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DnB Community Update #6 or 7, can't remember
  • Ah nice, these didn't exist when I did my initial search for a place to post which is why I landed where I did. I am just apprehensive to carry on posting and trying to build something where there is no one actively controlling it which is why I thought Id jump onto this post and see what you had to say.

    The realdubstep community you mentioned is definitely where what I have been posting would fit in best but if you aren't able to contact the owners of that either then there is no point in jumping ship.

    I considered making a community on my home instance (fmhy) i just don't want there to be a million different communities that could confuse lemmy noobs when it is already a fairly niche subject in the grand scheme of things.

    I remember reading about the possibilty of the instance owner being able to transfer ownership of a community, is that true? Could we get the dubstep communities on lemmy world under some active control?

  • DnB Community Update #6 or 7, can't remember
  • Hey man, been lurking since you pretty much started posting, just dont have much to post myself.

    I have however been posting over in - pretty much every single day just trying to build content as that is more my area.

    I dont know who created it or who mods it but it is the only dubstep community i have found so far. Im trying to post content based on the proper "real" dubstep sound and not the robots fighting brostep sound. I dunno if you wanted to create a community on lemmy world instead I would be happy to move my posting over to there just to have some cohesion of instance where all these bass music based communities live but i would be happy to do so.

    Either way keep up the good work over here and I'll keep posting regardless xD

  • Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Egoless - Empire of Dirt
    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Biome - The Tiger
    Soggfy filename help / tips needed

    Hi all,

    Was wondering if there are any users of Soggfy on here that has experience with how their file naming works more intricatly and could give me some tips.

    With the default settings I used to test that it was functioning correctly it created a folder with the artist name and then placed the ripped files within that folder, however the default wasn't quite what I wanted in terms of information and order of that information.

    It has the operators you can use to get different information but ever since I changed it up I have had to fight it to get the output I wanted. Looking at the default in the podcasts section it looked like I could use / to break up the information but using this kept getting me errors in the ripping process. Using a hyphon between the artist and album name seemed to work and output correctly however putting one between the track name and artist caused an error.

    I have managed to find a setup that just about gives me what I wanted even though it isn't exactly as I would I like it will suffice however ever since the first test run I did it no longer creates a folder for that artist and just slaps them all in the same folder.

    Does anyone with more experience of this have any tips for getting more control over the output files? How do I make it create folders again?

    I can work with what I have and it is fine but it just adds a layer of organisation post rip that I obviously dont need to do.

    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Taiko - Wasp Jail
    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Nahlith - D-BLK010 (forthcoming)
    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Regents, Strategy & Cartridge - Greengate Adhesive
    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Sepia - Voodoo
    "Oh sh*t a flat" kit, do you have one? Here is mine
  • I guess so, whilst it can be annoying in the moment for the most part I am happy to walk home and take that risk.

    That one pinch flat I mentioned was during an acid trip and turned what would have been a slightly better than average 60km road ride into a 3 plus hour trek through some beautiful countryside with a great hour long chat with my mum on the phone. I still fondly remember that day and needless to say I wouldn't have had such a great day if I'd had a repair kit on me.

    However everyone will have different experiences with punctures xD

  • Dubstep theskyisfalling
    ONHELL - Sun Ra
    What are some good games with a creepy/eerie atmosphere but not outright horror?
  • Doki doki literature club.

    I couldn't see it recommended anywhere which surprises me considering the hype around it when it first came out. This is the only game I have ever played that gave me a genuine feeling of unease throughout. Pretty sure it is free on steam too.

  • Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Teffa - No Need

    Just released on Infernal Sounds

    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Drone - Evil Sky

    Tasty 120 from Drone

    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Cartridge - Outlook 2023 mix series Cartridge - Outlook Origins 2023 Mix Series

    A stalwart of the Manchester bass scene, Cartridge heads up with an hour of heavy-hitting 140. Taking a deep and dark approach - this mix showcases the best of new-school dubstep. We can’t wait to hos

    Cartridge - Outlook Origins 2023 Mix Series
    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Spectre - Elements EP (forthcoming FOTO sounds) Spectre - Elements EP - FOTO018 Showreel

    Showreel for the 'Elements EP' by Spectre - from NZ currently residing in London, this producer is up to stuff. After hearing a few blocks of music we can confirm he’s one to watch. Fortunately we’ve

    Spectre - Elements EP - FOTO018 Showreel
    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    ØZ - Water Lily
    "Oh sh*t a flat" kit, do you have one? Here is mine
  • I've seen one of them once in my city, so I think it was more of a one off ran by an LBS, so I definitely think that is a perk of where ever you are located.

    Armourer tyres more than do the job for me and I am already carrying my lunch and clothes and other shit in my backpack, I don't need innertubes and tools adding to that weight :D

  • Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Distance - Night Vision
    "Oh sh*t a flat" kit, do you have one? Here is mine
  • Tyres definitely make a lot of difference in my experience. Changing out the cheap schwalbe for a specialised crossroads that is armoured made all the difference. I haven't had one puncture with that tyre, can't recommend an armoured tyre enough if you are using your bike all the time and want reliability!

  • Me whenever I need to go literally one city block away.
  • For shorter distances I will always choose to skate, it is much more convenient as I don't have to deal with locks and helmets and specialist shoes etc and isn't much slower unless there are significant uphills.

    Good bit of cross training too pushing a skateboard instead of pedalling xD

  • Removed
    "Oh sh*t a flat" kit, do you have one? Here is mine
  • I carry nothing, I have cycle commuted on this bike 4 - 5 days a week for the last 7 years or more as well as doing rides for myself. When i first got the bike I had a couple of flats on the rear, I changed the tyre and since then I've had 1 flat in around 6 and a half years so I just don't see the point.

    The flat I did have was a pinch in the front from a huge pothole I didn't see on a route I didn't know so it was what I would consider exceptional circumstances too.

    How often do you actually use that stuff?

  • Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Inyoka - Program (Boneless remix)
    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Objekt - Tinderbox
    Where can I find audio books?
  • I have found most of the things I want through a combination of piratebay and 1337x for torrents, soulseek, librevox for old stuff and a library app. I have then mirrored what I have got via torrents up on to soulseek.

    I have recently been using the scribd free trial so might be worth checking there, they do a 30 day free trial then when you go to cancel the sub they will offer an additional 30 days free too.

  • Dubstep theskyisfalling
    ぜお - Twitch Mix 24/06 (Shameless self promotion) Twitch Mix 24/06

    01 - Argo - Vital Needs 02 - Nova & Taiko - Pips 03 - Cartridge - Take a Seat 04 - Cartridge - Upheaval 05 - Nova & Taiko - Ocean Echo 06 - Ebb - 5 Skin 07 - Substrada - Stonk Face 08 - Argo - Vital

    Twitch Mix 24/06

    Some shameless self promotion, a mix I streamed on twitch a couple of weeks ago :D

    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Cimm - Conman
    Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Yoofee - Wings
    Soulseek With No Port Access to Forwarding?
  • I ran into issues with sometimes not being able to view some other users files when I requested a list of what they were sharing, but I don't really know the ins and outs of how it all works, I just know that plenty of people downloaded a lot of stuff from me so it must have been working for some people :)

  • Dubstep theskyisfalling
    Distinct Motive - Blueberry Blueberry

    Distinct Motive · Song · 2023

    Soulseek With No Port Access to Forwarding?
  • I have been using soulseek for the last 6 months without port forwarding and plenty of people have downloaded a lot of stuff from me, however I have just switched to airvpn as well and can confirm now have port forwarding so Im hoping more people can access my files!

  • To anyone who thinks music piracy is dead
  • I absolutely do where I can but when a lot of stuff gets released within the scene I am into on a dead inferior format (vinyl) exclusively then I am absolutely going to pirate that shit if I can.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 32
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