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WIND BREAKER - Episode 11 discussion
  • I never watched yaoi anime but is this one?

  • SponsorBlock (and DeArrow): "YouTube is currently experimenting with server-si…" - Fosstodon
  • imagine using Gemini for this, would be peak irony.

  • How many alts do you have on lemmy
  • guess you were really stoned when you created that account

  • PSA: You can paste the link to a Lemmy post in the search bar of your instance, and you'll be able to access the post from your instance
  • did they implement this in the recent release? the last time i tried this it didn't work.

  • Spotify has raised prices for the second time in a year, with no new benefits, after its CEO sparked outrage by claiming the cost of creating 'content' is 'close to zero'
  • Bandcamp is great but in the POV of a third worlder, bandcamp is never going to reach our audience. People barely make ends or spend much on other subs so paying separate artists not something people here would prefer. Maybe ideal for supporting one or two artists you love.

    Sadly, physical media is dead here. Vinyl is still alive in some places but not here.

    I don't support spotify but right now its the best here if you pay premium ofc. if there's a better alternative that's not geolocked, has good recommendation algo and pays artists better than spotify, i will be always happy to switch.

  • Hakita (Creator of ULTRAKILL) on Piracy
  • Yeah, if you can afford it. Buy it. If you can't, no harm in pirating it. Applies to almost everything.

  • WIND BREAKER - Episode 9 discussion
  • This fight ended way sooner than I thought. Great job using Chouji's eye to show contrast between past (luffy like) and current Chouji. Had been noticing that at flashbacks but it really worked at this episode. I wonder how the other 4 episodes will go since the fight is basically over now.

  • OpenAI board first learned about ChatGPT from Twitter, according to former member
  • no wonder the board hates him lol? also how can they not know about what they are (or were) working on when they have invested a lot on a company that practically had no products (before chatgpt)?

  • WIND BREAKER - Episode 8 discussion
  • The fights are becoming more interesting as it goes. Cloverworks is doing a great job here.

  • Japan seeks international coordination to thwart online manga, anime piracy
  • if only we had enough money. even if we do, more the material posses, more the greed will eat the man.

  • Japan seeks international coordination to thwart online manga, anime piracy
  • companies should please share holders and share holders should profit from their shares as much as possible, the whole cycle is fucked when one of them becomes greedier.

  • For The First Time In A Decade, Nobody Is Working On Cyberpunk 2077
  • if you want a second opinion, it's good trust me.

  • North Korean trash balloons are dumping ‘filth’ on South Korea
  • if that's true then this response should be the best response of the year.

  • What are you currently excited for?
  • getting my offer letter. compensation is fair enough for my skills, so i am just playing some games waiting for the offer letter.

  • Mozilla is adding tab grouping, vertical tabs, profile management, and local AI features to Firefox
  • would be cool if it's smooth like how arc does it, would instantly switch back to Firefox if they manage that. arc is still buggy on many things or when i use some websites.

  • WIND BREAKER - Episode 7 discussion
  • Being a leader really made Choji from being Luffy like to a half psycho.

  • Does Proton block suspicious emails without making it reach the inbox?

    I know there is a section for potential spam mails. But I wonder whether Proton block some of them so that they won't even reach that section. I am using it as my primary email right now and recently a recruiter tried sending me an email for tech discussion but it never reached my inbox. They were sure it was sent, and I later received on my alternative gmail. Is there any possibility that this could have happened for other reasons?

    TachiyomiSY devs have announced to work on a new "spiritual successor" of Tachiyomi

    This message has been posted on their discord server yesterday, currently the app is being worked on and has no definitive ETA. We probably have to use other forks until that. I don't know whether I can share the discord server's link so not sharing that until a mod gives heads up.

    Why is Path variable behaving like other user variables?

    Why is Path variable behaving like other user variables in "Edit environment variables for your account"?

    I tried to add a path to the Path variable using chatgpt prompts (which I should not have done)

    setx Path "%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%"

    Now I can't see the old path variables nor add new path variables. The system functions fine until now but I don't know what I should do to revert back the behaviour.

    Can writing tech related articles strength my portfolio?

    I am planning to write some articles related to tech news to pass time. I am just wondering whether it is a good thing to include those in resume to strengthen my portfolio. I don't really mind writing them even if it doesn't, but I just have some space in my resume that could be filled with some good things.

    spiderman spiderman

    Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman!

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