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[OC] Tunnel Mutant

The jean palette reminds of Carl's sweatpants from ATHF lol. Feedback is always appreciated!

Are image uploads broken for anyone else?

Anyone else having issues uploading images? I've been getting the following error message when attempting to select an image:

SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

Browser: Firefox 115.0 (Linux)

What's a quote that has stuck with you for your whole life?
  • A flower unplucked is but left to the falling, And nothing is gained by not gathering roses.

  • What is your first memory?
  • My mom bringing home a grocery bag full of dinosaurs toys from a yardsale. I had to be like 4.

  • What is your favorite open source software?
  • We have the same experience then XD

    In my experience, the learning curve felt similar to Dwarf Fortress.

    For starters, there's the Guidebook and the Wiki.

    You probably also want to keep a Keyboard Reference handy.

    This guy has a full run you can watch,(or not, that's LOOONG)

    For me, I think it was just a combination of watching people play and banging my head against it until things start to sort of make sense. Kind of like dwarf fortress lol.

  • What is your favorite open source software?
  • Firefox and Nethack

  • Looking for Artbook Download webites other than Z Library
  • Is there something in particular that you're looking for?

  • What is a fun childish thing you still do as an adult?
  • I like to crawl up stairs on all 4s when no-one is home.

  • Sources for audio books
  • Also, probably the best community of any PT out there.

  • What was "The Incident" at work that caused an exodus in the work force?
  • The department head was an absolute bag of dicks. This guy was so bad, you would think that he was doing a bit or something. He would use company resources for his side projects and would constantly try and get us to work on one of his dipshit app ideas. He would find any excuse to travel to remote sites so he could cheat on his wife with the local sex workers, and worse, would drag us around with him as his entourage or some shit. He would stand behind us and watch us while we worked. Every few days he would partially read an article espousing some new technology and then give us shit for not using it.

    We generally learned to work around his shenanigans and even got pretty successful at self managing and knocking out projects, but after a while he decided to show us all who's boss and siloed us completely. The whole team left within a month of each other.

    On a side note, to this day, the lead dev from that team is my absolute biggest hero. That dude bore the brunt of the dep head's stupidity, kept us sane, kept us on task, let us vent, managed projects, dealt with customers, and was an all around awesome guy.

  • How many people here are Private-Tracker only?
  • I use nyaa occasionally, but otherwise 100% pt

  • Plex lays off 20% of its workforce
  • Wasn't even aware that Plex was still around. Swapped to Jellyfin years ago.

  • Monster Art

    Hey! I'm not sure if anyone shares the same interest, but this is one of my favorite resources for horror/monster related art.

    It's a blog that shares monsters illustrations from historical to retro and everything in between. The images are high res and include sources and credits.

    The catalogue is massive and I've burned multiple afternoons over the years just browsing through them.

    What's your opinion on Calckey?

    I guess I'm a little late to the party, but apparently it's a fork of Misskey. I like the additional features so far. Especially the gallery and channels. I think I actually may try and migrate from Masto after playing with it a little more.

    Is anyone able to post replies to other instances?

    I've noticed that when attempting to post responses to threads in other servers, the Post button just kind of spins indefinitely.

    What are you working on?

    Main projects, side stuff, game dev, art, music, crafts, whatever. Got anything cool that you're working on and would like to share? Or even something in the works that you're hoping to get off the ground.

    screwtape Kotzwinkle

    Hobbyist game dev

    Posts 9
    Comments 11