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Israeli army tells Palestinians to temporarily evacuate parts of Rafah ahead of an expected assault
  • Horrific civilian death toll as the IDF "mistakenly" bombs the very safe zones where they told people to go in 3, 2, 1...

  • The Genocide Charge Against Israel Is a Moral Obscenity
  • You're doing Lord Baphomet's work here, but I think I'm good. Thanks though!

  • Indigenous services minister to table First Nations water bill as early as Monday
  • American here: in this case "table" means "submit for a vote"?

  • Iowa Demolishes Its First 3D Printed House
  • *tract, apparently.

  • What led you to sign up on Reddit early on?
  • Back in 2006/2007 I was reading Slashdot for tech news and stuff. I started noticing that a lot of newer content was just linking to Reddit posts, so I figured I'd cut out the middleman and jumped ship to Reddit.

  • Post bad/mediocre anime with good openings
  • How dare you directly call out Fafner in the Azure in this manner!?

  • Takehito Koyasu's voice is instantly recognizable for me, anyone else?
  • You guys sure pronounce "Mu La Flaga" weird...

  • Takehito Koyasu's voice is instantly recognizable for me, anyone else?
  • Crap, I was going to write Tsuda-san and Hayami Saori but got distracted by video clips! -_-;

  • Texas secessionists feel more emboldened than ever
  • A blatant lie. In 2020, 66% of the voting population actually voted - and this was a record high! Of those, 46.48% voted for Biden/Harris. So that's just under 1/3rd, or 30.68% of the voting population of Texas.

    Now, do I feel for these folks? Yes. Is it terrible that they're being disenfranchised by their state and local governments at every turn? Also yes. Is this going to make me feel at all bad if the state whose main claim to fame is keeping slavery going an extra 2 years splits off, only to get gobbled up by Mexico?

    Not in the slightest.

  • Takehito Koyasu's voice is instantly recognizable for me, anyone else?
  • Other male actors I can pretty much instantly recognize:

    Some female VAs I can spot regularly, although I have a harder time here as many female VAs have excellent ranges:

  • Texas secessionists feel more emboldened than ever
  • Good... and also "bye".

  • British Police are Using Period Tracker Data and Blood Tests To Investigate Patients Who Miscarry
  • Yeah, have you tried just... being ? Their experience is obviously superior, why would you want to be anybody else? /s

  • Iraqi Resistance Targets Multiple US Bases in Syria
  • I've been listening to "Blowback" and, like, duh.

  • Star Citizen's Squadron 42 is now feature-complete
  • I'm hoping to someday buy a computer that can run Squadron 42. Can Social Security help with that?

  • Killings in the U.S. are dropping at a historic rate. Will anyone notice?
  • It doesn't help that the news focuses on murders and gun crime over anything else, and provides a megaphone for copaganda with zero analysis. If it bleeds, it leads, even if it's a lie.

  • Where do you prefer to host your models? Thingiverse, Printables, Thangs, ...
  • I put my first model up on Cults, Thingiverse, and I think one other site... so far only the Cults one seems to have gotten any traction, so I'm focusing on that.

  • 'The Dangers in My Heart' Season 2 PV
  • New season announced, comic volume 9 next month: it's a good season.

  • What Americans Think Of The Biden Impeachment Inquiry
  • Being able to act hypocritically, flout the rules and regs, and get away with it is political Viagra to these assholes. It's what they live for. It's impossible to "catch them" in flagrant acts of hypocrisy because the act of you noticing them being douchebags but not being able to stop them gives them massive power boners.

  • CSS - "We have a New Official Wiki! (also some state of dev)"

    Last update before everyone goes on vacation, looks like.

    Update 8 Bugs and Performance Troubleshooting

    Following on from the earlier Update 8 Experimental release, here's Jace back with some news on bugs and performance fixes.

    Update 8 OUT NOW on Experimental

    In case folks haven't seen this, Update 8 is out on Experimental and looks superb. Except for all the bugs \_\;

    sleet01 sleet01

    Ex-tanker turned programmer


    English is good, Japanese is okay


    I love puns!


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    Comments 35