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I like this version
  • Wow, instant flashbacks to my college years

  • Work math [satire]
  • I thought this was going to end with "You certainly will not regret drinking $130 worth of kombucha every month"

  • Covid was awesome. I got to spend more time in the basement
  • I bet he has a whole closet full of them

  • Fears over €10 kebabs go all the way to German parliament
  • Similarly, isn't there some kind of relationship between the slice pizza and the cost of a subway ride in NYC?

  • Baby Dinner
  • The perfect couple

  • Locked
    Is there a way to hide from your feed the stuff you up/downvoted
  • There's stuff in the options, check the post history section

  • Bloom and Doom
  • Those are great. Makes me think of this band Hippie Death Cult

  • Baby Dinner
  • Dang, now I've got the munchies for a California cheeseburger

  • Exploring Reddit’s third-party app environment 7 months after the APIcalypse
  • Reddit killed Joey - long after their stated cutoff date, how did they fuck that up? Anyway, now I have Lemmy+Eternity.

  • Infinite Craft, an endless crafting game, is out.
  • Why would you do this to me

  • A proposed Satanic school helped derail a vote to repeal Idaho's Blaine Amendment
  • Hell yea

    I feel like there could be an easy crossover with TST, or for SPI to have a religious arm. Either way, chapters in the threatened states could be effective in fighting the encroaching christofascism

  • It takes a village
  • Mom magic

  • Man accused of destroying Satanic Temple display at Iowa Capitol is now charged with hate crime
  • Their tenets don't matter in this case, since we're a nation of laws and a crime was committed

  • Pictionary Rule
  • We didn't all go to Gudger College!

  • Deleted
  • I forget what instance it's on but there's a "fangmoe" community around somewhere which has cute fanged anime characters (all sfw, as far as I can tell), if that's your thing

  • ActivityPods 1.5 release
  • Hi, sorry, I've been away from the computer which is logged in with this account. I do have discord. I feel like I got a good explanation from the other commenter, but if you have more you'd like to discuss, please DM me and I'll share my discord info (or if there is a particular public one I should join, let me know).

  • 15 January 2024
  • "what if centipedes had parking lots"

  • Would it kill you to keep consistant colors, H-E-B?
  • Think of it like home/away colors on sports uniforms. Home = blue with orange accent, away = orange with blue accent.