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LEO takes center stage for communications at sea
  • I've only known the "binary memory" version, eg. 1024 megabytes is 1 gigabyte is 1 gibibyte

  • Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc.
  • In a capitalist economy copyright is meant to protect people's livelihoods by ensuring they are compensated for their labor

    Whose propaganda did you suck down blindly? Copyright is meant to foster and improve the commons and public domain, and only that. The goal of copyright is not "money" and monopolies, but that's what capitalism does to things designated as property.

    The fact you can transfer and sell your copyright (because it's property in capitalism), it becomes a commodity to be bought and sold and traded. If copyright was not tradeable or transferable, we wouldn't be in in this situation where art is property to be owned.

  • Trolling is a art form

  • EA execs say generative AI is "not merely a buzzword for us, it's the very core of our business," then pretend to tell a computer to generate buildings live on stage
  • Then steal from those corporations. It's not hard. Copyright and patents were to benefit the public domain, not anything or anyone else. It does not do that. The public domain has done nothing but perish as more and more "protection" has been applied. Now it is all intellectual "property" to be owned and measured and controlled and regulated, unless you opt out of it with open source.

    We have tools like the GPL and AGPL. Corporations hate those. Turns out when you start giving away and "taking", everyone benefits. Open source hasn't made the world worse the more it's been growing — maybe choosing to forgo most protections of copyright and IP is actually good. Maybe.

  • Better merge it, too!
  • If you have seniority and they are a junior, some juniors do respond well to a senior having more knowledge about the codebase. With them, it can be beneficial to use a tone like "We have library X that seems like it could do a lot of the functionality here, unless you already took a look?" I know it's like 90% of the same but I know people who will just be shellshocked and just blindly say "yes" to any question you ask them, and I don't want a blind "yes" I wanna know the truth :) it also lets then explain why they didn't use it if they have a legit reason because hey, maybe I'm the one who needs to be caught up

  • Most instances are still federated. Really?
  • And socialists will always lose out. Everyone is okay with that, for some reason.

  • Use this information however you see fit
  • Probably virtually no one until they saw a post like this 😂

  • EA execs say generative AI is "not merely a buzzword for us, it's the very core of our business," then pretend to tell a computer to generate buildings live on stage
  • I'm a socialist. I understand market forces and I wish more people did. Technology itself can help the lower class. Government protection of technology (patents, copyright) will always hinder them.

    lowering the barrier to entry without protecting the elite will bring about market forces necessary to defeat corporations—small sizes can move and adapt faster and try new things than those with institutional bureaucracy, who just follow the money and don't innovate. Corporations learned this, and now use government protections (copyright, patents) to prevent these new, necessary, market forces. I don't like the "economic" terms myself, but it's not rocket science that corporations benefit from cops (aka law enforcement aka laws).

    We can remove the restrictions on new market forces by reducing IP protections, prevent corporations from mucking with newbies by preventing them from getting uncompetitive protections, or by stealing from corporations without regard for the law. I think we should steal more, honestly.

    Stopping technology has never worked, though. I understand the plight of artists, but I'm extremely excited for the new human artists that dream up art that AI can't create because it hasn't been fathomed before.

  • Games featuring paid loot boxes will soon receive a mandatory 'M' rating in Australia
  • You are fortunate that you have the experience to make that decision. Lots of kids are sold on becoming game devs young, and the ones who succeed land a job at mega publisher studio who has all the financial capital to hire junior devs.

    At the end of the day, it is the employer at fault. They are the ones saying "your family's health insurance will be revoked if we don't like you" and there are no industry-wide or general unions to tell em to fuck off. "It's their choice" sure, but they have a family to feed and they know how to make games since they were in high school and that has always fed their kids—how'd they know this industry would turn into a capitalist fuckfest? I get the frustration, but it should be pointed towards organizing and put the pressure upwards, not down or sideways.

  • Skyrim lead designer says it will be 'almost impossible' for Elder Scrolls 6 to meet fan expectations: 'Marketing departments just put their heads in their hands and weep'
  • I was there on Reddit on 11/11/11... but goddamn it was hated lol

    Everyone complained about it being a console game compared to morrowind, a very traditional "realtime" D&D CRPG. Skyrim's skills sucked, perks sucked, the UI sucked, etc—at least that's what was complained about. You gotta remember, TES was a PC game back then with "ports" to console. Skyrim was their first console-first RPG and TES fans weren't too happy, considering they were almost all PC gamers.

  • Why I Prefer Exceptions to Error Values
  • Look at gleam and elixir. Both are functional. Both use exceptions, but both also use error values as well. There is no reason why we can't have both. These are incredibly fault tolerant systems.

  • Oopsie, Visual Studio License expired, so the build server stopped working
  • People forget that compilers used to be commonly proprietary and commercially licensed. Heck, I'm born on the 90s and knew that 😂

    So so glad free and open source software took over though

  • Microsoft Lays Off Another 650 Staff From Its Video Game Workforce, Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Sends Memo to Staff
  • And people thought 14 years of copyright was too short... you play capitalist games of granting virtually infinite monopolies (trademarks are incredibly effective at restricting the public domain), as property to sell and trade to the highest bidders, the public domain be damned, and you get capitalist prizes like massive layoffs and unemployment and a deteriorating, corporation-owned culture

  • Godot 3.6 finally released!
  • Heartily agreed penisduck

  • Godot 3.6 finally released!
  • They are still updating the 3.x branch

  • Don't forget that when the big corporations thought that AI would easily replace all the humans, they signed up for it without even a look back.
  • If robots and ai can do it all (big if, but that's what the suits are betting on), then why can't workers just come up with free, libre, and open source hardware plans and software for robots and ai and make socialism a thing?

  • Man pages maintenance suspended
  • AGPL? Google has a ban on all AGPL software. Sounds like if you write AGPL software, corporations won't steal it.

    Code licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) MUST NOT be used at Google.

    The license places restrictions on software used over a network which are extremely difficult for Google to comply with. Using AGPL software requires that anything it links to must also be licensed under the AGPL. Even if you think you aren’t linking to anything important, it still presents a huge risk to Google because of how integrated much of our code is. The risks heavily outweigh the benefits.

    Any FLOSS license that makes a corporation shit its pants like this is good enough to start from IMO.

  • Man pages maintenance suspended
  • If it's only internal then technically the internal users should have access to the source code. Only the people who receive the software get the rights and freedoms of the GPL, no one else.

  • Kotaku being Kotaku
  • all D&D movies ever will be bad ig

  • Kotaku being Kotaku
  • That won't put butts in seats in theaters to make up for the money being invested. Microsoft wants a new generation of kid money.

  • skulbuny skulbuny


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