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Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth
  • The parent wasn't looking for an explanation.

    They were commenting on how hard your wetware bricked.

  • My mom's doctor be like
  • not being defined except for being confusing and possibly enraging

    You just defined shitposting, my guy.

  • Pocket 386 is a mini laptop for retro computing with support for DOS and Windows 95 - Liliputing
  • Are you sure you didn't set low-detail with the viewport cranked way down? I played it on the same model with a math co-processor and it could not handle high-detail and the large viewport in the video.

    Edit: I'm fairly certain I had a math co-processor, but I'll defer to you on this detail just in case. That would certainly make a sizeable difference.

  • Pocket 386 is a mini laptop for retro computing with support for DOS and Windows 95 - Liliputing
  • 40MHz is plenty for doom.

    Ew, no. Even 386DX-40 is terrible for Doom:

    Doom timedemo 386 DX 40 MHz DOS PC

    486SX-33 is certainly playable, but you really want 486DX2/66:

    Doom Timedemo - 486DX2/66MHz

    Edit: grammar

    Edit 2: These videos are accurate, btw. I upgraded from 386SX-25 to 486SX-33 just for Doom while my friend got the 486DX2/66 Packard Bell. Envy.

    Edit 3: My memory forced me to go back and properly designate the models.

  • The IRS wants to end another major tax loophole for the wealthy and raise $50 billion in the process
  • That's all Adam Carolla, baby.

    He hates 'fair share' rhetoric, and boy does he go off about it.

  • Anthony Fauci says Trump dropped F-bombs during 2020 COVID call
  • The Hill buried the lede for agitprop.

    β€œThe president was irate, saying that I could not keep doing this to him,” Fauci wrote, according to the Times.

    β€œHe said he loved me, but the country was in trouble, and I was making it worse. He added that the stock market went up only 600 points in response to the positive Phase 1 vaccine news, and it should have gone up 1,000 points, and so I cost the country β€˜one trillion dollars,’” Fauci reportedly said.

    To be fair, "Trump Took COVID Response Personally" doesn't do much either.

    Edit: grammar

  • Pharma Exec Will Testify About Ozempic's Absurd Price Tag After Pressure From Bernie Sanders
  • This is the reality I came to. The establishment would have pulled out all the stops, guaranteed. If Bernie couldn't take North Carolina, he certainly could not take Congress. Facts.

  • Will Trump go to prison for felony hush money conviction? Experts are split - ABC News
  • If the rule applied to outcomes, people would simply write headlines that negate any they so choose.

  • Trump falsely claims he never called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up
  • I want to know why mainstream media keeps referencing what he said during his 2020 campaign. His 2016 campaign was way more insidious and is actually related to the election interference conviction.

  • How do you guys feel about Session?
  • Each SimpleX release gets me closer to using it. The upcoming v5.8 update is no exception:

    This release focus is improving the app usability, and preparing the foundation for v5.8 that will provide an in-built protection of user IP addresses when connecting to unknown file and messaging servers, reducing the need to use Tor (which would still remain supported via SOCKS proxy, for additional privacy).

    And another round of security audits:

    We are planning a 3rd party security audit for the protocols and cryptography design in July 2024, and also the security audit for an implementation in December 2024/January 2025,

    Looking good.

    Edit: SimpleX v5.7.5 is 313 MB without Data/Cache on Android. Yikes.

    Client Version App size
    SimpleX v5.7.5 313 MB
    Threema Libre 5.3.1l 138 MB
    Jami 20240521-01 102 MB
    Briar 1.5.11 101 MB
    Session 1.18.4 99 MB
  • gotta wonder why the aliens would build these rooms
  • And it was a proper Warehouse successor, too.

    My two favorite maps.

  • gotta wonder why the aliens would build these rooms
  • Trying to break that million point grind.

    Damn, that was 25 years ago.

  • Political Memes πšœπš‘πšŠπšπšŽπšŠπš›πš
    Giuliani gonna learn the Cohen way