, I cannot see a way that the US is going to survive in it's current state, and I also cannot forsee me ending up as involved in things as I have been becasue it's absolutely crystal clear that unless we magic up a way to solve stupid and lazy, this is going to be the default going forward.
And, just for clarity here: the 'default' does include Team Blue winning the occasional election, because it's basically just being told the Stage 4 cancer that's going to kill you is in remission, but probably only for 2 or 4 years and at random intervals. At some point the cancer WILL kill you, and the occasional moment of pauses in the destruction are not saving anyone or anything.
And yes, I know this is absolutely coming from a position of privilege: I may be gay, but I'm also white, cis, and can absolutely pass as straight, and while not being rich, I have a house, a reasonable nest egg, and the absolute unqualified glorious privilege of not needing to work 40 hour weeks to pay my bills.
But, well, I've paid for that privilege over the last decade of working 60 hour weeks, and I cannot see any reason why I shouldn't exploit the shit out of it and stop making some corpo shareholder richer while I sit there stressed and upset over shit that does not matter. (I worked in IT: none of it matters, at all.)
It's both horrible discovery and a limited number of creators.
But, for discoverability, might help you find things to watch, since it's the only good multi-server search I've seen. (And run by the peertube devs.)
Ignore and move on.
If you don't like someone's shit, block them. There's not a limit of how many people who make you upset you can block, so go hog wild.
send a nuke
Hey I've seen that movie.
quickly and completely corps change their minds
What pisses me off is how utterly willing any given minority is willing to boot-lick a corporation because of a rainbow avatar or 50 word statement of support or whatever.
Corporations will, at best, pretend to be your friend until it's no longer convenient for them to do so, then your ass is out on the street.
Don't fall for it when they change their mind again, because they are at very best minimal-effort dont-rock-the-boat-too-hard temporary performative allies.