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Coogan and Vorderman back Liberal Democrats' electoral reform pledge
  • @jonne @Syldon The LD's didn't give up on PR, the Tory old guard threatened to bring down their own government & force a new GE rather than allow PR to be on the ballot

    They knew if PR passed they'd never see power again

  • staringatclouds StaringAtClouds

    \#Twitter refugee #FBPE

    I'm an old biddy, semi retired, interested in science, sci fi, humour, cute animal videos, real ale, good food all the usual stuff

    Sadly of late I've become rather political as my Government seems intent on destroying my country & I hate politics

    LGBTQ+ ally, atheist/humanist if you're religious that's OK

    Religion is like a penis, it's OK to have one & be proud of it But don't thrust it anywhere without an invite by someone old enough to understand what it is

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