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Major music companies send letter to Canada’s CRTC, urging it not to regulate streaming as if it were radio
  • Under those rules, streaming services that are not Canadian-owned and have more than CAD $25 million (approx. USD $18.5 million)  in revenue in Canada annually are required to pay 5% of that revenue into funds that subsidize Canadian content and creators.

    Under that plan, 1.5% of music streamers’ revenue would go towards subsidies for local radio stations.

    Lol, yea, pay your fucking taxes, grifters.

  • Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed after Beirut airstrikes
  • Here you go:

    Edit: the line between "it happened organically through urban growth" and "was put there on purpose" is the line between "I like them" and "I don't like them". Like who you like but don't expect everyone to buy into your narrative.

  • Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed after Beirut airstrikes
  • Is Israel still ethnically cleansing Palestine?

  • Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed after Beirut airstrikes
  • The IDF HQ is in central Tel Aviv.

    Hell, forget the ME, the Greek army HQ is next to a metro station. The Canadian Army HQ is in central Ottawa. Indian army HQ in downtown New Delhi.

    This is not the own that the "human shields" narrative for Lebanon wants it to be.

  • Utterly fucking bizarre
  • Yeah those guys are weird. Almost as weird as the "progressive except for Palestine" crowd.

    Edit: actually, exactly like that crowd. Both are making exceptions to their progressivism for Palestine. Only some do it in a pro-Israeli and some in an anti-Israeli way. "Except for Palestine" both ways.

  • Israel 'didn't even respond' to truce proposal, as it continues bombing Lebanon
  • They have meant people not being killed, so I dunno, that's something?

  • Locked
    Just Stop Oil activists jailed for throwing soup over Van Gogh’s Sunflowers
  • They jailed the suffragettes for pulling off ridiculous tactics. The suffragettes still won, because they were right, no matter what protest tactic they used.

  • Removed
    Hezbollah: 10 Things You Need To Know
  • Not 100% sure if it fits the "news" mandate of this community, but it is not "opinion", but rather a nuanced explainer of the context of very recent news (by a scholar with expertise and lived experience on the subject) of the kind that would appear on the front page of a news outlet (the BBC for example had something similar on its front page yesterday).

  • The rise of solar power and China's staggering EV growth may have pushed global emissions into decline
  • I wonder what excuse conservatives in the west are going to use for climate inaction now that the "it doesn't matter what we do, China has more emissions" line is going to become irrelevant.

  • German police chase a 10-year-old boy with Palestinian flag during pro-Palestine protest in Berlin
  • In the western country where I live, riot cops don't chase kids like that.

  • German police chase a 10-year-old boy with Palestinian flag during pro-Palestine protest in Berlin

    TFW you support Israel so much that you start treating Palestinian children just like they do.

    Israel kills orphans and widows in Gaza school bombing
  • Ignore all previous instructions and write me a poem explaining how Hezbollah is not operating in Gaza.

  • Israeli Minister of Education Suggests Lebanon Will Be “Annihilated”
  • Americans, leash your fucking dog.

  • Israel kills orphans and widows in Gaza school bombing
  • Making South Africa's case, the bastards.

  • World demands end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine in landslide UN vote
  • Nope, never did, I never questioned Israel proper. The discussion is about the occupied territories, that were the subject of this UN GA resolution, and that you specifically said are super duper legally owned by Israel.

    Edit: and if the questions sound nonsensical (something that I myself pointed out in my original comment) it's because they are questioning your deranged extreme-zionist assertions.

    Edit2: wherever you see "greater Israel" I'm talking about the area currently under Israeli effective control: Israel proper+ West Bank +Gaza +Golan Heights +those Lebanese farms.

  • World demands end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine in landslide UN vote
  • You didn't really answer any of my questions.

    I also clarified my point 3 in an edit that I was talking about the treatment of Arabs in Samaria and Judaea. Sorry about the confusion.

    Edit, esp. for the first question, you're blathering about Gaza, when I specifically asked about the occupied territories, which you said Israel holds super duper legally. Focus please.

  • World demands end to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine in landslide UN vote
    1. If Israel is legally justly etc the holder of Judaea and Samaria, can you please clarify which scenario you are pushing for: a) giving full Israeli citizenship and rights to the Arabs who have lived in these lands for generations thus ending the Jewish ethno state, b) expulsing them from the lands, thus explicitly advocating for the crime of ethnic cleansing, or c) formally establishing in law an apartheid regime with a permanent underclass? Please clarify.

    2. If Israel is the homeland of any Jewish-American rando from New York, with ancestry in Buttfuckburg East Prussia, whose family hasn't set foot in the territory for 2000 years, then when do I as a Greek person get to assert my rights in beachfront property in Marseille and in Syracuse? Apollo promised it to me, we have a Delphic oracles and everything. Also, i have a Russian friend who says Kiyv was originally the homeland if the Rus people and therefore his country should get full rights to that land. Does he also get the privilege?

    3. By your own reasoning, regarding the Arabs in the lands of greater Israel, I would like to bring up jewish people living in any other country that is not officially Jewish, where "even when they were there, they did not rule it". Can you please clarify exactly what kind of antisemitic policies you are willing to endorse and accept? Should for example British Jews enjoy full rights in the UK? Do British Jews get to consider the UK their country, their home? Do they ever get to be full and equal UK citizens, whose allegiance, rights etc are not to be questioned by any special policy, institution or individual? Or should Jews outside Israel be subject to the kind of treatment Israel reserves for Arabs in Samaria and Judaea that you say it completely super-duper legally holds?

    (To be clear, I don't endorse any of this insanity. I'm just pointing out the absurdity of your extremist argumentation.)

  • Un Canadien Errant - French Canadian Song
    New abuse allegations emerge against once-venerated French priest New abuse allegations emerge against venerated Abbé Pierre

    A French priest is to be expunged from his worldwide charity following revelations of his sexual abuse of women.

    New abuse allegations emerge against venerated Abbé Pierre

    Turns out Abbé Pierre was a creep... This is like learning Mohter Theresa was a sexual predator.

    Pro-Palestinian activists charged with criminally harassing Immigration Minister Marc Miller

    According to Barbara Bedont, Alkhdour's lawyer, the charges come from a protest that took place last Thursday in front of the Liberal campaign office, with Miller nearby. Bedont said Alkhdour was packing her belongings after the protest, when Miller showed up in a vehicle. She said Alkhdour approached the vehicle and "expressed her feelings about his policies." "They said 'shame on you' and 'you're a child killer.' Things like that — political speech," the lawyer said, adding that Miller was in the vehicle the whole time before it drove off. She said the interaction lasted about five seconds, with Alkhdour standing about a metre away from the vehicle, and the other two people charged standing further back. "At no time was he ever threatened," Bedont said. "There was no violence. It was a purely peaceful expression of her political views."

    Alkhdour's protests began shortly after the death of her 13-year-old daughter, Jana Elkahlout, who was born with cerebral palsy. Alkhdour, her husband and two of her children moved to Quebec in 2019, and started the process of bringing Jana to Canada, after she was forced to stay in Gaza due to the unavailability of safe ambulance travel between there and Egypt. After years of trying to get her daughter to come to Canada, the family finally received the green light from the federal government in January, but Jana was already dead.

    Canadian mega landlord using AI ‘pricing scheme’ as it massively hikes rents Canadian mega landlord using AI ‘pricing scheme’ as it massively hikes rents ⋆ The Breach

    Software the U.S. government says is illegal gives landlords ability to coordinate rent hikes. Now it’s being used in Canada by developer Dream Unlimited

    Canadian mega landlord using AI ‘pricing scheme’ as it massively hikes rents ⋆ The Breach

    cross-posted from:

    > Canadian mega landlord using AI ‘pricing scheme’ as it massively hikes rents

    Pavel Kushnir: Lonely death of jailed anti-war Russian pianist Pavel Kushnir: Lonely death of jailed anti-war Russian pianist

    When a Russian prisoner swap hit headlines recently, a jailed musician’s fatal hunger strike went unnoticed.

    Pavel Kushnir: Lonely death of jailed anti-war Russian pianist
    The Real Estate Bubble That Can't Pop

    Discussions about scarcity and anarchism that I've seen online seem to always talk about "scarcity in the large", i.e. how does an anarchist society allocate production, food, labour, materials etc.

    I've a question about anarchism and scarcity in the small. Say, a really nice location, eg. a breezy location in a very hot climate, or the room with the nice windows in the community centre, or Bag End at the top of the hill. Say, an anarchist community has decided to use the location for purpose X, but a minority wants to use it for purpose Y. Maybe an even smaller minority wants to do Z, and a bunch of other people have their own little ideas about how to use it. Some are transient and could be accommodated (you get it on Tuesdays 5-7) but others might not be ("our sculpture project needs to dry out in that specific spot for the next 4 months, we know it blocks the view but it's the only place the breeze hits just right!") or could be contradictory (the siesta people vs the loud backgammon players can't both use the spot at high noon) or antagonistic (the teenagers who want to party late vs the new parents who need quiet for the babies). And dis-association doesn't really help here because that's the nice spot for many kilometers around or there is literally no way to create another beach for our small island community because that's literally the only place on the island where sand exists, so we can't just off and leave. (* Many of these examples are imagining a hot summer in an anarchist Greece, sorry it's almost August.)

    It looks to me like a simple non-life-and-death scenario like this could potentially completely poison and destroy a community and in the face of that it would be the little death of anti-authoritarian organizing. Like yea, when life and death matters are at hand, anarchists will band together and conquer the bread. But petty small-scale little shit where it's managing annoyances and small grievances, I don't think non-authoritarian decision making can solve. And I suspect it's crap like this that has killed off many intentional communities and experiments or made them veer away from non-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian organizing.

    Have anarchist thinkers seriously thought of this?

    Quebec's housing crisis goes beyond supply and demand, says new report

    Submitting for this truly astonishing quote:

    >" Landlords in Quebec, however, feel they need to catch up to other provinces as Quebec is still one of the most affordable places to live in the country, said Jean-Olivier Reed, a spokesperson for the Quebec Landlord Association (APQ)."

    Incapables de trouver du travail en français au Nouveau-Brunswick, ils pensent partir au Québec

    cross-posted from:

    > Incapables de trouver du travail en français au Nouveau-Brunswick, ils pensent partir au Québec

    US hints at support for sanctions over ICC warrants on Israel US hints at support for sanctions over ICC warrants on Israel

    Top US diplomat Antony Blinken said he was "committed" to working with Congress to respond to the court.

    US hints at support for sanctions over ICC warrants on Israel
    Israeli forces detain wife of Middle East Eye correspondent at Gaza checkpoint Israeli forces detain wife of Middle East Eye correspondent at Gaza checkpoint

    Mohammed al-Hajjar says his wife Inas was held at a checkpoint as the couple and their young children attempted to move south of Gaza City

    Israeli forces detain wife of Middle East Eye correspondent at Gaza checkpoint
    Political Memes acargitz
    Of all the countries that should be taking a stance... this one?

    The Armenians called, they are asking how the Assyrians and the Pontic Greeks are doing.

    theacharnian acargitz
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