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Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Is Priced At $60 USD
  • I know totk was one, I guess I just assumed that a few more had come out at that price point

  • Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Is Priced At $60 USD
  • I mean, technically, it's cheaper now because of inflation, but that's more pedantic than even I care to be

    but yeah, last few nintendo games have been $70 I think so there have been rumors that it's the new norm for the big N

  • Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Is Priced At $60 USD
  • But that's not full price. Full price is $70 now. :(

  • Japanese man grows extra-lucky 63-leaf clover
  • Hopoo Games are going to have a field day with this.

  • My earphones' cable has grown a pimple. It popped today.
  • I feel like you maybe should replace those...

  • Twitch banned Dr Disrespect after viewing messages sent to a minor, say former employees
  • Twitch probably doesn't care beyond reputational damage/liability.

    a settled lawsuit between Twitch and Beahm, where neither party admitted to any wrongdoing, and his contract was paid.

    In fact it sounds like Twitch made an effort to keep it quiet, which was successful until these former employees spoke out (hope they don't suffer consequences)

    Edit to add: Which is not to say there couldn't be separate consequences. It's just not going to come from Twitch. I'm sure a certain three letter agency is quite a bit more interested in Beahm now.

  • To those of you with nothing to hide: One day you might have. Because you don’t make the rules.
  • Abortion should be illegal because it violates the UDHR.

    This is an (unsubstantiated) allegation of fact, not an opinion.

  • I ordered my daughter a pizza, something I don't usually do. I got Domino's smallest size with two toppings. I got her cheese sticks and two sauces and tipped the driver 20%. $31.07.
  • Yeah Domino's is one of those places that the price with a coupon, is the regular price. And the food's not terribly worth it even then IMO.

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • For the sake of this wild fantasy, yeah. I'm not gonna be too picky

    Who's to say commandment #11 wasn't "lmao jk ok but for real just these four things:"

  • Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments
  • I love this because what if actually? What if there's literally a buzzfeed tier list of five things to do we're missing for a utopian society? And mankind fucked it like we always do.

  • AI Loophole #1; Your GitHub
  • I take back the benefit of the doubt I gave in my earlier reply. This reply is as unhinged as the Navy SEAL copypasta. You need mental health support.

  • AI Loophole #1; Your GitHub
  • I think your problem is here:

    You should test this out for yourself as I'm not going to take days or a week making a great presentation of a technical case.

    You've written a whole lot to try to be convincing but ultimately stopped short of actually proving what you've alleged. It looks to me you are frustrated that no one is taking you at your word and going down this rabbit hole themselves, when the various reputational elements you're relying on are going to be important only to a minority of users. Burden of proof works how it always has, however.

  • OpenAI now has 35 in-house lobbyists, and will have 50 by the end of the year.
  • Hmmmm. Well, I didn't have anything particular in mind. I think it's probable that as the sophistication of these technologies continues to grow, they're going to have enough data points to start surfacing patterns too subtle for humans to readily notice. And I would also imagine that, even though it's a regurgitation machine, you would still want to see what happens if you try to have some experts throw the unsolved problems of their fields at it.

    Stuff like that is probably ongoing, and, maybe this is me being a cynic, but if suddenly paradigm shifts were made by a private company, I would probably expect an effort to keep it quiet for a while. To do a risk assessment, or maybe just to gain advantage.

  • OpenAI now has 35 in-house lobbyists, and will have 50 by the end of the year.
  • I really hope it turns out to be a clown show.

    I'm afraid of the minuscule chance that something really big is already behind the scenes being worked on

  • Recommended something to a co-worker yesterday
  • The obvious punchline... Self-service...

  • Rule
  • "← JERMA"

  • Rule
  • "← JERMA"

  • What.
  • Also a definite possibility with bad enough acoustics.

  • [US] Looking for some ideas for freelance work / "side hustle"

    Title. I found out recently that I need some major dental work in the near future and I don't have a damn clue how I am going to raise the extra money. I want to explore any realistic options for increasing my earnings before I have to resort to taking on debt, and I suspect that soliciting ideas in a semi-public place like this will turn up a lot of ideas I would never have considered myself.

    I'm not very physically fit, but I am pretty good with computers generally, and I've picked up a little bit of programming in my free time this year, though I wouldn't sell myself as a freelancer in that department or anything. I am also pretty good at proofreading / nitpicking things, my regular job is in QA.

    Thank you in advance for any input.

    subignition subignition

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