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Cannabis use linked to anxiety diagnoses, worsened anxiety disorders: Ontario study |
  • 9/10 times I stay away from magazine science because they always fuck up the actually important part of science and get the details wrong or mucked up.

    They’re never better than the original birth peoples work

  • Texas Border Convoy Descends into Antisemitism
  • Then the paradox of tolerance is never solved, good luck.

  • Texas Border Convoy Descends into Antisemitism
  • Idk what these words mean

  • Texas Border Convoy Descends into Antisemitism
  • Idk about you guys but I hate Nazis more than I hate illegal immigrants.

    Hopefully their power grid can keep up this winter.

  • The Sun
  • Your attention please.

    This post is now under the control and jurisdiction of the SCP Foundation. An identified XK-Class Type: Ω end of the world scenario has been identified in this space.

    Please standby as we begin a SECURE Protocol attempt.

    SCP Foundation logo with three evenly space arrows pointed inward over a circle, familiar in appearance to a peace sign made of arrows without meeting at the center

  • Donald Trump will not win a war against the Swifties
  • See I didn’t like how that one fit, and it’s not that they’re outright feeding bad information (some are, sure) but that they withhold that info (I.e. banning books, taking whole curriculums straight up out (black history, us military history as related to global behavior in and out of war), etc

  • Donald Trump will not win a war against the Swifties
  • Probably because so many people make fun of their education system

    Why be angry with the root cause of your problem when you have so many branches that look close enough to a root

  • Hasbro Seeks to Sell IP “DND” and Has Had Preliminary Contact with Tencent
  • Micro transactions, battle pass, dlc

    The Terrible Three

  • Crunchbang++ versus Bunsen Labs: Both turn it up to 12
  • I actually was comparing these two also so long ago! Miss u crunchie

  • Donald Trump will not win a war against the Swifties
  • Ding ding ding

    Just like it is every election season. Republicans rely on the electoral vote, propaganda, and systematic diseducation (idk if that’s even a word, case in point?) to ensure victories over the populace

  • USA things
  • Literally have this discussion with the conservatives of the family every holiday 😂

  • Finally finished Super Mario Land 2!
  • I could definitely see this with the map layout and whatnot. Obviously they’ve had the entire super Mario bros (+, 2, etc) series throughout their modern consoles but wonder really, to me, brings back the “woah look at all these new places” type feel back

    Say what you will about Nintendo but you gotta admit them keeping around this franchise and keeping it “hot” is pretty impressive

  • A caffeine supplementation of 3 mg/kg significantly improved performance of elite e-sports players, by enhancing reaction and shooting skills
  • Interesting, never heard of it! I’ll have to do some research, thanks for sharin

  • A caffeine supplementation of 3 mg/kg significantly improved performance of elite e-sports players, by enhancing reaction and shooting skills
  • It’s a pretty well known (and govt tested) supplement to do 2:1 ratio of L-Theanine to Caffeine if you want some sharpness.

    They’re both water soluble too so if you wanna get real crack headed about it, you can separate out and mix energy drink mixes for yourself. You can get citric acid from the store or use natural sweeteners (go easy on these, probs not that good for us anyway, you’ll get used to the flavor of “watered down” soon anyway)

  • Hermit crabs are 'wearing' our plastic rubbish
  • ecosystem collapses anyway and crab dies from heat death

  • You don't notice anything out of the ordinary
  • Waiting for my eye to also start bleeding

  • Protest Convoy Headed to Southern Border Is Calling Itself an ‘Army of God’
  • Classic Christianity, we love everyone but also the crusades, graves full of Indian children, probably countless Muslims, Hindus, etc. super cool logic, definitely not divine self-realization poisoned by pride, greed, etc. ironic tho!

  • Tips for focusing on very boring study notes?
  • The best thing I can recommend is to “do them” again.

    Ik Ik what the fuck ew.

    But believe me, nothing beats rewriting the notes by hand again and thinking about them while you’re doing it. Why is this stuff important? What are some tie backs you can recall on for this concept? Any funny ideas you came up with that might help you to remember it?

    Then, to add another layer, I digitize my notes with Obsidian. It’s a markdown note book that lets you tag stuff and then you can view a graph of the connected pages via the tags you tossed on each one to breeze through notes fast (great for doctorates and heavy degrees, or just stuff you plan on adding onto as time goes on.

    It’s all about reanalyzing the material through different ways and angles. Writing stuff down seems to click better for most humans for some reason. You can also try finding some good YouTube content on the material and try challenge problems frequently. Don’t let failing scare you, analyze your failures and study yourself. Getting through school is just as much about learning the material as it is learning about yourself and how you beat perform and learn.

  • NSFW Removed
    poor fella
  • Jesus Christ dude

  • [Help] SDXL x ComfyUI Template Generation

    Good afternoon yall,

    I'm having trouble generating fliers, greeting card interiors, and the like. The model reeeally wants to generate the text but I reaaally need it not to so that I can layer it in, in post. Any tips, workflows, prompts, etc you all would recommend?

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: I'm working with: SDXL Base + Refiner, DPMM2++ Ancestral comfyui I'm using the same prompt for L and G for both positive and negative and am obviously using text and words in my negative prompt (using a weight of 1.3)

    S&Box - Hype Retooling - News

    Invites have been paused - here's what we're doing.

    Retooling - News

    Hey all, just wanted to bring this up as it should be released soonish - saw a video or two a while ago and was intrigued, was bummed to see it was invite only still.

    Anyone played this yet? Thoughts? Other hype? I mean it’s the successor to gmod, I’m here for it and all its buggy glory 🤩🤩

    Now they did mention retooling in September but I’m hopeful they’re comfortable and capable to still hit a Q1 or Q2 deadline. Who knows, what do you think?

    Monarch: Legacy of Monsters - wtf

    So far I like the idea I really do, but they’ve got scientists wearing only masks after their fucking Geiger counters go off the charts, and then they’ve got this Japanese family living in Japan with a BOWL OF FORTUNE COOKIES on their living room table. HUH?????

    Who the fuck is writing/directing this shit 😂😂

    Maybe I’ve misunderstood how radiation works or Japanese customs but I can’t understand why a japenese family would choose their living room center piece snack bowl to be Chinese American cookies lmao. I’m holding off on looking up the director but I’m guessing it’s some western person who was like THROW SOME OF THOSE ASIAN COOKIES ON THAT THERE TABLE.

    Any of you guys watch the series yet? Thoughts?

    What Not To Do When Doing Your Own Research

    Thought this was an excellent and concise video on the topic, figured I’d share with you all.

    What are your favorite journals, publications, other sources?

    Social differences even between coasts are massive

    Buddy of mine and I were chatting on Discord and we ended up having a conversation about this topic.

    Namely imagine you just put two people in a room. One from New Jersey and one from LA and observe

    Wild how different cultures can be even inside a country.

    What do y’all think? Is it due to the size of the US (geographically)?

    Recent Work Dump

    I need to start getting more organized with my saves but alas haha.

    Are there sub-lemmy's that further specify an existing sub?

    Was wondering if sub-lemmys were a thing. In other words: are there ways to make a community where you can draw direct, meaningful relations between existing communities?

    stevedidWHAT stevedidWHAT

    Just trying to do some cool shit with people and have fun and respectful. **Feel free to give me shit if I'm being unduly rude or disrespectful and point to this bio.


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