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CT begins exploring ranked-choice voting merits, logistics
  • What's better than any voting system is average people getting involved in their local political communities, but that's hard and requires effort and might expose you to people who disagree with you so the internet doesn't like that.

  • Red Crescent Refutes State Department, Says Israel Never Reached Out About Hind Rajab’s Death
  • I don't want anyone to die.

    I also want Hamas to be held accountable.

    I also - now, try to follow along here - don't personally command the Israeli army.

    This might shock you but I'm not pointing at things telling them where to shoot or bomb.

    This is going to also be a pretty big shock to you, but, bear with me.

    If Hamas surrenders right now then this conflict ends.

    If Hamas didn't attack on 10/7 then this conflict wouldn't be ongoing.

    Once this conflict is over there will be millions of Palestinians living in and around the region.

    Oh also one other thing - you're fine with mass murder and carnage, as long as it's against Israelis. That's what you're saying when you don't say Hamas should surrender.

  • My Health Insurance Company Is Trying To Kill Me
  • Before switching providers I had similar experiences, to the point where I'd start every call with "Please transfer me to a manager. You can help me by transferring me to a manager. No I need to be transferred to a manager. You're not a manager so you can't help me," and so on and it was the only way to get whoever answered the phone to give me straight answers on the first try.

  • me_irl teodor_from_achewood
    me irl
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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