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Just banned from Worldnews for defending Israel against Hamas terrorism
  • Almost everything you said is a propaganda and barely have any truth in them.

    Israel's main goal is not to kill Palestinian civilians. If they wanted that, they could carpet bomb the entire place, who will stop them? Hamas? Civilian deaths are inevitable when militants hide under hospitals and shoot from schools. It's on Hamas and their militants.

    Two different court system is there because Muslims don't want to be in the same legislation as "kuffars" (you're probably not familiar with the term because you sound way too ignorant for that). Same is valid in Malaysia and Indonesia, Muslims consider Hindu religion inferior so they reject their legal systems, there are two courts with the exact same reason.

    There are roads only Jews can use? That's a myth. It's true that sometimes police closes roads for safety reasons and that's usually because some Palestinian randomly stabs Israelis, including women and children.

    Gaza has NOT been under blockade. In fact, Israel let Gaza trade many times. And you know what happened? Hamas smuggled weapons and missiles with every opportunity they got. And they shot into Israel totally randomly, only to provoke Israel.

    It's totally normal that Israel controls entry and exit in Gaza. Why is that a problem? I cannot enter US or EU without visa, same thing. If you have valid reason you can enter Israel. That's what borders are for

    Israel killed Palestinians and Palestinians killed Israelis. The fact that it's 1 to 20 only proves Palestinians lower capability of doing it. At ww2 many more Germans and Japanese died than Americans. That makes US bad for some reason?

  • Removed
    Just banned from Worldnews for defending Israel against Hamas terrorism
  • Blame Hamas. Just like we blame Nazis for the deaths of innocent Germans, or Japanese government for the deaths of innocent Japanese people. Innocents die at wars, and we should blame the starters of the wars, not defenders

  • Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
  • It's much worse than reddit. Mods are total dictators. They ban without any reason, only based on their political views. You criticize Hamas? Banned from worldnews. You're free to spread antisemitic propaganda because it's fine for them. It's the opposite of how it should be in many ways

  • Diablo IV has been disappointing so far
  • I constantly run out of mana, preventing me from spamming my main spells and enjoying playing as a Sorc

    Couldn't agree more. Problem is when I have mana and my CDs available, my damage output is insanely high. But once I'm out of mana and CDs are off, I just walk around like an idiot lol. My build takes out basic spell too so I literally have nothing else to do but walk around. It needs a rebalance, I don't want to have such high burst dps but a more constant gameplay with stable dps output.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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