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help - tmux paints vim

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> idk im having this issue for a long time. itd be nice to have this fixed. > > thanks

help - tmux paints vim

idk im having this issue for a long time. itd be nice to have this fixed.


Edit: I that doesnt help:

  • term=xterm-... in shell config
  • set-option -ga terminal-overrides ",xterm-256color:Tc" in tmux config
bash coding standards?

i didnt care about how i wrote my bash scripts, coz i know theyd ultimately be used just by myself. but for the past few day, i've been working on this project, mk-blog which uses some bash scripts, there are chances that others might look at them. besides in work they're asking me maintain a server. so why not learn the standards. but i couldn't find anything good online (i'm gonna blame my search engine lol). so...

i'd appreciate redirections to (official or community) bash coding standards

[help] What is the best way to screenshare a single window with audio?
  • My assumption:

    • Hell be the host, hell control the stream and no one else. So one sender with no internal communication (coz they might have discord or something setup for their conversations)
    • according to google, the average no of friends is 5. So may be around 5 receivers
  • how to start syncthing as a user service - dinit

    im on a dinit based system and want to start syncthing as a regular user service. currently, its running as root (which bugs me a lot, as it's playing on the network) using the syncthing-dinit service located at /etc/dinit.d/syncthing. i know i can run it with a custom syncthing dinit service file. but, i just want to know how to make use of the existing syncthing-dinit service file

    thanks in advance

    Leap Micro 6.0 reaches Beta
  • tell me if this is what I'm looking for. I build Lineage OS, which requires me to download a load of apps. I wish (analogy coming) I could manage everything like a npm project, where I can keep all the dependencies under a single dir. I want to use my package manager to handle the dependencies, rather than manually downloading the bins, mv-ing them to the dir, and setting the path. Once I've finished building, dispose everything with just one or two commands, leaving no footprint on my OS/machine.

  • Linux users survey!
  • I dunno, I don't wanna take part in any survey, it feels wrong to me. But filled it halfway, just to see my own thoughts on linux. BTW you shouldve added " for fun" as a option to the question "why'd you use linux", thats the first thing that came to my mind

  • [closed] im gonna build a desktop application(daw). i need advice/opinion

    greetings, i want to build a daw (digital audio workstation), but i have no idea where to even start. here are my needs and the options i've found:

    my needs:

    • load and keep things (audio, midi) in memory
    • cross-platform compatibility is not a requirement

    the options i've found:

    • flutter
    • gtk/qt
    • raylib (with zig)
    • webassembly (with zig)

    [rejected] flutter: the first option that came to my mind was flutter. i thought it would give me a quick start in laying down the ui, but i don't think it has the capability to fulfill my needs (please correct me if i'm wrong)

    gtk/qt (with zig): i wonder if qt provide bindings for zig

    raylib (with zig): it's cool (my choice as of now)

    [rejected] webassembly (with zig): it would be an ultimate comfort to build this way ig, but is it possible to make that web app into desktop one (like tauri or something)?

    id really appreciate your opinions and advice

    ps: i hope i'm clear. i got a headache searching about these. i'll update this post for more clarity later

    final note

    Thank you guys for all your opinions and advises. Thanks for explaining the limitations with gtk, things with qt and flutter. That kotlin compose thing was cool too. Thanks for mentioning yabridge thats gonna be helpful. It might not seem like it, but I did listen to your thoughts, and stuck with zig and raylib. Thanks a lot

    this kew is good!

    this command line music player, kew, looks so good, wanted to share it with you guys. but it needs improvements (a lot) tho

    A doubt in encryption

    There’s a server, a client, and a hacker in a network. For encryption, the client and the server need to share their private keys. Wouldn’t the hacker be able to grab those during their transmission and decrypt further messages as they please?

    [FIXED] unable to login after update 6.8.7

    i did update my machine with pacman -Syu. after rebooting, i cannot login. i con see this error Failed to start Virtual Console Setup a tiny second right before log in screen. i had to capture it in slow mo to able to read it. i attach the image below.


    and on the login, after i enter my username and hit enter it just hangs for a while without asking the password and asks for username again. it acts like when you enter wrong password.



    turns out /bin some how got messed up. thanks to @wwwgem, i looked into system logs (journalctl) and fixed it

    Mm.. can someone help?

    I was editing my disk and when i wrote the changes and exited cfdisk, no cli command worked. Thats when i realized that im f-ed up.

    This what happened: I have 3 partitions, 512M efi, a 100G root partition and some free (unallocated) space. I had 84G worth data in the root patition. I totally forgot that and shrinked the root partition to 32G to extend the free space. I was using cfdisk tool for this. I wrote the changes and rebooted my machine, by long pressing power button coz no cli commands worked after writing those chrnges, to see this.

    So is it possible to recover my machine now?

    :_ )

    SOLUTION Thanks to @dgriffith\ cfdisk just updates the partition table. So no worry about data damage . To fix this, live boot -> resize the partition back its original size -> fsck that partition. For more explanation, refer @dgriffith\ comment

    Fedora + Hyprland?

    Are there any issues?

    any colemak-dh users? i need some advice

    im switching to colemak-dh and i need some advice.

    im writing this with colemak-dh, beleive me its hard. whats even harder is the hjkl navigation. so should i remap it to neio? you can consider me a long run guy, so your answers can be based on that.

    thanks in advance.

    Colemak-dh on linux

    I cerrently on "colemak" layout and wanna switch to "colemak-dh" but dunno how to set it up. Im on arch + hyprland (wayland) setup.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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