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Not really sure whether S-expressions or Python indentation-based scoping get more hate...
  • Yeah, it is a completely nonsensical thing to complain about. I hate to go around matching curly brackets like some braindead nematode. If you use more than two levels you should rewrite the code in most cases... just use advanced indexing and vectorization (by pythonic ;p). Or you can loop around like a freaking peasent in your inefficient garbage code that nobody can read because it is cluttered with comments explaining basic stuff. There is a reason Python is popular... and it is not because no one can read it. Same goes for dynamic typing - it is a blessing for most tasks. I do not want to explain to the machine what every temporary variables means...

  • Qualcomm turns to Wi-Fi to take wireless earbuds and headphones to the next level - The Verge
  • Dynamic processors (e.g. compressors, limiters, peak detectiors) are more accurate at higher sample rates (and bit depth). Also, less latency at higher frequency. Lastly, it greatly improves editing including "modern" processing such as time streching, pitch correction etc. I am not sure what the effects on "spatialization" are ...

  • StEvEN cROWdER doES Not dESERvE a MEME foRmat
  • Main problem is: Steven Crowder did not make the meme. People made a meme out of him. There was no "format" - he wanted to be edgy and debate. Then, he became a meme. Nothing to take from, nor attribute to him.

    However, I much prefer Calvin and never want to see anything related to Steven Crowder. And what was that about Hitler? ...

  • Thousands of Ukrainian men are avoiding military service
  • Hey are you still here.. You are behind commenting schedule (NAFO called...). It has been more than 12 min after your last comment. You are below your own average (assuming you sleep/are inactive for 8 hours). Get of the web. Touch grass!

  • Ukraine expands conscription, removes medical exemptions for HIV, hepatitis, mental disorders and more
  • Also, the US seemed very horny to sell overpriced gas to Europe and dump their dept on Ukraine and EU to fix their inflation. As a side effect they get to use more tax money to modernize their military stocks by moving additional taxmoney to their military industry.

  • Ukraine expands conscription, removes medical exemptions for HIV, hepatitis, mental disorders and more
  • Surely they have invaded your brain. This war was in the making for decades. You really think it started with the recent invasion? What role do you think the US and Europe play in this war? Who do you think is accumulating credits/dept for the next generations? Who will swoop in with their cooporations when the dust has settled? Give me a break... the case is wide open.

  • Thousands of Ukrainian men are avoiding military service
  • Ah yes - the good old "default". You seem full of prejudice. It is a big difference to be against the expansion of imperialism and nato, against the suffering of workers versus cheering on weapon deliveries and death. You are wrong - you can have it both ways. There is no good side in this war. Both are corrupt oligarchies full of caucasian (orthodox) christians that seem to like to plunder workers and lands. Sprinkle some of US geopolitics on it and you get what we currently have: we, the majority of the population, pays the price through inflation and death.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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