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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. press dinner explodes in war of words and farting
  • Before the civil war, one senator almost caned another to death in the senate, and the assailant was fined ~10 000 dollars and continued serving as a senator.

    The politics of the 21st century is the most civil it has been in human history.

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. press dinner explodes in war of words and farting
  • Before the civil war, one senator almost caned another to death in the senate, and the assailant was fined ~10 000 dollars and continued serving as a senator.

    The politics of the 21st century is the most civil it has been in human history.

  • Liberal Economics be like
  • There's 0 real economists who hold anything close to these views. What a stupid take. Before you downvote, I ask that you find a single source that contradicts my claim. Since all liberal economics is like that, it should be easy, right?

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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