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Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish
  • Thomas' RV was custom made by the guy who bribed him with it.

  • Louisiana governor who said 'I can't wait to be sued' over Ten Commandments law gets his wish
  • Also

    1. The current conservative SCOTUS doesn't care about precedent or the constitution and will rule however they want.
  • App development
  • Do it twice and every woman looks like Gollum.

  • What is the deal with API documentation that can seem so terse to a hobbyist?
  • Pretty busy at the moment, I'll get back to this later when I have sone free time.

  • Automation
  • But all the other questions are to find out if they are a good fit for the office culture.

    You know, if they are also white middle class dude bros.

  • Failed a spot check
  • This kills the joke.

  • Failed a spot check
  • A coup is a passenger car with a sloping or truncated rear roofline and two doors.

  • Another mystery solved.
  • When fully loaded, a commercial cargo vessel, is 80-90% under water.

    Hahaha, no.

    While I can't find a comparable article for cargo ships, cruise ships are 10% underwater. A fully loaded cargo ship can't be more than 30% as they tend to be stacked far higher than the ship's sides. Ocean waves would easily swamp a ship that was 80-90% underwater.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • The lord didn't take Red Lobster away.

    Vulture capitalists did.

  • Another mystery solved.
  • Ducks and other waterfowl have the majority of their weight above the waterline. So do boats.

  • The mask ban shit is unreal.
  • No, that is the same half.

  • Police: Vandal spray paints ‘F--- Elon’ on 34 Tesla Cybertrucks in Fort Lauderdale
  • This model is also vulnerable to water types.

  • Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Resigns Amid Allegations He Molested 12-Year-Old
  • It doesn’t matter at all if the pastor preaches the exact opposite of what the Bible says — prosperity gospel, for example — it’s about showing up, seeing friends, and being part of a community. They aren’t being duped.

    Yeah, it isn't like people in the US where megachurches are located have multiple other churches to choose from.

  • Trump’s Spiritual Adviser Resigns Amid Allegations He Molested 12-Year-Old
  • Oh look, another instance of child molesters flocking together.

  • Kyle Rittenhouse’s family: We’re his collateral damage
  • We are stuck in the for profit medical hellscape we constantly vote for!

  • OpenAI and Anthropic are ignoring an established rule that prevents bots scraping online content
  • Same approach as all the other 'disruptive' new companies that ignore industry standards, rules, and laws.

  • The mask ban shit is unreal.
  • That and they want things as long as the Dems aren't the ones who get credit for doing it.

  • The planned PSN requirement has been canceled!

    snooggums snooggums
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