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When does investing become gambling?
  • So emojis like this are the internet equivalent of the cockney rhyming slang, innit? I immediately translated that, but someone, in one hundred years with no knowledge of 2020s meme culture will think it's complete gibberish.

  • Featured
    The Acolyte discussion and review megathread
  • I thought the Mandalorian was anything but subtle about it's western roots, not that I minded. It had pretty much every western trope you could think of. Showdowns, savior of the town, making peace with the natives, town needs a sheriff, cowboy father figure...the list goes on.

  • Featured
    The Acolyte discussion and review megathread
  • Did you also dislike the Mandalorian's spaghetti western-ness too? This is how these things go. Just embrace the fact that this series is going to be an ode to kung fu movies.

  • Fallout TV Show Could Now Last Five Seasons After ‘Immensely Surprising’ Popularity, Say Creators
  • It's how the games are though. The different Fallout games exist in The same universe, but don't involve the same characters every time. I'd love it to be a combo, do 2 or 3 seasons of this set of characters. Tell their story. Then do Fallout: Alaska or whatever, a completely separate series, with a tie-in or two.

  • Switched to linux before it became mainstream
  • This is why I didn't switch until this year. Valve really did a great thing by driving this adoption and I feel like with Proton in the state it's in, there's really not much you're giving up by going to Linux these days.

    The list of actual pain points is ever shrinking now. I can't imagine switching back in 95. You had to put up with so much inequity for a lot of that time.

  • Life is pain
  • It's different for everyone. Music taste lock-in is realio.

    One that I rediscovered after completely forgetting about them but they were a big part of my teenage years: Incubus

  • Google scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search
  • Yep. It's gotta be hard to distinguish, because there are legitimately helpful and confidently correct people on reddit posts too. There's value there, but they have to figure it out how to distinguish between good and shit takes.

  • ChatGPT Answers Programming Questions Incorrectly 52% of the Time: Study
  • This has been true for code you pull from posts on stackoverflow since forever. There are some good ideas, but they a. Aren't exactly what you are trying to solve and b. Some of the ideas are incomplete or just bad and it is up to you to sort the wheat from the chaff.

  • Google scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search
  • Some of the recently reported ones have been traced back to Reddit shitposts. The hard thing they have to deal with is that the more authoritative you wrote your reddit comments, shitpost or not, the more upvotes you would get (at least that's what I felt was happening to my writing over time as I used reddit). That dynamic would mean reddit is full of people who sound very very confident in the joke position they post about (and it then is compounded by the many upvotes)

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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