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Oh Joe...
  • The same reason the 1/3 burger flopped.

    I think that was just A&W flopping. Braums did just fine with 1/3rd lb burgers. And in the south no less.

  • Guess who just mounted their first motorcycle tire? #motorcycles
  • And it's not even on backwards! Congrats; It's a pretty handy skill. Just don't tell your friends unless you want the practice.

  • Tesla Cybertruck Unexpectedly Accelerates Into Home With Rear Wheels Locked
  • They've already concluded the investigation? That was quick.

    Or are you taking some shit for brains tesla driver's word as gospel?

  • Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish
  • And what would "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." have to do with states making state level laws?

  • Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish
  • The US constitution clearly states that there is a seperation between church and state.

    Unfortunately, I don't believe you'll find that wording in the constitution.

  • Tesla Cybertruck Unexpectedly Accelerates Into Home With Rear Wheels Locked
  • That video looks like operator error. The only tire noise you hear is when they are going too fast to make that first corner and then performed the all to common over-correction into the neighbors house. So many videos of rich idiots totaling their supercar* in the first week.

    *not that this pile of shit is a supercar, but they still probably found a lot more power on tap than they were expecting.

    But don't let me interrupt a perfectly good circle jerk.

  • Trump Tells Faith Conference If He Took Off Shirt They’d See ‘a Beautiful Person’ With ‘Wounds All Over’ From Defending Religion
  • "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

    It's basically a cognitive dissonance conference.

  • stunted
  • He'll be extra burned when he finds the condom, left by a passerby a moments notice, was several years expired.

  • New Yorker describes how she tackled child rape suspect after recognizing him
  • "After that, I ain’t gonna lie, everybody just started beating on him," Flores added, saying they used a belt to tie up his legs.

    That warmed my black heart.

  • Climate activists arrested after spray painting UK’s Stonehenge monument
  • Well. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Now your org gets to pay for cleanup if they don't just tell the 2 that got arrested "Good luck, you're on your own now"

    What's the correlation with Stonehenge and the fossil fuel industry? No one visiting is going to see the vandalism and think "Maybe I should lessen my personal dependence on fossil fuels.", they're just going to hear how it was this asshole group that happens to be named 'Just Stop Oil'. I highly doubt that's changing anyone's mind (for the better).

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for activism. Hell, I'm all for destructive activism; Block access to oil wells, sabotage infrastructure (preferably in a way that doesn't cause more environmental damage in the process), burn down some private jets. But don't go around being an asshole unrelated to your cause just to get your name out. That's not helping anything.

  • Anon fucks up
  • God had a pretty impressive kill count

    Satan's was what? A dozen at most?

  • "He couldn't even remember me": Trump has "severe memory issues," says author who interviewed him
  • Ramin Setoodeh, co-editor-in chief at Variety, said he did an hour long sit-down interview with Trump

    A few months later, Setoodeh met with Trump again... Trump had "no recollection of our lengthy interview,"

    Setoodeh said. "As the journalist who spent the most time with him,"

    Yeah, sure you are little buddy. Because no other journalist got more than 2 interviews. MF had Megan Kelly and Tucker on speed dial.

    TFW you're really just a forgettable person.

  • Logan Square landlord evicts tenant for flying Palestine flag
  • Fishman sent her maintenance man to deliver a ten-day eviction notice to her door.

    Yeah, that's not legal. Hope the tenant finds a good lawyer.

    Mun. Code Ch. 5-12-170: Under the 2020 revisions of the RLTO (“Fair Notice Ordinance”), Landlords must provide a tenant that is not in the eviction process: • 30 days of notice to terminate a month-to-month tenancy, decline to renew your lease or raise your rent if you have lived in your apartment for less than six months. • 60 days of notice for the same if you have lived in your apartment for more than six months but less than three years.

    One of the high-points in my life was having a landlord show up with the local sheriffs to try and force an eviction that up until this point had only been verbal. I happily showed them the state's tenant laws that said "30 days after written notice is provided" and had a lawyer friend on speed dial if they had any questions. Landlord got so belligerent that the sheriffs escorted them off instead.

    Also a PSA: If you rent, know your rights.

  • Not Likeable
  • Unpopular opinion: These smarmy hot takes do more harm than good.

  • Wells Fargo has fired a bunch of employees after finding out they were pretending to work with "simulation of keyboard activity"
  • That might have been how they found out. "Cody's been active for 48 hours straight and hasn't accomplished a single thing."

  • I asked Food Basics if they're using facial recognition
  • Wouldn't that only be the identification of the cardholder? Not necessarily the individual using it.

  • How do I schedule a steam download manually?
  • In the first example yes. In the second example the commands should run in parallel and be 6hr. I really should brush up on bash, I know just enough to be dangerous.

  • How do I schedule a steam download manually?
  • Probably not exactly what you're looking for but I use a batch file to accomplish this (in linux but windows should be similar). For example:

    sleep 2h && steam
    sleep 8h && killall steam

    Executing that will wait 2 hours, start steam so it can download whatever it wants while I sleep, then shut steam down 6* hours later before other people start needing to use the internet.

    *maybe 8 hours, I can't remember now if it runs commands sequentially or in parallel.

    Edit: better single line command for linux:

    (sleep 2h; steam) & (sleep 8hr; killall steam) &

  • How to disable scroll wheel in Fedora 39 (Nobara)?

    My mouse won't stop constantly scrolling and a replacement is a couple days away. How can I temporarily disable the scroll wheel? All the instructions I can find deal with xorg or xinput which I do not have. I can't find any scroll wheel setting in either settings or piper.

    Optionally just being able to disable it in firefox would save my sanity.

    Thanks for any help.

    Technically a felony.

    cross-posted from:

    > I tried explaining how serious the ramifications are, but he's got a real problem with authority.

    Technically a felony.

    I tried explaining how serious the ramifications are, but he's got a real problem with authority.

    Tools of the trade.

    This is Mo. He wandered into my garage 4-5 months ago and I guess this is his home now.

    seathru seathru
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