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Best Privacy DDOS Blocking?

I am considering hosting something and am concerned about DDOS attacks.

I am morally opposed to cloudflare because I think they are an unethical and shitty company.

What privacy focused solutions are there to reduce the likelihood of a successful DDOS attack?

Vermont Republican secretly poured water into colleague’s bag over months
  • I was raped and if I had a gun with me in a purse or bag I wouldn't have been raped. I did own a gun at home for protection but didn't keep it with me because of concealed carry laws, which is why I got raped. So yeah, rape does work like that, unfortunately. I'm not against free health care and wish everyone had universal health care.

    Part of my calculation when being held down and deciding whether or not to fight back was whether I would get killed if I really fought back intensely. I tried pushing him off but he weighted a lot. I had initially tried to reason with him, but reasoning your way out of being raped apparently doesn't work. The easiest way to fight back in the situation I was in would have been to have pressed my thumbs into his eyeballs and I thought if I did that, I might be able to get away, but I also might end up strangled to death. So I didn't do that.

    With something like mace or a taser, if I had that, it would have helped, but mace is a bit hard to aim in the dark. With both a taser and mace, yes, they may have worked, but they may not have. I really think if I had merely injured him, he would have killed me after.

    It would have been much better had there been a gun with me.

    Guns give ordinary people the autonomy to fight back against extreme brutality. It's unfortunate the issue has become polarized. All people should be able to own guns, all people should have universal health care, and all people should have the right to peacefully die if they want. Many of the "crazed" people in the US likely would have chosen a peaceful state-approved suicide or free emotional health service or both when their conditions deteriorated if the laws were different, and linking seeking care to forever having restricted rights (such as the ability to fly a plane or own a gun) is why so many men don't seek mental health support. Idiot liberals think if they buy more ads publicizing the importance of "mental health awareness" that men will suddenly go get help despite the restricted rights that always come with any diagnosis, which is always needed for insurance purposes. Countries that don't have an armed citizen are opening themselves up to brutal extreme tyranny, including dictators and oligopoly rule using the latest tech and AI, and only the stupid and naive don't see the risk or realize that in some countries it may already be here. The solution is more guns. For everyone.

  • Simple, really
  • it's not a bad point. you would just think with information free because of the internet, the lower classes would vote their economic interests instead of "these rich people ALSO think trans people are from satan, let me vote for them on this wedge issue and fuck myself economically"

  • Anti-whaling activist Paul Watson could face up to 15 years’ prison in Japan if convicted
  • Although I am not saying all Japanese people are evil, Japanese people sometimes do horrible things (read the Rape of Nanking) and their justice system is still pernicious and evil in how they treat people. Their justice system involves some of the worst cruelties in the entire world and the fact that Japanese people allow this with all of their intelligence shows their continued lack of empathy and disgraceful disregard for cruelty. He should watch out!

  • Starbucks is reeling as customers go elsewhere, sales decline
  • Yep, this too. They used to feel cool despite being a large corporation. Now they feel like a corporate cesspool with Apps and anti-unions and $10 sandwiches smaller than the size of a drink coaster. It's not fun anymore, and it's not fun to just be there, especially with people running in and out with the App to just grab things.

    But look in the positive side, although they probably lost or will lose 30% of their customer base, at least they can increase profits by 1 percent by having more back-end tracking data to sell from some remaining customers willing to download a shitty ad-infected closed source App!

  • Starbucks is reeling as customers go elsewhere, sales decline
  • Their prices are so expensive. Corporate executives do whatever they need to in order to increase profits right now, even if it destroys a customer base.

    Starbucks also often don't have bathrooms anymore. Starbucks used to be a place you could go to, sit down, use a bathroom if you wanted, use the Internet, and then buy something reasonably priced if you felt like it, but also just be there without buying anything.

    Now they want KYC through an App before you buy a $20 Latte so you can get a QR code in the App to use a bathroom, if they have one. The enshitification is real and then they are shocked-gasp, shocked!-that fewer people are there. "Why don't they like the QR Codes?"

  • Simple, really
  • We just need to elect politicians who provide large amounts of UBI. The problem in doing this is we would need to also limit the amount people could reproduce so that food doesn't run out in 20 years after people start fucking like rabbits. Doing this would be hard and probably require constitutional amendments since the wealthy have made procreation a constitutional right and the poor are too stupid to realize unlimited reproduction leads to a tragedy of the common in which those that endure the most unhappiness in the rat race are most easily able to reproduce. There would have to be Chinese-style awareness of populations and some penalties for not adhering to reproduction limits if the population grew too fast, and these penalties would have to be sufficient to deter people. Market capitalism and mild green (hampered a bit by UBI) along with huge taxes on environmental externalities is a much better way to allocate resources than just having a government committee benevolently decide things resulting in starvation later because people who are chosen for committees often say what is political rather than the truth of nature.

  • Simple, really
  • I am not proposing that, it's an exercise in futility. You can't deprogram a cult member easily and even if you killed them all, more would replace them. You have to accept these idiots as a natural part of society, like skunks and porcupines, like an eclipse or a tsunami, and respond accordingly.

  • Simple, really
  • In a democracy people could just stop voting in Republican politicians who say "don't do anal so you go to heaven" while they fuck the poor and stop voting in big spending Democrats who want to make the government as large, inefficient, and wasteful as possible.

    If people are too stupid to vote in smart representatives because jesus doesn't approve of anal and Democrats need to expand the size of government, then how the fuck would they be smart enough to coordinate a proletariat revolution, much less enact rules that won't completely fuck themselves over once in power due to an ignorance of the laws of nature?

    These are people who are upset trans people take hormones because it will upset the imaginary skygod, who only created man and woman, since intersex people also literally don't exist in their idiot pea brains. Do you understand the extreme stupidity of the average religious person? They believe jesus lives on a cloud, some of them think the world is flat, the level of moronitude is next-level.

    It's a good point in a dictatorship, but not when a large part of the populace is delusional gullible and stupid and could simply vote in decent politicians if they weren't so dumb.

  • Linux Desktop reaches New All time high. 4.45%(+0.4) 📈🐧
  • I'm sorry, can you clarify what you wrote? I read it but then got distracted by my cursor moving on its own while I was reading an article about xzutils. Perhaps I should read it again since it made no sense the first time.

  • Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows
  • not entirely.

    i stopped reading the first paragraph when i read "becoming a christian" and knew the rest of it would be irrelevant, illogical, and pointless.

    i read the last sentence of curiosity.

    the correct response to the religious is to ignore everything they say and treat their words like the illogical waste of time that they are.

  • is it illegal to create a ticket on reddit?

    Reddit is blocking vpns and invites users to create a ticket if they think there's been an error. I almost created a ticket with email address saying i wasn't sure if I was using a VPN with the body text just being "fuckyouspez!!!!" over and over. I didn't submit it because I thought for a moment "would this be illegal to submit?" It probably isn't, but I am not sure.

    my Searches in duckduckgo seem affected by my IP address

    i vary my IP randomly to try to be tracked less on the internet by ad companies.

    when using duckduckgo, i notice my results of certain searches seem slightly correlated to the IP I use if there's anything that could be impacted by location.

    this is also not just country specific, where duckduckgo is narrowing this down based on country

    i am not sure if duckduckgo is passing on the IP or if somehow bing has partnered with data centers or ISPs to try to guess the IPs going into duckduckgo.

    I also may be sensing this correlation and it's just random and not there. i could be wrong.

    Does anyone else ever notice this or wonder about this?

    Model/Actriz - Mosquito [2023] Model/Actriz - Mosquito (Music Video)

    'Dogsbody' out now via True Panther - Model/Actriz is Col...

    Model/Actriz - Mosquito (Music Video)

    from Dogsbody album

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