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Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • You’re purposefully dancing around the point.

    You’re claiming religious people are more social than anyone else. That’s a ridiculous claim and you know it.

    Not going to spend anymore time engaging in your games lol

  • Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • Bullies don’t make sense.

    Actively working against your own species is fucking brain dead. Especially a species you share the fucking planet with.

    The nice part about tolerance is it’s a contract. If you don’t agree to it, nobody who does agree to it has to be tolerant with you. It’s simple

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Victimized ✅

    Logical fallacy of ignorance ✅

    Ignores the atrocities and genocide committed in the name of “religion” ✅

    You are quite literally the pot calling the kettle black with your “small minded” comment. Nobody here was persecuting religion, but specific implementations that have committed mass murder, or engage in obnoxious displays (screaming at people at events (some events designed to support groups of people), going door to door, shaming vulnerable people trying to get medical procedures, etc etc)

    The day you widen your view to see others perspectives and history of abuse is the day you’ll actually be on the right “religious” track. Humanity is the religion.

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • How do you know that the real creator(s) are documented?

    You’ve been threatened and Stockholm’d through fear, likely as a child or when vulnerable into seeing 1 alternative, when the alternatives are infinite

  • Why in 2024 do people still believe in religion? (serious)
  • Okay but here in the real world, those making the claim have the burden of proof.

    This is a classic, literally text book example of the logical fallacy of ignorance.

    Invisible unicorns exist, and because you can’t disprove it, we should build unicorn fences.

    The logic doesn’t follow.

  • The Internet is becoming genuinely unusable without an ad blocker
  • Of course man - the world is your oyster. Not everyone is as privileged as me though, so I try to help out where I can to give ‘em a boost. Not everybody knows what they wanna do on the first shot and that can be tough

  • Can someone explain me USA obsession with prom and similar school rituals?
  • It’s an important social event for teenagers. It affords a time for teens to dress up and look extra nice and make some coming of adult age decisions like asking your crush to dance, abstaining from peer pressure, etc.

    It’s an event for teens to be feel special, have fun and to exercise self control. College comes quickly after and a lot of them are studying for finals and so on so it’s a good way to blow off steam.

    Ultimately, just another cultural implementation. Other countries have similar events I can only imagine

  • The Internet is becoming genuinely unusable without an ad blocker
  • Where there is a will, there is a way.

    You might not be able to use the same beaten paths as everyone else, but you can always hack a new path.

    At the end of the day, I can’t speak for the entire industry, but when I look for new employees, I care less about resume experience and more about education, drive, and creativity. Once they’re in the role, I can show them the ropes. We also (hopefully many others, if not a majority) invest in serious training and learning platforms to keep people updated.

    Infosec is about continuous learning and curiosity. You don’t have the luxury of learning the skill and being done. Security, arguably, changes the most out of all the tech spaces and you need drive and curiosity above all else.

    If you’re serious about infosec, you sometimes have to hack it to make it. A -> ? -> B

    If you don’t mind me asking, what field are you in rn?

  • Boeing CEO admits company has retaliated against whistleblowers during Senate hearing
  • Big fucking yikes - wonder what the play is here?

    Trying to get in front of the train instead of roped into it ?

    Either way, more evidence of the psychopathy that is big business in the states, and a byproduct of late state capitalism

  • China has renamed hundreds of Uyghur villages and towns, say human rights groups
  • I’m not sure I could fairly attribute the current actions of this instance with a political system per se.

    Lots of places try to hide behind surface level groups, but don’t actually employ the dogmas or beliefs in practice.

    A good local example would be the Christo-fascist republicans in the US - largely just sycophants

  • Google Search Result Link Hover (Edge/Chrome)

    Hey all!

    While investigating some malvertising campaigns today, I noticed that one of the sponsored google search results, upon hovering, appeared to be changing/resolving through rather than simply showing what link was being used by the result.

    Any ideas as to how this hover url result works and if you can disable resolving/force top-level results upon hovering over anchor elements?

    Malvertising is hot hot hot!

    Windows Syslog Receiver

    Hey all, got a quick question!

    I want to receive, parse and store syslogs from various devices on my home network on my windows box. I know, I know, its a bit backwards but I'd like to proceed with this sort of setup if possible (not against discussion, of course).

    I've looked and looked for options but it seems like everything has been bare bones and basically just receives, or is locked behind premium. Surely there's some sort of solution out there, no? I'd be willing to implement something in Python if I need to but I'm considerably more hesitant when compared to using an open source soln.

    Thanks for your time, looking forward to discussing/learning more!

    GPT Malware Creation

    Anyone else getting tired of all the click bait articles regarding PoisonGPT, WormGPT, etc without them ever providing any sort of evidence to back up their claims?

    They’re always talking about how the models are so good and can write malware but damn near every GPT model I’ve seen can barely write basic code - no shot it’s writing actually valuable malware, not to mention FUD malware as some are claiming.


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