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Why have there been large coalitions of countries throughout history that come together to draft agreements about the boundaries of war and what constitutes a war crime (like the Geneva Convention), b
  • A lot of people on here are making the point that war is profitable in many cases. They aren't wrong, but it's much simpler than that and has nothing to do with money. The entirety of the sovereign state based system we live in is predicated on the premise that to consolidate power you have to have a monopoly on use of force. And when you have a bunch of individual states claiming sovereignty over a bunch of individual territories, the only way that sovereignty is actually worth anything is if that state is willing to put up a right to prove it. I think the only way we will ever get away from war in the way we see it now is by moving onto an Earth-encompassing single state. We are a long, long way off from that.

  • What is your favorite way to kill time?
  • Used to scroll endlessly when bored but now I try to force myself to open up a book on my Kindle app when I have free time...or I gett on Lemmy/kbin đź«Ł.

  • Have you ever dumped a job right after youve been hired?
  • This is sound advice. I'm under no illusion that you owe any company any "loyalty," but a little bit of professionalism goes a long way. People talk, and many industries are much, much smaller than they seem.

  • DMacademy sh00g
    Let's get some content going on this community!

    This was one of my absolute favorite resources on Reddit and I miss it dearly now that I've quit cold turkey for Lemmy. Let's get the ball rolling and have some discussions!

    To start, I'll link to one of my favorite sites for tips on running the game: the Alexandrian. This site has fantastic discussions on things like node-based adventure design, tips on fleshing out mysteries, reviews, and more. Hope it is useful!

    ELI5 - So why exactly doesnt Biden expand the courts?
  • I think the issue is packing SCOTUS isn't even a band aid fix to the problem. You'd have to completely overhaul the way the Court works to get a meaningful impact on the way it operates currently. I've seen ideas floated like expanding the judiciary and then choosing a certain number of justices randomly to preside over each case, but that is probably worse than our current system because you could end up with an even more radical Court presiding over a very impactful case.

  • sh00g sh00g

    Hello Lemmy!

    I am a former 10-year Reddit user who is making the migration to Lemmy since RiF is being shut down by Reddit's hostile API actions. I am a Purdue University alumnus and mechanical engineer with a multitude of interests. Greetings!

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