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Recommend me a mini PC for a Proxmox homelab
  • Yeah, this is my recommendation. I have a cluster of 6 little Lenovo Thinkcenters of varying ages. Some of them have been about the price of an rPi too.

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    What's happening?
  • Very glad to hear you guys have a plan to keep the instance going. Good luck with it :)

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  • My zombie brain is my pair programmer. This happens to me so frequently that it no longer surprises me and I now chill and let my sub conscious work it out.

  • So I got a warning that nginx proxy manager hadn't been renewing my certificates for a while tonight.
  • I had an issue like this, I actually shelled into the docker container and found that the process to upgrade was running but had stalled. So I killed it and then made a new request and it worked.

  • Whats your preferred codec?
  • fileflows

    Ahh.. This looks like the sort of work flow I've been looking for, thanks for letting me know about it :)

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  • Oh man, I totally forgot about Trillian. The days where everything was heading towards XMPP then it all exploded away from it again.

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  • For us Gen-X'ers it was the age old, "I don't use MSN chat, I use ICQ, someone else uses Yahoo chat." Pidgin helped in those days.

  • The Spotify Car Thing cost $100, but I can't use it anymore.
  • I found my first gen iPod last week, the gen 1 with the spinning wheel and firewire maxed at 5 gig.

  • tangram- this app actually changed my entire workflow
  • I loved using Tangram but there was an update months ago that changed how the tab column on the left hand side worked. It started taking up a quarter of the view, which wasn't great. So I stopped using it.

    I discovered Ferdium recently and am happy with that.

  • Magic Earth: Privacy friendly maps with turn-by-turn navigation, OpenStreetMap, Crowd-Sourced Traffic, 3D maps, Satellite maps, Offline maps and Transit.
  • Also, the export favourites function is pretty useless. It exports a sqlite db but there's no visible way to import this into another copy of Magic Earth.

  • Magic Earth: Privacy friendly maps with turn-by-turn navigation, OpenStreetMap, Crowd-Sourced Traffic, 3D maps, Satellite maps, Offline maps and Transit.
  • I replaced my Garmin sat nav with an old android phone using Magic Earth and it's great for the most part. However, even after updating the maps last week, on our recent holiday around Scotland it wanted to send us up through a 'new' housing estate to get to the other side. Unfortunately, the main road was now closed off and then it was trying to get me to drive through someones living room to get back to the main road. The map kind of showed new housing estate roads but not to the scale of this development.

  • Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x08 "Under the Cloak of War"
  • I think it even used the same 60's style sound effect when it worked too.

  • What can the 'average Joe' start hosting, that will change their life?
  • Damn, I had no idea. I've been emailing stuff to myself and having it check my email to handle uploads from my phone. Cheers :D

  • Warp throughout the years
  • I've always loved the warp effect in TMP and it bugged me when they moved away from such a glorious effect. However in episode 1 of series 2 of SNW when the Enterprise is facing the viewer and warps... I must admit I re-watched that a bunch of times with a smile. It felt good, and I liked the way the Klingon ship appeared, that reminded me of the way things appear in Star Wars.

  • teclo teclo
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