seeigel @ seeigel Posts 0Comments 24Joined 1 wk. ago
Then you have more demand than supply because there is not enough coffee for everybody. This leads to people queueing and some people leaving without coffee.
What's your opinion of Yanis Varoufakis' explanation for the tariffs?
What do you mean? There are globally less coffee beans available. Or do you mean the 30%? That's just an arbitrary number, as I tried to make clear by writing "Let's say ...".
Kind of, if Yanis Varoufakis has it right
You believe that the accusation then and now were true and that everybody knew but nobody in the position of power prevented the takeover?
Why is the focus on Trump then and not everybody else?
To me it's easier to believe that this is drama to distract from changes that are in a way necessary but unpopular.
How about this explanation:
There is a reduced supply of coffee beans. Let's say 30%. This requires that 30% of customers have to be priced out of the market.
If the coffee shop owners only increase the price by several cents then the demand stays the same. They have to fight for coffee beans which drives up their costs step by step.
However, if they increase the price in advance, and far more than necessary right from the start, then the reduced demand matches the available supply and the value of the coffee beans roughly remains the same which allows them to profit from most of the price hike.
deter another large-scale Russian offensive after any ceasefire
Russia is fighting to prevent NATO troops in Ukrain. Am I mistaken or does this bind Russia to fight until they either collapse or conquer all of Ukrain?
If Trump is a Russian asset, how was he allowed to run for his first term? Various agencies must have known.
Sind Deutschland und die Verbündeten schwächer als Russland?
Unnötige Aufrüstung zwingt ja nur die Gegenseite, ebenfalls aufzurüsten.
They use high flying satelites that stay in a fixed orbit for a very long time.
On the other hand, starlink satelites fly in low orbit where there is enough air that they are dragged down and must be replaced. This is expensive and only possible because SpaceX made rocket launches significantly cheaper.
The advantage of the low orbit is the low latency which makes it possible to steer drones.
Gerade diese Denkweise stellt ja Tusks Kommentar in Frage.
The point is having a common language and thus economic and cultural advantages. English is a secondary language for most people. In the US, it's probably replaced with Spanish.
With Arabic, you have many more primary language speakers. Thanks to immigration, the transition to Arabic can be made easy. Then it's possible to sell products in one packaging from Portugal to India.
I am not arguing that this should happen. It's just an opportunity that is not obvious because Arabic is not a traditional European language. Though I would assume that there are now more Arabic than Basque speakers.
The point of speaking Arabic would be to have the same language as North Africa and Arabia. And once Europe speaks Arabic, neighboring countries like Turkye, Iran or Pakistan and India could see the benefit in joining.
This doesn't mean that those countries become part of the EU. It would just create a huge zone with a single language which has its own advantages.
It depends on what Europe wants to be. The language is in some ways connected to the culture. Would Europe get a more Mediterranean savoir vivre if everybody spoke Spanish or French? I think so.
An ambitious and interesting option for Europe could be Arabic as the lingua franca. If Europe commits, other countries like Iran or India could also be interested in joining. That could create a huge area with a single language as long as it doesn't splinter into dialects like the current Arabic.
Wo kommt der Feinstaub eigentlich her? Sollte die Luft an der Küste nicht sauber sein?
10% der Republik liesst Zeit Online?
dass die US-Armee unter Trump die IT-Systeme des Jets jederzeit abstellen kann.
Als wenn sie das vorher nicht gekonnt hätten.
Was ist die tatsächliche Bedrohungslage? Laut Tusk ist die Gefahr durch Russland nicht so gross. Hat man die Jets bestellt weil man sie braucht oder weil man das Handelsdefizit mit den USA ausgleichen wollte?
Life will find a way. Going back can be used to create nuclear winter but even then, life will go on.
To completely screw over the world, I would go into the future and acquire the source code for a general AI.
Then the world can be locked down and robots can be built to abuse every human and sentinent being individually, for a very long time.
Schon mal versucht, die Fliehkraft zu nutzen?
Die zuhe Flasche mehrmals schnell mit ausgestrecktem Arm von oben nach unten vor dem Koerper schwingen. Dabei die Flasche so halten, dass der Verschluss nach aussen zeigt.
Yanis Varoufakis explains the reasoning