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I struggle with depression and alexithymia. How do I write with emotion?
  • I deal with the same thing. I had written for several small publications, and one way I overcame my disconnect from emotion was just by stream of conscious describe things. The way I'm subconsciously describing it tends to reveal my feelings for it. Directly, i really feel nothing for it but under the layers I do have a sense of emotion for it.

  • [Forever-free Friday] The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
  • Been playing for a while already. Daggerfall is a favorite of mine. The devs are making a new game called Wayward Realms. It looks like Daggerfall with modern graphics. Down the the weirdness of the layout for the world, with random crypts and graveyards miles from anything at all.

  • Linux users with uncommon or unusual setups: tell us about it
  • Gentoo gaming and music production rig working through mostly tty with dwm as a graphical display. I typically stay on tty until I want to play a game, use modern web, or record a song. Otherwise tty with Links browser.

  • What recent video game do you have buyer remorse for?
  • It's a cool concept, but just seems short of what I expected. Seems the majority of good stuff is much much further down the line in it. I'd say Deep Rock is better option for this kind of game. Doing missions and fighting hoards of bugs.

  • New laptop time. Thinkpad recommendations?
  • I use a t480 for my carry laptop with Gentoo. It's been solid. Replaced both batteries pretty easily, replaced thermal paste, and it's good to go again. I paid about 160 got it. I had a t460 as well, but gave that to my gf. Either of those were good and not too expensive for a semi modern computer for general usage.

  • YSK: Indeed and other job sites are saturated with scams
  • What's the best place to look for jobs these days? Going on indeed floods me with endless "insurance sales" positions. I tried Dice, but almost every job is wildly out of range for experience to pay. I've devolved down to scrolling over an area on google maps and clicking businesses to check their websites.

  • What are you reading right now?
  • Even though it's a stereotype, Catcher was my favorite book throughout school. From abouy 6th grade I read it every year until I graduated high school. I wrote many essays around it for my English classes.

  • What are you reading right now?
  • I recently finished The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus. I'm going back and forth between Meditations by Aurelius or Kraftwerk: Future Music from Germany by Schütte. I tend to take my time with books so I want to make it count. Meditations is shorter and been on my list for a while, but I've been on a serious thing for Kraftwerk lately.

  • PSA: Anyone can tell if you are using WhatsApp on your computer
  • Well, I knew my brother was getting a new phone soon anyways so getting notified his device changed wasn't a surprise. Otherwise, getting notified hia device changed without that knowledge may have triggered me to contact him elsewhere to ask if he did. Signal is mostly going to be conversations between close/trusted individuals. It doesn't tell you what they changed to, the message basically tells you that if this person didn't legitimately change devices then it might be a bad actor.

  • Are you excited for the S24 announcement?
  • I looked at my requirements of being stable and secure, and calyx seemed to have the most focus on that plus having a good outward image. Graphene's main dev has had a troubled past with criticism.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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