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They actively setup RSS feeds on internet users to harass and witch hunt them. This behaviour needs attention. Picture linked ->
  • These people do not merely reside in my brain

    Sorry i think you misunderstood me, and i meant no insult. I meant we other Lemmy users who are not in your brain need additional context/info to understand the matter.

    As for the work I do, I have been arguably one of the people who have done the most legitimate work in privacy community

    So to be clear i was not attacking/diminishing you in any way (or at least did not intend to) and you do not have justify your involvement. Still, thank you for taking part in privacy struggles.

  • Sending email problem
  • Sounds like a bug. When you turn on debug logging do you see anything specific? (i don't even know if debug logging is a thing in Lemmy ansible setup). Can you maybe also try with another SMTP client like msmtp to see if you can reach your mail server from it? It's possible that some network misconfiguration prevents it, or that your mail provider has blocked your IP/range for some reason.

  • Removed
    They actively setup RSS feeds on internet users to harass and witch hunt them. This behaviour needs attention. Picture linked ->
  • This is a post about the biggest cult in privacy community witch hunting, and you do not recognise it.

    I do recognize it because you talked previously about it. I just don't think it's pertinent to show in this form for people who don't know about the entire story (even i don't know the whole story). I would recommend either to make a community dedicated to this topic, with a stickied thread serving as introduction, or to give more context to your post on the topic. But shitposting random conversations about a topic of interest of yours into random communities is not really cool for people who do not reside in your brain :D

    Also, bit of personal advice: you seem really obsessed with this community and story. I think it would do you good to focus on something else... You seem to imply it's a "big" thing but seriously i've never met a single person using GrapheneOS and they only support Google phones so there's no risk it's becoming a big thing any time. Maybe try to get involved in Lineage or /e/OS or PostMarketOS communities? You may help build the mobile distro you wanna see instead of loosing a little bit of your sanity every time the GrapheneOS mods do something. Take care :)

  • Removed
    They actively setup RSS feeds on internet users to harass and witch hunt them. This behaviour needs attention. Picture linked ->
  • Sorry but i don't understand what this post is doing here:

    • it's not about privacy, as it's about subscribing to public posts on public forums (unless this is supposed to raise awareness about why multiple identities/nicknames is important?)
    • there's not enough context to understand wtf is going on
  • Girls Excel in Language Arts Early Which May Explain the STEM Gender Gap in Adults
  • There are well known research in gender studies / psychology about for example the cliché that girls are less good for math than boys which is of course complete bullshit.

    You don't need to wait 25 years to study that.

  • META: is this a military propaganda community?

    Is this about bending gender roles or about cheering for military institutions who employ women? I'm so to say more comfortable with one option than the other.

    PS: For context, the only 2 posts in this sub are propaganda pictures of women soldiers from Russia and some asian (not sure which country) military.

    Russia Demands Wikipedia Take Down Information About Ukraine War
  • Yea i agree the original comment was inappropriate, but please be careful when using such a loaded word as "racism" just because someone spelled "white" or "black" :P

    I also strongly recommend you read the wikipedia page on reverse racism, aka anti-white racism. Have a good day!

  • Russia Demands Wikipedia Take Down Information About Ukraine War
  • Errr parent comment was troubling, but your claiming that calling out whiteness is "racism" is even more troubling. I don't know a single place on earth where anti-white racism is a thing, despite fascists claiming that. To be clear, some anti-white resentment does exist in white-supremacist regions, but resentment is not racism or rather is a small subset of racism and not the actual problem that we more precisely call "structural racism". (see also the wikipedia pages on those topics :))

  • The place for leftist memes southerntofu
    A stalinist guide to strawman arguments
    Libre Software southerntofu
    Nvidia Ransom: Publish all your drivers FLOSS or we publish all your schematics! Cybercriminals who breached Nvidia issue one of the most unusual demands ever

    Chipmaker has until Friday to comply or see its crown-jewel source code released.

    Cybercriminals who breached Nvidia issue one of the most unusual demands ever

    The updated demands:

    ``` So, NVIDIA, the choice is yours! Either:

    –Officially make current and all future drivers for all cards open source, while keeping the Verilog and chipset trade secrets... well, secret


    –Not make the drivers open source, making us release the entire silicon chip files so that everyone not only knows your driver's secrets, but also your most closely-guarded trade secrets for graphics and computer chipsets too!


    Will this be the only way to achieve decent hardware support cross-platform? Can't wait for someone to take AMD/Intel managers hostage ;-)

    BTW not sure why these people are called cyber-criminals. Sounds like cyber-heroes to me... I mean i don't agree with their motivation (cryptocurrency mining) but they're doing what government regulations should have done a long time ago, which is preventing hardware manufacturers from fucking up life for everyone. (or at least they're trying)

    Ukraine: French ISPs censors

    Version longue en français:

    Several ISPs in France have started censoring via their DNS resolver.

    Why are they doing this? I guess officially they'll say it's because of Russian propaganda about Ukraine, and that's partially correct.

    But also worth pointing out is that despite very uncritical propaganda from the regime about what happens in Russia, RT is one of the only mass media (non-independent publication) where you can have decent news about social uproar in France (gilets jaunes, anti-police-abuse riots, etc).

    We haven't reached the point where posts to RT are censored on social media (where it's most popular) so i can't exactly say we have "one side" to the news yet but it's getting closer.

    This message is both a fuck you to french ISPs engaging in censorship (remember Sci-Hub? TPB?) and a reminder to all the Putin fanboys around here what "there's only one side to the news" really means: Russia is already there (there's a few independent publications but they've been struggling for years with State censorship and journalist assassinations) and France is getting closer (on the other side of the narrative). The rest of you who live in countries with more free speech can't even realize what information control means so please don't take these words lightly.

    Russia Ends Another of Ukraine's War Crimes - Fresh Water Flows Again to Crimea
  • If you can point to one instance where i advocated for NATO, i'd be happy to provide an apology. Unfortunately this does not exist except in your mind where being against the Russian empire means siding with the western empire. I strongly recommend you do some reading on third-worldism and the importance of non-alignment (in regards to colonial empires) for the socialist/communist/anarchist movement worldwide.

    Do you seek interest in publishing photos on Lemmy like this, since you call critics of current narrative “puppets of Russian Empire”?

    Challenge accepted. I'm all up for denouncing nazism/fascism where it is. I just criticize when denouncing a specific brand of fascism is done in a way to reinforce another (whether it's USA or Russian fascism/imperialism).

  • POLITICS NOT ALLOWED (except when it agrees with Western agenda)
  • [And] nobody bothered in the west

    That's definitely not true. I'm not saying these movements are heard or effective, but there's still a strong anti-war/anti-colonial movement in the West, in both the decolonial circles and in the libertarian networks.

    You should definitely be pointing this out in regards to hypocrisy of state/industry-controlled media and the variable empathy bombed people get from them. I definitely upvoted.

  • Removed
    Russia Ends Another of Ukraine's War Crimes - Fresh Water Flows Again to Crimea
  • Not upvoting, not because the subject isn't interesting, but because of the framing: "The great popular hero russia restores water to the poor victims of the ukrainian despotism".

    I'd be interested in more sources on the implications behind this. I'd also be interested if you were to publish the same kind of propaganda against Turkey's war crimes against the autonomous communities of Rojava ;-)

  • US’ real strategic color of selfishness, hypocrisy revealed in Ukraine crisis
  • Ukronazi

    What's this neologism? Are you not aware nazis are very well integrated in the State apparatus in many nations? It's not just Ukraine: it's also Russia, France, Germany... So why paint a single nation as nazis when more or less of all the parties involved in the conflict are varying brand of imperialism and racial/cultural supremacy?

    supporting a planned Ukronazi attack on Donbass republics

    What's the evidence that there was a wide-scale attack planned? If that was true, it could justify bringing military support to Donbass as an incentive for the central government not to attack, but how could it ever justify invading the rest of Ukraine?!

    Russia also offered diplomatic solutions many times (since December, and in fact since 2014).

    From this article, the demands formulated by Russia amount to saying eastern european countries can't have military alliances except with them (neocolonialism, much?). Interviewed russian foreign ministry says:

    This is not about us giving some kind of ultimatum, there is none. The thing is that the seriousness of our warning should not be underestimated

    That's not a diplomatic solution, that's extortion/bullying. "Do what i say, or else..." has nothing to do with diplomacy and nothing to do with the political autonomy of specific regions.

    just a few days ago Ukraine threatened to develop nuclear weapons. That was obviously a red line for Russia

    Iran did pursue to develop nuclear weapon for decades. Has that ever justified a full-scale military invasion from the USA? Oh yes, the USA fascists and hard-liners from the republicans would have loved that. Just like the various fascists, traditionalists and neo-nazis of Russia who love the flag and the military really love the idea of conquering Ukraine and reforming a Great Russia (like historical nazis liked their Great Germany). I did not think i would ever say this in my entire life, but do you realize you're spitting propaganda from actual fascists in the name of fighting against nazism?

  • US’ real strategic color of selfishness, hypocrisy revealed in Ukraine crisis
  • Where has the US been which provoked the war and said it "stands with Ukraine?"

    I have yet to see any evidence that western powers are in any way responsible for the war. If you consider the war is caused by the ukrainian government not respecting the Minsk agreements, then it's an internal policy matter and i fail to understand how that implicates the USA. Moreover, from all i could see western powers (at least in open/official channels) have been preaching for de-escalation whereas Putin was openly calling/threatening for escalation.

    I hate the US and French colonial empires, but come on it's hard to blame them when another major colonial empire invades a country (which just so happens to be its former colony). In true internationalist spirit, we should be supportive of people struggling for freedom & equality on both sides across continents and borders. Fuck nation states and military organizations, vive la commune!

  • Removed
    The amount of Russophobia and anti Russian censorship ongoing currently on Reddit is astounding.
  • Yes there is a lot of russophobia and sinophobia on the part of conservative elements of society (remnants of anti-bolshevik propaganda), but there is also legitimate concerns against imperialist behavior on all sides. A lot of people you see criticizing Putin for invading territories are the same people you saw criticizing France invading Mali or USA invading Iraq/Afghanistan. A lot of the people here in France concerned with russian invasion of Ukraine are the same people who were very much against France joining NATO.

    Not all of us are media-driven puppet who have to choose a side between equally-evil sides. I personally side with the people/communities who struggle against imperialism, whether it's zapatistas in Chiapas, various communities in Rojava, popular movements in Hong Kong, independentists in various french colonies (Guadeloupe, Kanaky, Bretagne), or the people of Ukraine who are facing military invasion at the hand of their former colonizer.

    Of course we need to keep a critical look at western propaganda in this matter, and how separatists in certain parts of Ukraine are treated, but that does not mean we should support another colonial empire in this geopolitical game of sociopaths, and it certainly doesn't mean that people disgusted by military invasion saying "fuck putin" on internet forums are puppets of NATO interests.

    Though it's fair to point out that the global empathy toward ukrainian people is both media-manufactured and based on ethnocentric principles of "white people are affected" and "it's a European country being invaded, not some African/Asian country". But in order to deconstruct these racist narratives and revive the internationalist movement, it's not a good start to support a dictatorial regime who's rebuilding the former Russian empire, is increasingly reinforcing the cis-heteropatriarchal dogma hand-in-hand with the orthodox fundamentalists, and has zero insightful criticism in regards to its own history of genocide and political repression (against muslim populations of the USSR, against anarchists in Russia/Ukraine, etc).

  • Hacking southerntofu
    Hacktivism, Leaktivism and the Future

    > Yet despite all the unprecedented recent events, 2020 and 2021 also feel very familiar to some of us. The mood has been similar to that of Anonymous' highs in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Instead of groups like LulzSec, we have people like Keyser Soze and groups like APT-69420. Documents and source code spilled onto the internet, to the horror of governments and corporations. And inevitably, the raids began and indictments began to be returned.

    > Ten years ago, WikiLeaks fought censorship by making it easy to mirror their site and leaks. Today, while Distributed Denial of Secrets (DDoSecrets) faces the scrutiny of the U.S. government and continues to fight our server seizure, we're fighting censorship by making not just our data, but our model easy to mirror. Groups like DDoSecrets can be dismantled if governments are truly determined to oppress and suppress, but we're as easily replicated as the Anonymous model or the APT-69420 model. The world can no longer be rid of hacktivists or leaktivists, not as long as people are willing.

    Philosophy southerntofu
    I would love to see a parallel universe with collective transportation

    A discussion on HackerNews

    > I would love to see a parallel universe, where collective transportation obtained the upper hand. Where countryside railroads are still operating, and where roads/highways haven't consistently led to the expropriation of millions of people worldwide, and to the current car-oriented urban nightmare. See Ivan Illich for a demonstration that car-oriented urbanization is hostile and counter-productive, as opposed to what he calls "convivial tools" (empowering technologies).

    Google admits Kubernetes container tech is so complex, it's had to roll out an Autopilot feature to do it all for you

    > Two things everyone knows about Kubernetes are: first, that it has won in the critically important container orchestration space, and second, that its complexity is both a barrier to adoption and a common cause of errors.

    Gardening southerntofu
    Atlanta creates the nation's largest free food forest with hopes of addressing food insecurity Atlanta creates the nation's largest free food forest with hopes of addressing food insecurity | CNN

    Thanks to a grant from the USDA Forest service and a partnership between the city of Atlanta, the Conservation Fund, and Trees Atlanta, you’ll find 7.1 acres of land ripe with 2,500 pesticide-free edible and medicinal plants only 10 minutes from the Atlanta International Airport. Thousands of pounds...

    Atlanta creates the nation's largest free food forest with hopes of addressing food insecurity | CNN
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